why we may have to kiss the Pyramids goodbye
If I've got the teams wrong please correct me but:
Glory of War -- China (militaristic, industrious)
... starts with Warrior Code and Masonry
Gathering Storm -- Egypt (religious, industrious)
... starts with Ceremonial Burial and Masonry
Legoland -- Carthage (commercial, industrious)
... starts with Alphabet and Masonry
Lux Invicta -- Ottomans (scientific, industrious)
... starts with Bronze Working and Masonry
Vox Controli -- Persia (scientific, industrious)
... starts with Bronze Working and Masonry
Neu Demogyptica -- Arabs (religious, expansionistic)
... starts with Pottery and Ceremonial Burial
Roleplay Team -- Spain (religious, commercial)
... starts with Alphabet and Ceremonial Burial
there is a similiarity among the other teams which we lack, but I'm not gonna tell y'all what it is
Interestingly, the only other team with Alphabet are our "good friends" Legoland. We may be able to dissuade them from trading it if we though it was in the best interest of our two nations to slow other teams along those lines.
Note: almost every team but ours is industrious and will get the faster worker rates we don't. We may need to expend some of our commercial "might" to finance a few more workers early on to make up for this.
If I've got the teams wrong please correct me but:
Glory of War -- China (militaristic, industrious)
... starts with Warrior Code and Masonry
Gathering Storm -- Egypt (religious, industrious)
... starts with Ceremonial Burial and Masonry
Legoland -- Carthage (commercial, industrious)
... starts with Alphabet and Masonry
Lux Invicta -- Ottomans (scientific, industrious)
... starts with Bronze Working and Masonry
Vox Controli -- Persia (scientific, industrious)
... starts with Bronze Working and Masonry
Neu Demogyptica -- Arabs (religious, expansionistic)
... starts with Pottery and Ceremonial Burial
Roleplay Team -- Spain (religious, commercial)
... starts with Alphabet and Ceremonial Burial
there is a similiarity among the other teams which we lack, but I'm not gonna tell y'all what it is

Interestingly, the only other team with Alphabet are our "good friends" Legoland. We may be able to dissuade them from trading it if we though it was in the best interest of our two nations to slow other teams along those lines.
Note: almost every team but ours is industrious and will get the faster worker rates we don't. We may need to expend some of our commercial "might" to finance a few more workers early on to make up for this.