My father has finally passed, and I have lived out a long and joyous life by his side. Let us all remember the passing of Togas the First. I have written many words about him in our Ceremonial Place. His body, once burned, will be kept here at Casa del Togas, and I, his first son, must also retire from public service.
My life is here in and amongst Madrid. However, for Spain to be successful, it must grow. We must become a nation of cities, not just one. The lands beyond us need to be explored and new places must be found for entirely new cities to occupy.
Therefore, I announce that the responsibility placed on me by my father will now be placed on another. My first and greatest son, Decedro Togas. He has trained with the warriors, walked the beached, climbed to the tallest hills and will soon take a small expedition with our chief architect to the highest peak of the Great Spanish Mountains to begin plans for a new city. A second Madrid. Somewhere beyond the hills in the rumored Valle de los Torros.
My son will soon assume full authority. For the next two months I will take him to meet all of you personally and allow him to confer with the wisest amongst us. He must speak with the Arnelos Family to see if he still wishes to have them as his Most Trusted Advisor. But he is a somewhat daring young man, with great spirit and courage. He may well choose an entirely new group of advisors.
[OOC] With the change in characters, I would like to ask all current advisors to PM me if you wish to retain your job, or seek a new one. Anything goes. If you want someone else's job, secretly let me know. We may have some interesting plots develop because of this.
--Enero Togas
My life is here in and amongst Madrid. However, for Spain to be successful, it must grow. We must become a nation of cities, not just one. The lands beyond us need to be explored and new places must be found for entirely new cities to occupy.
Therefore, I announce that the responsibility placed on me by my father will now be placed on another. My first and greatest son, Decedro Togas. He has trained with the warriors, walked the beached, climbed to the tallest hills and will soon take a small expedition with our chief architect to the highest peak of the Great Spanish Mountains to begin plans for a new city. A second Madrid. Somewhere beyond the hills in the rumored Valle de los Torros.
My son will soon assume full authority. For the next two months I will take him to meet all of you personally and allow him to confer with the wisest amongst us. He must speak with the Arnelos Family to see if he still wishes to have them as his Most Trusted Advisor. But he is a somewhat daring young man, with great spirit and courage. He may well choose an entirely new group of advisors.
[OOC] With the change in characters, I would like to ask all current advisors to PM me if you wish to retain your job, or seek a new one. Anything goes. If you want someone else's job, secretly let me know. We may have some interesting plots develop because of this.

--Enero Togas