I believe we should look to building cities on hills early on.
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Originally posted by pikesfan
The only problem is that hills are not conducive to making and feeding Spanish children. [RL] I’ve seen this in my little valley in Los Piraneos [/RL]
I would not suggest we settle in a location with all mountains or all hills but a stray hill in a river and grassland area would be beneficial."The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country." -- Abraham Lincoln
"Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever, in flesh and blood, walked upon this earth." -- Albert Einstein, in regards to Mohandis Gandhi
As ruby_maser points out, building a city on a hill tile has the same food and resources as if you build it on a grassland or plains tile (or even a desert or tundra tile).
The problem isn't that you have less food, it's that you deny yourself the full PRODUCTIVE CAPACITY of the hills tile! You get only 1 shield rather than the 2-4 you'd get if you later improved the tile. That lost production may be more valuable than the lost food.
That said, the defensive bonus for building on hill tiles is quite impressive and should not be underestimated.Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game
Originally posted by Arnelos
The problem isn't that you have less food, it's that you deny yourself the full PRODUCTIVE CAPACITY of the hills tile! You get only 1 shield rather than the 2-4 you'd get if you later improved the tile.
But, barring it being the only hill in the city's radius, this is more of a middle to late game issue. So, from the looks of things right now, we've got about six or eight years to consider how to get those 2-3 shields back"The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country." -- Abraham Lincoln
"Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever, in flesh and blood, walked upon this earth." -- Albert Einstein, in regards to Mohandis Gandhi
Originally posted by GodKing
Ok. I have seen this before. What is Togas famious for in the cd3g? All those tech trades that kept us in the game.
Arnelos & adamada.... helped togas.
jdjdjd, radical, judicial member, generally opposed to war.
thud, dia prez who is now running for SMC
me, gk, the CP for two terms, the guy who shoved provinces down the demo games throat, the guy who first said "persia declaired war on us... cool, they don't have iron yet, lets take them out, and grab the pyramids while we are at it"....
We are all known for being kinda sneaky if ya know what I mean. (sorry for leaving several people out, just felt there were enough examples...) I have looked in and seen references to how to deal with us.... they expect us to be sneaky. If we are to go this route, we must do so in totally new ways....
be honest to a couple of teams. Builders sound OK. But what about the war mongers. As long as they realize they stand no chance against us, and as long as they are dependant on us for something, even if that is just to watch their back....
Trips team probably will not start any trouble until they get their UU. Until then, how can we use that, and at the same time make is so we are not their target. Remember, they are watching us and expecting us to stab them in the back...
Look. What I am proposing is for us to do some radical things. Build 20 warriors, upgrade them ASAP, and then march on someone. Or even an archer rush may be appropriate. They will not be expecting that from us.
We must be radical and unpredictable. That is to our benifit. Humans determin when to make war and when to make peace. We can prune off 1-3 cities, then ask for peace without having to wait the 6 turns. We know the viewing radii of units and cities. we can march out of sight through another civs territory and attack from the rear. Or pirate ships carry no insignia... if we have lots of water, who would suspect us of destroying so much...
Just a couple of thoughts here at 11:45 pm when I have to go to work at 5am.....
E_TCome and see me at WePlayCiv
Worship the Comic here!
Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game
A hilly terrain is indeed very good for building cities.
When there are many hills, this one-tile production loss
does not matter much as the others will improve.
Defensively, it's a valuable area (esp. with roads)
When it comes to attacking another's city on hilly terrain.
Please keep in mind that they can utilize the road/railroad system,
while we can only move half-speed. A sudden strike seems to be impossible early on.
So heavy defensive forces forming a frontline(or surrounding),
works better than low-defense "fast-attackers" when attacking in such an area. Just use them as a support unit here.
The "city-sackers" will have to move in from behind the frontline and take the city when possiblell. Flanking works bad since fast speed cannot be utilized.My words are backed with hard coconuts.
Originally posted by Togas
Keep us informed about if they make any other offers to you. My first inclination was to ask you to serve as a spy for us, but then my conscious flared up and whacked me on the head and made me think otherwise.
For example the GS has chosen Egypt as their first pick civ and apparently Iroquois are next if they lose that choice to someone else (there is another team starting that sounds like they might choose Egypt).
I think I have my role - international spy extraordinaire.
As I said to Plague, this is too obvious - on top of the fact that I think it somewhat violates the "fun" and "honor code" spirit of the internal 'poly demogame. We should avoid using spies and certainly crucify any team that does use them.
Just my opinion, though...Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game
Hi, I somewhat agree with Arnelos here.
Why does Trip think mrwhereitsat is on his team?
Is Trip just being stupid or is he up to no good?
Well, I certainly do not want to spy on other teams.
It's more fun giving them the wrong ideas,
and finally exploiting what they might leak.
Oh, planting rumors and putting them up against eachother
would be a bad thing to do, but if it's not too obvious... (???)
My words are backed with hard coconuts.
About concealing or bordering our troops:
I think we should conceal them only if we are pretty sure that we outnumber our neighbours, so that we can be declared war upon, instead of declaring. In such a case, we would have the surprise element, as we might induce our oponent to think that if we don´t border ´em, we don´t have ´em.
But , if we are weak on millitary, it might be good to border troops, and even maybe make some sporadic attacks against AI, so that they think ´´Hmmm, if they are attacking and putting troops on their borders, they probably have a strong military.
And once again I say that the only group that might have the slightest vlue on what we are doing,(and even thus only before going to the battlefield at their side) would be the LEgoland builders. Also, I agree with what someone back there said (Ninot, I think) in that we need to have mobility in both means of roads and fast units , and watch towers.Señor Nuclearis Winterius the III,
Diplomat with the Voxians, and also
Señor Pablo Winterius, missionary Bishop and Archbishop of the Roleplay team
That mobility aspect depends upon wheter we
are going through rough terrain to meet our foe,
or if we are going to stay defensive using our own infrastructure.
On the defense, fast units are essential to the counterattacks.
In a plain area outside borders, the fast units will come in handy if they are defended well.
In rough terrain we need a large formation of high defense value, with good attack values to strike with...
The point on e.g. a hilly region is not assaulting, but occupying terrain to gather reinforcements and "city-sackers".My words are backed with hard coconuts.
Originally posted by ThePlagueRat
Why does Trip think mrwhereitsat is on his team?
Is Trip just being stupid or is he up to no good?
He has an absent-mindedness to him. If someone doesnt tell him straight out, he wont get it. He is also VERY sure of himself, when it isnt easy to prove him wrong. Of course, this could serve as his downfall.
As for the border troops, i still stand by my previous argument. Hide them in almost ALL cases.Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.
I agree with Ninot and Arnelos where the Celts are concerned, but...we must not build on hills. If we build our cities on hills, we'll be in the Ancient Age when everyone's in the Industrial Age, and the Middle Age when everyone else is in the Modern Age. Building on hills is folly!Empire growing,
Pleasures flowing,
Fortune smiles and so should you.
Congrats to History Guy
I think that someone brought up the Maginot Line discussion somewhere else (maybe on another forum ) but while it has a trickle of relavence here I'll bring it up.
In this game, the Maginot Line(forts stockpiled with defensive on all borders) will be much more useful than in a regular SP game. This is because with Apolyton's best vs. Apolyton's best, the borders won't change that much, so the Maginot Line wouldn't quickly become outdated as the border leaps beyond it.
You might ask: "Won't the others just go around?" Easy answer: Unlike France, line our entire border with forts, and mega-defenders stacked on them. Entire border is meant with all civs, even if they are peaceful to us, even Legoland. (How we'll let them know that we are not planning to annihlate them or we don't trust them would be difficult. Maybe we could skip Line-ing any Legoland border with a no-RoP-with-[teamname] deal. Oh, what human diplo allows that the AI could never imagine...
If we Road/Irrigate/Mine/Everything our entire territory (or most of it,) instead of disbanding those workers we can get them to work building forts. Especially possible after RRs are done.meet the new boss, same as the old boss