I suggest that, before starting discussion on strategy, everybody reads the two following threads :
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So, which thread should we be taking more into account?
personally, I dont think the first thread applies very well. It talks about crippleing AI's, not Humans. Civs like Glory of War, Trip's side, and probably NYE's side will all be ready for early rushes. The builders will also probably have propper defenses.
I think we must first look at our starting position and surroundings. After that, we may devise something devious. But i highly doubt an archer rush will work as well as it served us in the C3DGResident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.
Remember, we can make peace and war much easier with the other human civs than with the AI's........If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit: http://www.weplayciv.com/forums/forum.php
i doubt making war is easier with humans.
humans are more likely to put up an intelligent fight... or to prepare for one.
I think another mindset is neccesary, than to build X archers and spearmen... stack, and attack.Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.
I mentionned Sir Ralph thread because he will be playing against us. We have seen in the demo game how effective was the archer rush. We cannot refuse to contemplate, unless we find ourselves completely isolated, that his team will adopt a strategy including a rush. Wether this rush is directed against an AI or a human (even against us), it opens immense risks ans opportunities we must think about.Statistical anomaly.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
i think the key to defeating the archer rush is not letting it reach our cities
we must harras it, kill off whatever defenses it has, and take a bite out of the archers.Last edited by DAVOUT; November 13, 2002, 13:36.Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.
Originally posted by GodKing
Remember, we can make peace and war much easier with the other human civs than with the AI's........Statistical anomaly.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
We should, therefore, collect the wisdom of the tribe and begin to consider how to approach both our human and AI opponents. A few thoughts come to mind.
First, I am still exploring the new AI and new units of PTW. Things have changed somewhat as my old tactics do not fare as well in PTW as they did in CivIII. The AI gets out of REX mode sooner and mixes up expansion with combat units so that you need a larger force than usual in early warfare.
Second, the AI seems to mass units better in PTW. I've watched them mass for 4-5 turns outside my border, THEN come marching in for an attack. Luckily, this new tactic gives one time to do the same to respond. A human opponent will be smart enough to mass outside of your field of vision ... which might make building outposts very important.
Third, my friend the Conquistidor, while being a crappy combat unit, can beat on Midevil Infantry and get us a GA at the right time. He and his dog wandered effortlessly into Zulu territory and cut off two of their luxuries and pillaged their only saltpeter, whittling down their tech advantage and crushing their spirits so that my outdated knight armies had a chance of success. Conquisador can also retreat from battle, then next turn move SIX SPACES away to hide and heal and pillage again.
Unfortunately, Conquistador costs the same as knights and is less effective in battle.
--TogasGreatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET."
Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.
IMHO is a bit too soon to effectively decide which strategy to follow. I believe we can figure it better once we know our starting point and neighbours. If they want to go to war then we will have no choice. If we are relatively isolated we can delay building our army a bit, but not too long!"Never trust a man who puts your profit before his own profit." - Grand Nagus Zek, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, episode 11
"A communist is someone who has read Marx and Lenin. An anticommunist is someone who has understood Marx and Lenin." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
Originally posted by oliverfa
IMHO is a bit too soon to effectively decide which strategy to follow. I believe we can figure it better once we know our starting point and neighbours. If they want to go to war then we will have no choice. If we are relatively isolated we can delay building our army a bit, but not too long!Civ3 PtW Democracy Game info: (links work only for Roleplay-team members)
Floris Petro Rulio Olstorne, member of the Roleplay-team, Owner of the tavern Iberian Delight, Pro 1 Activist {Click here}.
Originally posted by oliverfa
If we are relatively isolated we can delay building our army a bit, but not too long!"The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country." -- Abraham Lincoln
"Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever, in flesh and blood, walked upon this earth." -- Albert Einstein, in regards to Mohandis Gandhi
Originally posted by ruby_maser
the only group I am hoping for relative isolation from is the Glory of War. Depending on the difficulty, we may have our work cut out for us with the AI and will need the support of other human civs.
Almost impossible to support a human civ which has not been vassalized first.Statistical anomaly.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Originally posted by ruby_maser
the only group I am hoping for relative isolation from is the Glory of War. Depending on the difficulty, we may have our work cut out for us with the AI and will need the support of other human civs.Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.
Just a thought, perhaps we should be thinking this way, let us go on an ealry offensive and strike a blow that others would not expect from us....
I mean look who's on our team:
Ninot - vocally opposed to war in other game
GK - always talked builder as CP
Arnelos & Thud - DIA leadrship and builders
DAVOUT - talks like a builder
me - a know radical and also DIA member
while others have been less pronounced in their style i.e., warmonger v builder, such as adaMada, Togas, astrologix, GenTac , etc, generally a warmonger is very vocally a warmonger, such as Sir Ralph & Trip.
Just a thought, and from us it would be unexpected. So I say builder offensive units ASAP, and spend less on temples and such until later on.
Of course we should look at our position when the game starts, but if its a human civ nearby (other than the Builders), I say think first strike. Of course they'll be pissed at us and want revenge, but at least we get the first punch inNote: the Law Offices of jdjdjd are temporarily closed.
"Next time I say something like 'lets go to Bolivia', lets go to Bolivia"
Originally posted by Ninot
I agree. The whole thing is that the stack of archers is conceived to assault our cities before we have build enough units AND roads. And if we anticipate in building enough units, that will slow our expansion if we go to far in this direction. The question is : what kind of forces are we supposed to build in addition to those we would have normally build without the threat of a rush by a human opponent.
You use the industrious worker(s) to build roads between cities and make sure to have a mobile stack of Numidian Mercs to send to the hotspot where an archer stack is going to attack...
Archer stack -vs- Numidian Merc stack fortified in town = We WinLong-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game