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  • #16
    HOUSE OF THRUMBLE - A Family's History Through Time

    Lord Gonsolo, of the House of Thrumble

    A minor lord with little personal ambition. His driving force is to assist and support his superiors and peers for the nations benefit.
    UPDATE: Currently over 2000 years old, he has grown senile and paranoid

    Colathan, Leader of the House Thrumble

    Juggles the concerns of the family, the politcal blunders of his senile father, and encourages the fulfillment of what he views as Spain's manifest destiny: the complete conquest and settlement of this glorious continent.

    Geaocles, son of Colathan, grandson of Gonsolo

    Philosopher and know it all - or at least thinks he does. A young man who revels in the pursuit and manipulation of facts, strategies, and logic.

    Considered to be completely useless by his father.

    Juan De Molay, son of Phillip De Molay - Brother in Law of Colathan

    A pious and serious minded young patriot who holds the empire and its culture as infallible.
    Last edited by Thrumble; April 10, 2003, 02:53.


    • #17
      Nuclearis Winterius the I

      Señor Nuclearis Winterius is 40 years old, so he is very old now.
      Recently passed El Vino and the vice-Leadership of El Squid to his third son, Nuclearis Winterius the II. Had 3 sons, Polaris Winterius, the elder and most warlike, Henrique Winterius (recently deceased) , and the already metioned Nuclearis Winterius the II.Polaris is 23,Henrique was 19 and Nuclearis the II is 17.
      Nuclearis has taken the diplomatic responsibilities of his father also.
      Last edited by Nuclear Winter; December 8, 2002, 13:18.
      Señor Nuclearis Winterius the III,
      Diplomat with the Voxians, and also
      Señor Pablo Winterius, missionary Bishop and Archbishop of the Roleplay team


      • #18
        My name is Ronní. I come from a little valley in Los Piraneos very near the Andorran border. In fact, we don’t know quite where the Andorran border is, so I might even be from Andorra. Maybe we’ll know once map making is invented.

        My brother’s name is Ronní, too. Our parents were not very imaginative.

        Why I came to the Madrid clan:

        In my tribe in the mountains we use these animals called donkeys to ride on and carry our burdens. I think you call them burros in your dialect. I have a little song they sung in my village about a burro.

        I had a little grey donkey
        I fed it on nettles and grass
        One day my donkey went walking

        And now I can’t sit on my æss!

        Ahem. Anyway, I got tired of that song being sung about me all the time for losing my burro. These donkeys, they’re so temperamental, we’ve only had them domesticated for 20 years, so is it my fault if they go walking one day What do I know about donkeys? Maybe the Donkey God is angry at me

        So I packed my bag and walked down the mountain and out of the valley and walked and walked and then I came to a tribe with a beautiful queen named Isabella and without any burros so I decided to stay here, far far away from the wrath of the Donkey God.


        • #19
          Welcome to my familia grande.

          Hi, I am Pedro Peligroso,
          owner of 60 goats, 23 chicken, 12 horses, and a rat.

          We have a large family-clan, called the Plagiãtes.
          Here is a story about my younger brother Plutiin...

          Plutiin Plagiãtes Peligroso:

          As a kid, Plutiin was experimenting with all kinds of stuff he found dangerous. Because of this other kids feared him and he got no friends. He played all kinds of dirty tricks on them, and they sometimes got hurt by acid or dozens of rock projectiles...
          As he grew bigger he had to do military service. He thought the other warriors were stupid and used primitive weapons.
          He liked flames and lightning, and wished he could cast such things upon others.

          One day he fell in love with a girl from another clan,
          Dolorosa Gravida Colõssa. The Gravidas were a rich and powerful clan. The Plagiãtum clan had a bad reputation and deserved no right to live, so her clan would surely kill Plutiin and perhaps other Plagiates if he got involved with her...

          The young girl liked Plutiin because he was so curious and inventive. She didn't see the dark spot in his mind, though. Creating a machinery of death and destruction was one of his long near forgotten dreams. He wanted to raise his dead ancestor, curse his opponents in the family board, and so on.
          He did not speak of it to anyone, but instead gave Dolorosa flowers and a kitten. And then they kissed. For some time too. Dolorosa melted, and she ran away with him for a year... (perhaps she is pregnant now?)

          But now Plutiin came back and wearing a black robe and a thick beard. He is not saying much now.

          Well, and about me? Hanging around at the Taverna mostly.
          You will get to know me sooner or later.
          Last edited by ThePlagueRat; November 27, 2002, 04:25.
          My words are backed with hard coconuts.


          • #20
            Obituary: Senor Poupon

            Senor Poupon, born 4048BC, died of natural causes, 4000BC. Senor Poupon leaves behind his son, dejon, to continue the family business. In Aragon, Senor Poupon was known as the Master Weapon Maker. He started out carving superior clubs for his clan in his youth, perfecting their balance and strength. He moved on to axes (wood poles with sharp stones wedges affixed to them) quickly, and learned where to seek the best stones, how to tie or wedge the parts together firmly, and most importantly – how to keep the edge sharp! His weapons gave his clan a distinct advantage in wrestling control of the land away from savage barbarians. Senor Poupon had been in poor health these past few years, and it fell largely to his son, dejon, to make weapons for the clan. With his passing, his son, now Senor dejon, is offering up his craft to all the civilized Tribes of Iberia, and is opening up a stall in the Iberian marketplace. His hope is that, upon proving his craft to all, he will surpass his father’s reputation, and become the Master Weapon Maker of all Iberia!


            • #21
              I'm a bit late for this, but I wanted to see our starting position before creating a character.
              So my character is Crousto Mendoza. I'm an adventurer born near the Colina de Togas, where the Rio Tajo meets Mar Iberia. I have always been fascinated by Mar Iberia, and I'm convinced that a promised land with lots of wealth lies far away outside the sea. By observing the squids in the sea, I have developped a revolutionary technique that allows me to advance and float in the water without drowning or being carried away like Thug, Spamish Mitchell's slave.
              I'm not involved in any specific goods business, because the most common goods used for exchange right now are squids and I don't find them tasty. I'm rather selling my services as adventurer to other people, in exchange of cow or deer meat which tastes better.
              "Great artists have no country."
              -Alfred de Musset


              • #22
                The Eta Tamali Family

                I had a very lengthy Bio, but this soopid server crapped out on my (or my connection, I don't know) and lost it. I'll repost the hole thing again late, but RL calls.

                Senor Iwana Eta Tamali is head of a wondering family of Entertainers (some would call Gypsies).

                that should do for now

                Senor Iwana Eta Tamali
                Come and see me at WePlayCiv
                Worship the Comic here!
                Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game


                • #23
                  Priest Lukulus Torquemadus leads the Christian Community in one of the parts of Madrid. He has the ambition to become the Bishop of Madrid, but now he tries to serve his Community as good as he can
                  "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


                  • #24
                    Manuel de Leon is a part time fool, part time interepeter of dreams, and a full time jester to the court of Hispania. Manuel comes from a long line of hunters who who seemed to know instinctively where the beasts are. Now that Hispania has settled into an agricultural city life, Manuel has found his true calling at the court. Some say that Manuel obtained this position as a result of his rumored ability to read the hearts of man and beast alike.
                    I used to be a builder. That was before I played Civ III


                    • #25
                      To all dealers, traders, retailers, wholesalers, shopkeepers, bar tenders, brothel owners, lenders, renters and traffickers of all kind, nature and activity : you are hereby publicly WARNED, that all your invoices in the name of

                      TORQUEMADUS (arrived in Madrid three days ago)

                      Will not be paid by

                      The TORQUEMADA Family (established in Madrid for 650 years)
                      Statistical anomaly.
                      The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


                      • #26
                        The House Cian

                        I am Aidun Cian (pronounce Aedhun Keein). I'm 20 years old. In our homelands we Cian were merchants. We had become quite rich by trading jewelry and dyes. In about 4310 Aidun the Brave, one of my ancestors, aided our leader in battle against some barbarians and saved the life of his son. For this brave deed he was raised to the peerage. From then our clan was known as the House Cian. After this he soon died, ran through by a barbarian spear.
                        As you can see, my name is not Spanish. We Cian are Celtic from origin. Long ago we left our homelands. A massive barbarian upheaval caused us to flee. As a young man, my great-grandfather Sealbhach Cian settled with his wife and children, after a long and dangerous journey out of the barren northern lands, in the hills near [city of which I do not know the name yet]. There he continued to trade jewelry and dyes. The house passed over to my grandfather's brother. My grandfather Aidun Cian who was firstborn got most of the money. With this money he built a large estate in Madrid. From there he continued my great-grandfathers’ business. This passed over to my father Aidun Cian. I myself got into house-business with which I have become quite prosperous. Now my father has become very ill and we soon expect him to die, the dyes and jewelry business have finally passed over to me. I do also have a brother. His name is Laídech Cian (pronounce Lee-ach Keein). You may have seen and perhaps already have heard him in the tavern. He's a bard and travels from town to town to play in the local inns, taverns and theatres. I haven't heard of him for a few weeks now, so if anybody has seen him alive or not, please sent me a message. I'm a bit uneasy about him.
                        It may have struck you that the story of my family and me is full of luck and prosperity. For this I have but one explanation: all my forefathers that lived in the Celtic lands have, as lords, led their warriors when he had to protect the people in case of a barbarian attack. On the battlefield there was no time for mercy, neither for pity. However, they never killed without reason. They did not slaughter his captured enemies, but treated them as equals and they became loyal to them. In return they were well rewarded. They all lived in good health and prosperity and were respected by all other clans.
                        It may also have struck you that all firstborn in my family are called Aidun. That is an old tradition which goes back to the days of Aidun the Brave. All firstborn sons shall be called Aidun. Secondborn sons and their decedents may not be called like that. Aidun means 'fire' in the ancient Celtic tongue. The tradition symbolizes that the fire Aidun the Brave felt in his hart when he saved the leader's son continues through the ages.
                        Now I'm going back to business. As the time passes me and my decedents shall record the family history in poets and songs that shall be told from father to son. As we may once find out to record them on any other way you shall read that here.
                        Aidun Cian the older reports the birth of his first son Aidun. 2700 BC
                        Aidun Cian the younger appointed by Luna el Salvador as his First Priest.
                        Aidun Cian the younger born in 2700 BC reports the birth of his first son Aidun at 2390 BC.
                        Aidun Cian the older born in 2700 BC died of old age. (some say it was of grief for the death of Decedro Togas, señor Clemente and señor Dejon.
                        Aidun Cian, born in 2390 BC, proclaims himself as the new First Priest of Luna el Salvador.
                        Aidun Cian the younger is born in 1810 BC
                        Aidun Cian, born in 2300 BC, is appointed by the Lord Augusto Togas as the new Governor of Saragossa in 1400 BC.
                        Aidun Cian the older, born in 2300 BC, becomes philosopher at la Academia of Madrid.

                        [The history in the first period of the reign is lost because of heavy fire in the archive of the castle of the House Cian in Zaragoza.]

                        580 BC Aidun Cian, First Priest of Luna el Salvador learns of a new Faith, it has but one God and is established by a crusified man called Jesus Christ by his followers. Aidun lets himself be converted and attempts to spread the new faith through Spain. Together with four other priests he succeeds to do convert Spain into a christian nation. The five priests each become cardinals and Aidun Cian is elected by them to become the first pope, Pope Aidun I.
                        Pope Aidun I has set up the first Code of Laws in Spain: the Law of the Church, based on the Ten Commandmends. During his reign, the Church grows to a powerful organization that has the power to create laws to which all Spaniards are subject and enforce these laws by using the court of the Church: the Inquisition.
                        This inquisition brought forth big cases such as the Case of the heretic Godking, the Case of the murder on the heretic Godking and the Case of the Treason of Torquemada. The last case was finally dropped at the adoption of a more loose form of monarchy in Spain. In an attempt to save the monarchy, the Pope outlawed republicanism which caused huge revolts. Combined troops managed to quell the resistance, but a looser type of monarchy was unevitable.
                        Although the revolution seemed to destablize the position of the Church, the Pope, the King and the nobility came to an agreement: the Kingship would no longer be hereditary, the nobility would be represented in the House of Lords and the Church would keep its power over the Judicial branch, but no longer got the power to create laws by itself.
                        Pope Aidun I also founded the Abbey of St Benedictus, the first place of study and devotion since the founding of the Christian Church.
                        Not long after the switch to the new governmental system in Spain, Pope Aidun I first got very ill, and died of natural cause in 64 BC. His successor is Pope Calixtus I.
                        Cousin of Pope Aidun I was Duke Aidun Cian, proud duke of the dukedom of Zaragoza located near the northern border. During his reign the army of Spain was greatly expanded as he turned Zaragoza into the heart of Spains military industry. Several regiments of pikemen as well as mace infantry were trained at the barracks of Zaragoza and their weapons and armor forged by the many smiths and craftsmen of the city. After the adoption of the new governmental system he was elected as Lord Chamberlain, the deputy king and chairman of the House of Lords. He held this office until his death in 43 BC. Because his only son, Aidun Cian was not yet mature, the office of Lord Chamberlain was held by Señor Libre until Aidun Cian would reach the age of adulthood.
                        Aidun Cian went to the Monasterial School in Pamplona at his 9th and took lessons there until his 16th. Although greatly shocked by sudden the death of his father at a pretty early age of 45, the young Aidun, 14 years old went on with his schools as his father desired and take over the office of Lord Chamberlain from the House Libre. Just in the early summer of 12 AD, after Aidun sixtheenth birthday at with he reached adulthood, Moorish soldiers crossed the northern border in great numbers. They conquered the Dukedoms Leon and Santiago, which had some years earlier been gifted to the Egyptians as a sign of goodwill.
                        Though Moors could not attack Zaragoza at the same moment, Aidun, under guidance of the old and experienced Lord Dejon, General of the Spanish army, Joseph Dejon and Miguel and Antonio Clemente prepared for the worst and ordered to train even more regiments. A few months later the Moors marched towards Zaragoza and attacked it. This battle, one of the famoust in the history of Spain was descibed in the Epic The Battle of Zaragoza and published a few years later.
                        Although General Dejon and his Lords were victorious in defending the city and fighting the Ansar warriors on the battleplains, recources were exhausted and there were no fresh reinforcements. The Holy City of Zaragoza was doomed to fall.
                        Aidun Cian gathered his household and after a siege of nine months he and his household left Zaragoza and fled to Pamplona, to the Kings Court.

                        Go in peace and farewell if I may never see you again.

                        Aidun Cian
                        Last edited by Aidun; August 12, 2003, 11:26.
                        "Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise can not see all ends." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring.
                        Term 9 and 10 Domestic Minister of the C3DG I., Term 8 Regional Governor of Old Persia in the C3DG and proud citizen of Apolyton. Royal Ambassador to Legoland in the C3 PTW DG, Foreign Affairs Minister and King of the United Kingdom in the MZO C3CDG and leader of the Monarchist Imperialist team. Moody Sir Aidun (The Impatient) of the Holy Templar Order in the C4BtSDG


                        • #27
                          Now that the brave Cian clan has settled in Spain, you may have to start spelling your name using our Alphabet so we can remember how to pronounce it Would that not be Quìan?

                          Señor Eduardì Pikesfan
                          {how do you spell Pikesfan in Catalan? Would it be Pàiquesfan?}


                          • #28
                            How do I pronounce pikesfan in Spanish then...
                            pik-esfãn, pikés-fãn, or pi-kessfan ?
                            My words are backed with hard coconuts.


                            • #29
                              [no roleplay]I'll keep the Cian spelling and it doesn't care how you pronounce it as I can't hear ist from over the ocean [/no roleplay]

                              Aidun Cian

                              PS: shouldn't we discuss this in another thread? Arnelos may not like this.
                              "Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise can not see all ends." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring.
                              Term 9 and 10 Domestic Minister of the C3DG I., Term 8 Regional Governor of Old Persia in the C3DG and proud citizen of Apolyton. Royal Ambassador to Legoland in the C3 PTW DG, Foreign Affairs Minister and King of the United Kingdom in the MZO C3CDG and leader of the Monarchist Imperialist team. Moody Sir Aidun (The Impatient) of the Holy Templar Order in the C4BtSDG


                              • #30
                                My Name is Davinator, and I am a monk.
                                I am well versed in the arts of self-defense. I came into Madrid by chance... I happened to run into the High Priest Tacticus while I was wondering around... I grew up in a monastary close to the mountains and have no knowledge of my family. I come to Madrid to teach my skill of self-defense along with teaching the soldiers how to reach thier chi.
                                Without music life would be a mistake - Nietzsche
                                So you think you can tell heaven from hell?
                                rocking on everest

