Astrologix-- This problem of other civilizations not providing us envoys has bothered me also. In that case, there is really nothing we can do. We've simply lost out.
No announcement yet.
Discussion on our Civ Choice
sorry thing is that, we will not know that they have communications with the builders unless they are willing to divulge the info. The diplomacy screens in MP will not allow you to see another humans tradeable goods...
now that I think about it, I don't if that is the way diplomacy is handled in PBEM at all. It may be handled through PM's instead and either way, we will be in the dark."The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country." -- Abraham Lincoln
"Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever, in flesh and blood, walked upon this earth." -- Albert Einstein, in regards to Mohandis Gandhi
Wow! I am a couple of days out and find that. Really nice!
Great leader Togas, I think that the "tie story" that you have told to the builder is a very smart one. Hey it seems that diplomacy is starting to work!
The research pact is a really good thing. Let's say that the other teams don't have to know we have such pact with the Builders. They can suspect, but they won't know for sure. I'm sure that the Builder will agree to not tell themSo we'll just try to gain contact with them as soon as posible and that's all.
About the civ pick. Being an authentic spaniard this is OK with me"Never trust a man who puts your profit before his own profit." - Grand Nagus Zek, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, episode 11
"A communist is someone who has read Marx and Lenin. An anticommunist is someone who has understood Marx and Lenin." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
This is seriously worrying.... I am neither a signed up member of this team (nor any others), nor have I been officially added to any team's member lists, yet here I am. Although this poll is closed I could spy for other teams, and as much as the idea of being a spy, a double, triple, x-tuple agent appeals to me, I feel I should let you guys know there is still a bug in the private forums function.
- did you get in here MrWIA?
You must vow to keep silence of what you have read,MWIA, for all time, until the very Bob is covered with fire on every square millimeter (er, roleplaying, excuse me, cubit) and every square cubit is covered with ice at the same time.
If you do not, we will find you. Count on the new boss, same as the old boss
I challenge Markos to challenge us again to get into a forum that we are not supposed to
who am I kidding, I'm sure its just a glitch in the matrix"The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country." -- Abraham Lincoln
"Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever, in flesh and blood, walked upon this earth." -- Albert Einstein, in regards to Mohandis Gandhi
Members of the Roleplay team. We have officially come to an agreement with Legoland about Carthage. Here is the wording of the agreement:
We, the Roleplay team, hereby promise that we will give the Legoland team the civilization of Carthage and we will cooperate with research (each team researching different paths and then trading).
In exchange, Legoland promises to not declare war on or join in any war against the Roleplay Civilization at any time prior to 1000 AD, to give the Roleplay Civilization "Most Favored Nation" trade status (which shall include selling us techs at a lower price than any other civ), and cooperate with research as explained above.
Both teams also pledge to try to maintain good relations throughout the game and to attempt to cooperate for the mutual protection and success of our civilizations.
Anyhow, Spain is official. We "gave" Carthage to the Builders after much discussion, etc, etc. We now need to get our team icon finalized and continue our Spanish strategy.
--TogasGreatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET."
Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.
glad to hear it went over well. though I was skeptical to say the least, it seems that simply trying has netted us the ability to research at (hopefully) twice the rate as our enemies.
perhaps since this handshake alliance has been forged, we might want to know where Legoland sees itself concerning its research rate. I imagine it will be decent considering that most human vs human competition will probably limit the degree to which you can just buy techs, but it might be nice to coordinate that."The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country." -- Abraham Lincoln
"Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever, in flesh and blood, walked upon this earth." -- Albert Einstein, in regards to Mohandis Gandhi
I LOVE the wording that agreement... we have an ally in out back pocket that the warmonger teams won't NECESSARILY know about for at least a little while.... assuming (for a moment) that Legoland ends up anywhere near to us (crossing fingers...), the tech-sharing agreement could be extremely powerful for both of us... I really like this.Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game
I think that is a great agreement, and a good deal for a civ we weren't 100% on anyway. Good job Togas!
However, I will point out that just because they're Legoland and not The Glory of War, doesn't mean they're any less likely to backstab us or make phony deals to misplace our trust.
Now that we finally have our civ choice, I'm off to write my Spanish character bio!
Nimitz is one of my deputies as FAM in the single-player DG... we've been PMing back and forth about FAM, but also (in two messages) about how great this agreement is for both Legoland and the Roleplay team... things are looking good with Legoland.
Now we need to cultivate more friends...Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game