Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. "We can't win!!!11" So we're not coming in first, we're still required to play and send the save every time it comes around. We might as well make it fun right? I'll try to contact all the old fogies that rarely come here any more.
How it Works
Basically, just like the $Mini and now the Feudal DG. You buy tiles and they accumulate foods and more.
Tile Codes
Tiles will be named by this system:
For example:
City Letters:
A Monterrey
B El Paso
C San Antonio
D San Diego
E Santa Barbara
In the event two cities share a tile within their borders, precedence is given to the city that has a lower letter (A being the lowest and E the highest).
Purchasing Land
Land will be auctioned off at a date that will be set later. You may purchase one tile on money borrowed from the Guv'ment, and after it is paid off you may purchase more tiles (no more debt buying allowed, though.)
Each tile produces as much food, shields, gold per turn as it does in the game.
Wasn't that easy?
The slightly harder part is that it costs $2 to produce food, $3 to produce shields, and $4 to produce gold.
Tiles' production are, obviously, consumed by cities. City managers (or mrmitchell) will be appointed to control purchase of the production by the cities.
Although goods produced anywhere can be transported to any city, as they travel "one turn" for a slow unit (three tiles, in other words), their cost goes up by $1 for the city. The $1 is lost forever (unless someone comes up with a better suggestion of what to do for it.)
Cities consume:
Food Their population * 2
Shields From 1 to the number being consumed in game
Gold From 1 to the number being consumed in game
...can be initiated between players, other players, and cities. A given good can move once per turn.
Basic Price
On the first turn, the prices are:
Food $3
Shields $4
Gold $5
(per unit.)
However, after that, players may sell for as much as they want, and cities may buy for as much as they want.
The Goal
To be the richest jackass when the real Game ends!
Comments, Suggestions, and Questions are ENCOURAGED
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. "We can't win!!!11" So we're not coming in first, we're still required to play and send the save every time it comes around. We might as well make it fun right? I'll try to contact all the old fogies that rarely come here any more.
How it Works
Basically, just like the $Mini and now the Feudal DG. You buy tiles and they accumulate foods and more.
Tile Codes
Tiles will be named by this system:
For example:
City Letters:
A Monterrey
B El Paso
C San Antonio
D San Diego
E Santa Barbara
In the event two cities share a tile within their borders, precedence is given to the city that has a lower letter (A being the lowest and E the highest).
Purchasing Land
Land will be auctioned off at a date that will be set later. You may purchase one tile on money borrowed from the Guv'ment, and after it is paid off you may purchase more tiles (no more debt buying allowed, though.)
Each tile produces as much food, shields, gold per turn as it does in the game.
Wasn't that easy?
The slightly harder part is that it costs $2 to produce food, $3 to produce shields, and $4 to produce gold.
Tiles' production are, obviously, consumed by cities. City managers (or mrmitchell) will be appointed to control purchase of the production by the cities.
Although goods produced anywhere can be transported to any city, as they travel "one turn" for a slow unit (three tiles, in other words), their cost goes up by $1 for the city. The $1 is lost forever (unless someone comes up with a better suggestion of what to do for it.)
Cities consume:
Food Their population * 2
Shields From 1 to the number being consumed in game
Gold From 1 to the number being consumed in game
...can be initiated between players, other players, and cities. A given good can move once per turn.
Basic Price
On the first turn, the prices are:
Food $3
Shields $4
Gold $5
(per unit.)
However, after that, players may sell for as much as they want, and cities may buy for as much as they want.
The Goal
To be the richest jackass when the real Game ends!
Comments, Suggestions, and Questions are ENCOURAGED