Arnelos, BigFree and I where, being the REAL big leaders of this world, in case you didn't know it already, discussing the future of this world and the result of this discussion is really interesting.
Here is the chat report:
- ND is sailing around Spain for an unknown purpose, several tactics are possible.
- Lego is likely to win under the current circumstances.
- If we remain at war for too long, Lego will profit a lot of that.
- If noone of the alliances will win this war, Lego shall win, unless we would all unite with the sole purpose of eliminating Lego.
- World War 1, the war of the remaining nations, shall more or less start on the day that one alliance defeats the other one. It may start as a cold war, but will soorner or later, rather sooner, result in real war.
- Our only chance to eliminate Lego is during the "Age of Cavalry", after cavalry and before the discovery of infantry. Nationalism is an obsacle to this.
- The key strategy is to drop a massive force of cavalry on Legoland and just destroy, but before railroads are built.
Arnelos, BigFree and I where, being the REAL big leaders of this world, in case you didn't know it already, discussing the future of this world and the result of this discussion is really interesting.
Here is the chat report:
Aidun> But to go back on topic... Are we going to change our strategy in this war? Suggestions, arguments...
Aidun> Arnelos, BigFree?
Arnelos> yes?
BigFree> yo
Aidun> Are we going to change our strategy in this war? Suggestions, arguments...
Arnelos> hmm...
Arnelos> I think we should, tactically, at least
Arnelos> but I haven't seen the save itself
Arnelos> so I'll let that be the judge
BigFree> We dont have many options
BigFree> its either turtle or take chances
Aidun> BigFree, do you know the info that Arnelos told me just some tima ago?
BigFree> new info?
Arnelos> probably not, I just got it in a PM from GS
Arnelos> ND is sending galleys around the continent
BigFree> ah
BigFree> Where are they now?
Arnelos> also, we still haven't seen GoW's reinforcements... my bet (and GS is afraid of this) is that they're stockpiling them to our northwest to invade either GS area to the east or to storm Pamplona
Arnelos> GS was not specific on the location of the galleys.. I want to ask them in chat
BigFree> k
Arnelos> they did mention that they should be able to handle it, though
BigFree> I would think so
Arnelos> they have a HUGE fleet
Aidun> I got the folowing proces in my brains: Then I wonder why they are taking such an enormous risk. Is there a hole in the defense of our and GS's territory? Or is this the scenario of which Aggie spoke, in the thread about sharing the save?
BigFree> I think the ND Galleys are to try and sink GS Galleys with units on them
Arnelos> Aidun - what is this Aggie spoke about?
BigFree> The ND are likely empty
BigFree> * Galleys'
Arnelos> BF - agreed
Arnelos> (about the galleys)
Aidun> That GoW would invade Estonia while GS's Army was away on Bob
Arnelos> I'm sure they're thinking about that
BigFree> I think GS has a good assorsment of forces up near old Vox
BigFree> they are threatening GoW with them
Arnelos> yes, they do... because GS is planning to invade GoW
BigFree> That's the best way to handle this war
BigFree> Put GoW on the Defensive
Aidun> Aggie presented it like they had been planning that scenario before the war had even begun. That is but not true because they did not expect us to ally with GS.
Arnelos> my recommendation when I spoke to NYE was that GS send their forces toward GoW's city core and just tear up everything... don't conquer, DESTROY... we need to damage their production capacity
Arnelos> GS can afford to resettle stuff later
BigFree> of course
Aidun> It's far too risky to just occupy the city because you have to leave troops in it, likely cavalry because a kind of a blitz attack on GoW territory will not succeed with infantry slowing you down.
BigFree> The longer this battle goes, the better things look for Lego.
Aidun> * the city = cities
BigFree> I think Lego will end up winning this thing
Aidun> BigFree, right
Aidun> I honestly hope not, they don't deserve it, they haven't fought for it.
BigFree> I know
BigFree> being isolated has helpped them immensely
BigFree> Plus the fact that all other Civs have warred
Aidun> right
BigFree> wars cost you big time
Aidun> Even RP
BigFree> While everyone is at war, Lego builds happily
BigFree> I'll bet Lego even has a FP
Aidun> There will be but one chance to eliminate Lego: when we have military tradition. Cavalry as offense remains for long
Aidun> the problem is but nationalism.
BigFree> yep
Aidun> they will get it sooner than we
BigFree> And Lego has huge tech lead now
BigFree> brb
Aidun> I wonder however, if they are able to defeat a massive attackforce of two united continents
Aidun> whatever civs win this war, they are about to attack Lego asap and together they have far more productioncapacity than Lego by that time.
Arnelos> Lego's primary weakness will be an invasion of a stack of doom prior to railroads
Arnelos> a stack of doom need only pass through Lego territory and RAZE cities, destroying everything they've built
Arnelos> even if only a few cities are successfully destroyed before Lego has a chance to kill off the stack of doom, the damage will be done
Aidun> I hope for lego that they realize that after this war the time of real world war has started
BigFree> who will do that?
Aidun> *has come
BigFree> Who will have the resourcs?
BigFree> I'm not sure anyone will have a SOD to send
Arnelos> BF - whoever wins this war may well have them by the time of the late Middle Ages
Aidun> only saltpeter and horses are needed for that
BigFree> and the Ships to send them
Arnelos> BF - GS has an enormous fleet ALREADY
Arnelos> ND is building one
Aidun> BigFree, If we win, World War 1 will start on that day
Arnelos> the point is that even if Lego has superiority, their continent is HUGE and I'll bet they ahve 5-tile spacing... a drop of a ton of mobile units like Cavalry could tear that place apart
BigFree> Yes, but if this turns into a cold war (GS/RP versus ND/GoW) then those resources will be tied up
Aidun> Yes
Arnelos> BF - true
Aidun> right
Arnelos> Which happens to be Lego's aim
BigFree> yep
Aidun> If this does not end in a victory for either side Lego will win.
BigFree> and I see it ahappening already
Aidun> BigFree, a professor taught me about China and Europe in the 17th century
BigFree> If we had not started the "Westward Expansion Movement" we would be in a much better position now.
Arnelos> possibly
BigFree> We popped out 6 settlers and ~10 workers
BigFree> thats a lot of prodution and missed production
BigFree> Wait, it was 8 Settlers, includin the ones from Madrid
Arnelos> I don't know if I was around for that part... don't think I was... I was one of the ones helping to plan city locations, but I think I left before E_T got in a fight with the rest of the team over how to do it
BigFree> Plus, we never went though with our plans to attack ND before they got to Chiv
Arnelos> GoW had a lot to do with that
BigFree> yes, we counted on them to much
Arnelos> as far as I've heard
BigFree> *too
BigFree> We should have planned and executed an assault before ND got to Chiv
Arnelos> it honestly was only worth doing if we knew GoW would strike them from behind... we simply didn't have the NUMBERS to do it otherwise
BigFree> If we had severly weakened ND, perhaps GoW would have not sided
with them and just acted opportunistic and finnished them off in the North
Aidun> Chna was big and powerful, a strong centralized state. Europe was divided in little competing Kingdoms and teared up by several big wars. When the European nations decided to 'cooperate' (i mean no real war anymore), however, they gained an enormous advantage: together they quickly researched and exchanged research. in 1800, Europe was although divided, far more advanced than China and in 1900 even the most powerful continent in the world. You see the clue?
Arnelos> perhaps
Arnelos> Aidun - possibly, but that requires that we establish a lasting peace (of a sort) on Bob... which is going to take time
Aidun> to make it clear: Lego=China
Arnelos> Aidun - we got it ;p
Aidun> ok
Aidun> crosspost
Arnelos> funny thing is... a lasting peace at the end of this war is exactly what my aim is, if it's possible
Arnelos> Vox Controli is, I believe the key to that
Arnelos> I'd like to give them Northwestern GoW
Aidun> but yes, that takes a lot of time and diplomatic problems will occur
BigFree> To get ND and GoW to go after Lego because of what we have dicusse is not entirely impossible. But, the only way I would believe it would be for GoW and ND to give RP back her cities.
Arnelos> BF - that's the OTHER possibility
Arnelos> if we really want to go after Lego
Arnelos> but I honestly think that an RP/GS "victory", if possible, is the better choice... if GS *wins* this war, the expense of resources will have been worth it.
Aidun> Which they won't do. Therefor we have first to build up a large force and GS would do a good job with atacking GoW homeland to bring them into a position that they are about to give us back what the took from us.
Arnelos> if we can't "win", then we may have to settle for what Aidun suggests
BigFree> possibly
BigFree> I have to go to work
BigFree> adios
Arnelos> cya
Aidun> ok cya another day
BigFree> time for work, adios
* BigFree is now known as BigFree|Away
Aidun> Arnelos, BigFree?
Arnelos> yes?
BigFree> yo
Aidun> Are we going to change our strategy in this war? Suggestions, arguments...
Arnelos> hmm...
Arnelos> I think we should, tactically, at least
Arnelos> but I haven't seen the save itself
Arnelos> so I'll let that be the judge
BigFree> We dont have many options
BigFree> its either turtle or take chances
Aidun> BigFree, do you know the info that Arnelos told me just some tima ago?
BigFree> new info?
Arnelos> probably not, I just got it in a PM from GS
Arnelos> ND is sending galleys around the continent
BigFree> ah
BigFree> Where are they now?
Arnelos> also, we still haven't seen GoW's reinforcements... my bet (and GS is afraid of this) is that they're stockpiling them to our northwest to invade either GS area to the east or to storm Pamplona
Arnelos> GS was not specific on the location of the galleys.. I want to ask them in chat
BigFree> k
Arnelos> they did mention that they should be able to handle it, though
BigFree> I would think so
Arnelos> they have a HUGE fleet
Aidun> I got the folowing proces in my brains: Then I wonder why they are taking such an enormous risk. Is there a hole in the defense of our and GS's territory? Or is this the scenario of which Aggie spoke, in the thread about sharing the save?
BigFree> I think the ND Galleys are to try and sink GS Galleys with units on them
Arnelos> Aidun - what is this Aggie spoke about?
BigFree> The ND are likely empty
BigFree> * Galleys'
Arnelos> BF - agreed
Arnelos> (about the galleys)
Aidun> That GoW would invade Estonia while GS's Army was away on Bob
Arnelos> I'm sure they're thinking about that
BigFree> I think GS has a good assorsment of forces up near old Vox
BigFree> they are threatening GoW with them
Arnelos> yes, they do... because GS is planning to invade GoW
BigFree> That's the best way to handle this war
BigFree> Put GoW on the Defensive
Aidun> Aggie presented it like they had been planning that scenario before the war had even begun. That is but not true because they did not expect us to ally with GS.
Arnelos> my recommendation when I spoke to NYE was that GS send their forces toward GoW's city core and just tear up everything... don't conquer, DESTROY... we need to damage their production capacity
Arnelos> GS can afford to resettle stuff later
BigFree> of course
Aidun> It's far too risky to just occupy the city because you have to leave troops in it, likely cavalry because a kind of a blitz attack on GoW territory will not succeed with infantry slowing you down.
BigFree> The longer this battle goes, the better things look for Lego.
Aidun> * the city = cities
BigFree> I think Lego will end up winning this thing
Aidun> BigFree, right
Aidun> I honestly hope not, they don't deserve it, they haven't fought for it.
BigFree> I know
BigFree> being isolated has helpped them immensely
BigFree> Plus the fact that all other Civs have warred
Aidun> right
BigFree> wars cost you big time
Aidun> Even RP
BigFree> While everyone is at war, Lego builds happily
BigFree> I'll bet Lego even has a FP
Aidun> There will be but one chance to eliminate Lego: when we have military tradition. Cavalry as offense remains for long
Aidun> the problem is but nationalism.
BigFree> yep
Aidun> they will get it sooner than we
BigFree> And Lego has huge tech lead now
BigFree> brb
Aidun> I wonder however, if they are able to defeat a massive attackforce of two united continents
Aidun> whatever civs win this war, they are about to attack Lego asap and together they have far more productioncapacity than Lego by that time.
Arnelos> Lego's primary weakness will be an invasion of a stack of doom prior to railroads
Arnelos> a stack of doom need only pass through Lego territory and RAZE cities, destroying everything they've built
Arnelos> even if only a few cities are successfully destroyed before Lego has a chance to kill off the stack of doom, the damage will be done
Aidun> I hope for lego that they realize that after this war the time of real world war has started
BigFree> who will do that?
Aidun> *has come
BigFree> Who will have the resourcs?
BigFree> I'm not sure anyone will have a SOD to send
Arnelos> BF - whoever wins this war may well have them by the time of the late Middle Ages
Aidun> only saltpeter and horses are needed for that
BigFree> and the Ships to send them
Arnelos> BF - GS has an enormous fleet ALREADY
Arnelos> ND is building one
Aidun> BigFree, If we win, World War 1 will start on that day
Arnelos> the point is that even if Lego has superiority, their continent is HUGE and I'll bet they ahve 5-tile spacing... a drop of a ton of mobile units like Cavalry could tear that place apart
BigFree> Yes, but if this turns into a cold war (GS/RP versus ND/GoW) then those resources will be tied up
Aidun> Yes
Arnelos> BF - true
Aidun> right
Arnelos> Which happens to be Lego's aim
BigFree> yep
Aidun> If this does not end in a victory for either side Lego will win.
BigFree> and I see it ahappening already
Aidun> BigFree, a professor taught me about China and Europe in the 17th century
BigFree> If we had not started the "Westward Expansion Movement" we would be in a much better position now.
Arnelos> possibly
BigFree> We popped out 6 settlers and ~10 workers
BigFree> thats a lot of prodution and missed production
BigFree> Wait, it was 8 Settlers, includin the ones from Madrid
Arnelos> I don't know if I was around for that part... don't think I was... I was one of the ones helping to plan city locations, but I think I left before E_T got in a fight with the rest of the team over how to do it
BigFree> Plus, we never went though with our plans to attack ND before they got to Chiv
Arnelos> GoW had a lot to do with that
BigFree> yes, we counted on them to much
Arnelos> as far as I've heard
BigFree> *too
BigFree> We should have planned and executed an assault before ND got to Chiv
Arnelos> it honestly was only worth doing if we knew GoW would strike them from behind... we simply didn't have the NUMBERS to do it otherwise
BigFree> If we had severly weakened ND, perhaps GoW would have not sided
with them and just acted opportunistic and finnished them off in the North
Aidun> Chna was big and powerful, a strong centralized state. Europe was divided in little competing Kingdoms and teared up by several big wars. When the European nations decided to 'cooperate' (i mean no real war anymore), however, they gained an enormous advantage: together they quickly researched and exchanged research. in 1800, Europe was although divided, far more advanced than China and in 1900 even the most powerful continent in the world. You see the clue?
Arnelos> perhaps
Arnelos> Aidun - possibly, but that requires that we establish a lasting peace (of a sort) on Bob... which is going to take time
Aidun> to make it clear: Lego=China
Arnelos> Aidun - we got it ;p

Aidun> ok

Aidun> crosspost
Arnelos> funny thing is... a lasting peace at the end of this war is exactly what my aim is, if it's possible
Arnelos> Vox Controli is, I believe the key to that
Arnelos> I'd like to give them Northwestern GoW
Aidun> but yes, that takes a lot of time and diplomatic problems will occur
BigFree> To get ND and GoW to go after Lego because of what we have dicusse is not entirely impossible. But, the only way I would believe it would be for GoW and ND to give RP back her cities.
Arnelos> BF - that's the OTHER possibility
Arnelos> if we really want to go after Lego
Arnelos> but I honestly think that an RP/GS "victory", if possible, is the better choice... if GS *wins* this war, the expense of resources will have been worth it.
Aidun> Which they won't do. Therefor we have first to build up a large force and GS would do a good job with atacking GoW homeland to bring them into a position that they are about to give us back what the took from us.
Arnelos> if we can't "win", then we may have to settle for what Aidun suggests
BigFree> possibly
BigFree> I have to go to work
BigFree> adios
Arnelos> cya
Aidun> ok cya another day
BigFree> time for work, adios
* BigFree is now known as BigFree|Away
- ND is sailing around Spain for an unknown purpose, several tactics are possible.
- Lego is likely to win under the current circumstances.
- If we remain at war for too long, Lego will profit a lot of that.
- If noone of the alliances will win this war, Lego shall win, unless we would all unite with the sole purpose of eliminating Lego.
- World War 1, the war of the remaining nations, shall more or less start on the day that one alliance defeats the other one. It may start as a cold war, but will soorner or later, rather sooner, result in real war.
- Our only chance to eliminate Lego is during the "Age of Cavalry", after cavalry and before the discovery of infantry. Nationalism is an obsacle to this.
- The key strategy is to drop a massive force of cavalry on Legoland and just destroy, but before railroads are built.