For those who has not seen 4000BC start loc, its on a river (settler was on hill) moved Settler SW to reg. grassland on river and moved worker due south where it will (mine I assume) shield grassland next turn when we make city.
City radius specs:
Grassland - 3/4 - 1 river
Grassland Shield - 2/3 (one grassland obscured) - 1 river
Grassland Forest - 2 - 2 river
Grassland Forest w/spices - 1 - 1 river
Plains - 5 - 1 river
Plains Forest - 1 - 1 river
Hills 5 - 4 river
Total squares with river bonus: 11
City radius specs:
Grassland - 3/4 - 1 river
Grassland Shield - 2/3 (one grassland obscured) - 1 river
Grassland Forest - 2 - 2 river
Grassland Forest w/spices - 1 - 1 river

Plains - 5 - 1 river
Plains Forest - 1 - 1 river
Hills 5 - 4 river
Total squares with river bonus: 11