I hope AdmiralPJ doesn't hate me for nominating him, but I've read many of his posts. He comes off as a gentle, non-biased individual with well-qualified and intuitive thoughts. In short, with a little nudging when he needs to be more aggressive, he'd be perfect. His posts read like the perfect poker face.
This is my opinion, and maybe I don't have the complete picture. However, we need to fill this position, and this team mate seams to be the most qualified IMHO. Others of similar talents have expressed their desire not to be considered....maybe that's just one more qualification for this job-HUMILITY.
If you've read AdmiralPJ's posts and respect him for his non-biased opinions and humble understanding of history and deplomacy, then vote yes!
Yes, AdmiralPJ can do it! If he can't then nobody can!
Vote with me, and complete the government!
Note: If there are no strong objections from AdmiralPJ, then all we need is a majority. If AdmiralPJ really hates this idea, then I extend my sincerest apologies, and he could then be removed from consideration.
So show him your support!!!