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Team Customization

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  • #31
    I am good at photo editing, can make smilie/sad leaderhead animations etc,
    Perhaps as most people are american we should have a historical american leaderhead? (i'm british - but its similar)
    Abraham lincolns ok, but maybe we can find one of Clinton , or Reagan would be funny, or JFK wouldbe good.
    You could have an american indian head, theres a great new one been done (big file , and its meant to be aztec- looks more north native american to me though)
    I can look it out if you want.

    I can just imagine what our enemies will do with Trips photo if we used that, they'd probably write 'Legoland rules you' on it or something.

    I'm not sure about the title , maybe Imperator (a roman style emperor) or Holy Emperor. What are those south american spanish general heads of state called? that would be funny.. Presidente (accent on the last e) or Generalisimo

    Maybe we should make it democratic, and just use President.

    Name : this needs work , I'd prefer something completely original that sounds historic, like Arthur Mccallis or Isamah The Judger

