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  • #16
    Originally posted by WarriorPoet
    No one seems to want the job of Foreign Minister...but I think I have read from at least a few people on our team who'd be good at it....I think I might be a little too long-winded at times...We would need someone who was subtle, consice, and a low-profile manipulator...
    Too bad chauvinism is one of my main virtues

    The foreign advisor doesn't have to do the talking... he just has to keep track on tasks assigned to diplomats/ambassadors.


    • #17
      Yeah, you could read that I was talking about a the interest of all you know what I'm saying
      "If you're not having fun, then you're losing the game."-Copyright Warrior Poet 11/18/2002 "No plan survives first contact with the enemy."-Tsun Tzu -Don't know when B.C.


      • #18
        I would be willing to accept the job, even though I am already running for Minister of the Interior, since I think (hope) we will not encounter any other civs in the first period.

        After that - I'd love the job!
        Greatest moments in cat:


        • #19
          Originally posted by WarriorPoet
          Yeah, you could read that I was talking about a the interest of all you know what I'm saying

          There is a difference between chauvinism and manchauvinism.

          You are searching for a person who isn't chauvinist. Chauvinism is the opposite of the qualities you describet. I just wanted to make clear I'm not very suited the job.


          • #20
            Where are the other team members in these discussions??? It's hard to guage the other talent when they don't participate. AdmiralPJ could do Foreign Minister...he'd just need some advisors making sure he was aggressive when he needed to be, but other than that, I think he'd be perfect!
            "If you're not having fun, then you're losing the game."-Copyright Warrior Poet 11/18/2002 "No plan survives first contact with the enemy."-Tsun Tzu -Don't know when B.C.


            • #21
              Originally posted by WarriorPoet
              Where are the other team members in these discussions??? It's hard to guage the other talent when they don't participate. AdmiralPJ could do Foreign Minister...he'd just need some advisors making sure he was aggressive when he needed to be, but other than that, I think he'd be perfect!
              It's sad but true. Maybe we should let more members into Lux Invicta?


              • #22
                we can open up more membership during the course of the game... am i correct?


                • #23
                  I guess there should be no problem as long as Trip validates them.


                  • #24
                    TRIP???? Oh benevolent one!?!

                    "If you're not having fun, then you're losing the game."-Copyright Warrior Poet 11/18/2002 "No plan survives first contact with the enemy."-Tsun Tzu -Don't know when B.C.


                    • #25
                      I'd be happy as foreign minister

                      I've said i'd be happy to be Foreign minister to start the first terms, I wrote at length about it in Warriorpoets poll for me (was that meant to get my attention? it worked )

                      TRIP: I think your doing a great job, I hope you can carry us through to the end (i'm thinking of that complaint about official game settings etc)
                      It sometimes takes some guts to ignore lamers who moan and protest about little things, but thats management for you.
                      I and others would be glad to help you running things, if needed.

                      I'm sure telling the other players our women and children were suffereing from their pillaging our cities might make them think twice about aggression.. but in the end it comes down to who has the biggest swords.

                      Tech Stealing: There is still a chance stealing won't be detected, though they may guess someone stole from them if they see we have their tech.. but who's to say we don't have a lot of university geniuses working away hard?
                      It could be interesting if the victim of the theft goes around accusing the wrong person.. foreign ministers should plead all innocence and try and put the blame on one of their rich enemies(with lots of cash).

                      It reminds me of Alpha centauri when you could incite wars with AI v AI wars, by making your espionage look like your enemy did it.

                      Using the millitary method , you can make a war on a weaker but more tech advanced civ, and then only make peace with them if they give you some techs (make it clear to them the wars about technology so they'll not feel penned in, and won't think your just being mean). This works well in Empire games in AI games, who knows what human teams will do..

                      Divide and Conquer.. in political terms and millitarily, maybe leak false information to 2 allies to make them antagonistic to each other.

                      I think I can be agressive when needed, my enemies don't normally forget me, or me them
                      Like in real life with the Suddham Husseins , the threat of force can be powerful.. a human player won't want to lose a couple of cities if it can help it, just place an army by their backdoor and they will do what you want.. it dosen't even need a big army if you have a few well trained, hitech units.


                      • #26
                        Thanks guys.

                        Carrying the whole PTWDG on my shoulders is a rough job, but someone had to do it.

                        Okay, anyways...

                        More membership is definitely a good thing at this point. We need to get a larger stable membership base than we currently have. We don't want the fate of our civilization to rest on the shoulders of 5-6 people, some of which will no doubt leave the team at some point. Status, like I said in the other thread, feel free to go out and recruit people who you know will not fail us, and help us increase the Lux Invicta hegemony.

                        PJ, I like the idea of leaking false information.
                        We just have to be inconspicuous and reserved about it... making sure it's not obvious. Perhaps making some unpointed comments in our newzupdate, or saying something in jest (I'd be good with that, but I doubt other teams would buy me leaking any sort of information, unless I took it to the extreme, then they wouldn't buy it at all cause they know that's how I am ).


                        • #27
                          I was tossing around ideas about fake intelligence being leaked.

                          We are a bit behind. GoW is already upto its shady business.. Our playing tactic will greatly differ wether they have a medieval UU or ancient UU. But they do it so obviously.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Calc II
                            I was tossing around ideas about fake intelligence being leaked.

                            We are a bit behind. GoW is already upto its shady business.. Our playing tactic will greatly differ wether they have a medieval UU or ancient UU. But they do it so obviously.
                            We'll have a lot of time to think/discuss anyways... one turn/week ya know...

