Giving the MP/PBEM trading functions differently than in the single player game, we need to come up with a policy about what we are/are not willing to trade w/AI & human players. Here are some generally questions:
Do we trade anything to human players? To the AI?
by the way kind of of this particular topic, I am also in favor of trying to establish embassies with human players as soon as possible. It allows us to find out where their capital is w/o hoping that they have traded their TM or WM to some AI. Likewise it prevents the other team for finding out where our capital is.
Do we trade anything to human players? To the AI?
by the way kind of of this particular topic, I am also in favor of trying to establish embassies with human players as soon as possible. It allows us to find out where their capital is w/o hoping that they have traded their TM or WM to some AI. Likewise it prevents the other team for finding out where our capital is.