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Lux Invicta's Government

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  • #16
    I agree with you wholeheartedly Admiral...balanced mining and irrigation are the way to go, but for me rapid production in the early game is mois importanto! Later on, when I get Monarchy, then I start adding some irrigation.

    Everything else you said is right on!:b
    "If you're not having fun, then you're losing the game."-Copyright Warrior Poet 11/18/2002 "No plan survives first contact with the enemy."-Tsun Tzu -Don't know when B.C.


    • #17
      Corruption is our first enemy, so we do need Monarchy or republic early on, and some courthouses.. and we need to build the forbidden palace near our palace as the main one, and build the palace far away from it.. this is a well known trick , meaning if the palace is lost it quickly moves somewhere else for free, and its much more flexible as it can be rebuilt anywhere where its needed (normally once its nearby cities have policestation+courthouse+cathedral and are 'selfsupporting') though this needs a great leader normally.

      Back to corruption, Food growth isn't affected by this
      which makes far off cities better off making food than production to start with, I do agree fully that mines need to be put on hills and everywhere, sometimes its easy to forget to mine a hill by a big city.
      We just need to have a balance.. I like to have a balance in the middle of things, it seems to work best mostly.

      Trade money is another thing, this is important I think, vital for us to do research (can't rely on other civs) and to support armies/maybe do a little spying /vital for diplomacy.
      Early on even a little more money and research makes a big difference, getting harbors and sea production is good for this(also 2food per coast square is great for building up vital laborers) or rivers/gold/resource tile laboring.
      I would say more strongly we should make money from other civs, by trading with them, even giving them techs which we find backwards .. giving techs means we get lots of money and can research the next tech faster, but we need to keep our tech lead still.

      IMPORTANT:We may have to resort to stealing techs, perhaps we can ally with someone to be able to get enough money to steal anothers techs(not really cheating.. if one team was communist their spies would be more effective, the democracy making all the money - my secret fait a complit)

      P.S. you said mois importanto (sounds like moins - less in french! ) but i think you meant more important.

      I like the nick warriorpoet.. sounds like a character from an old Ian M Banks sci fi novel, a soldier who became a poet.


      • #18
        government term sizes

        Gone a bit off topic there, oh well

        About our government,
        I think we should change some posts every month, so each month we have a new Head of Millitary and so on. Some Ministries seem more popular but i'm sure we can all comment on moves and issues we're interested in, outside of our offices.

        Should we make forum headings for each Ministry too?
        I think now apolyton can have private forums in private forums! but we're not in a Dictatorship so we probably don't need private ministry forums too

        I would rather try andmake our own systems up, and not use the old Apolyton Demo games things apart from finding out where they went wrong etc.

        I nearly posted this in a different forum.. whoops
        Last edited by Admiral PJ; November 19, 2002, 22:05.


        • #19
          I wholeheartedly announce my support for AdmiralPJ as Minister of the Interior, and also as senior advisor in Military affairs!:b

          I like the idea of email distribution lists for timely communication within ministries. Of course, major policies should be voted on. Here, poll times will need to be short. In an emergency the ministry involved will simply have to be trusted.

          By the way, I nominate myself for Defence Minister, and also senior advisor to the Minister of the Interior.
          "If you're not having fun, then you're losing the game."-Copyright Warrior Poet 11/18/2002 "No plan survives first contact with the enemy."-Tsun Tzu -Don't know when B.C.


          • #20
            Are there any objections anyone has to those four departments?

            Administrator (organizes everything/everyone)
            Minister of the Interior (workers, cities, etc.)
            Minister of War (units)
            Minister of Foreign Affairs (does all things involving other civs/teams)

            Have people any ideas on details for these offices, etc.?


            • #21
              What about the plan I posted earlier in another thread (I think it was the first or second thread for our team)?

              It has 5 'departments'.

              EDIT: Ah - here it is:

              1 Chairman. Organizes internal chats, gathers and distributes information, plays the game, starts important threads, keeps an overview of the game. Will handle internal conflicts.

              2 Head of Internal Affairs. Plans cities, worker actions and keeps an eye on culture and happiness.

              3 Head of External Affairs. Conducts diplomacy with other teams. Gathers information on other nations. May act as a liaison to friendly nations.

              4 Head of Military. Moves units and conducts war.

              5 Head of Economy. Is responsible for trades, science, and luxuries.

              I propose to have a rotation system, with 2 people in each department at any time. Some Heads may have little to do when it is not their time (Head of Military in peacetime, for example). If there are any others, they will form the Senate. Everyone, including the Chairman and the Heads, will have one vote.
              Last edited by BigFurryMonster; November 21, 2002, 19:10.
              Greatest moments in cat:


              • #22
                Originally posted by Trip
                Are there any objections anyone has to those four departments?

                Administrator (organizes everything/everyone)
                Minister of the Interior (workers, cities, etc.)
                Minister of War (units)
                Minister of Foreign Affairs (does all things involving other civs/teams)

                Have people any ideas on details for these offices, etc.?
                i think we have about 12 ppl in our team, if we can asess out members and allocate them into the department where they are best at, we could have 4 ppl per department working for our civ. That would create 1 head of dept and 3 personal advisor. Well they say, two heads are better than one. In this case, its errr... three more heads telling you your plan may not work or you forgot .

                BTW any ideas about getting our team members to get more involved in the game? Ive been checking out other ppl's public post, and many of them are creating a unique system of democratic playing. GoW i think is for example giving each player a city designated to a Lord (the player), and their government is basically group of warlords of estates that come to discuss politics.. We can go with the C3DG style, but with far smaller population, we can make the government more intersting and get more people involved and try a different way..


                • #23
                  Yes, I think everyone should at all times be 'in a department'. This will increase involvement! What system will we have to switch departments from time to time? (some kind of election?)
                  Greatest moments in cat:


                  • #24
                    Economy is rolled into one with domestic affairs.

                    3 Ministries and Chairman. That is how Trip established the government, although it is subject to change.

                    Even with 3 ministry, We can always break into subgroups. I already have a plan to form a department of Propaganda under the Ministry of Foreign Relations.

                    Also, I dont want the members bound to a specific department... We have small members, so We lack manpower as it is. We need people actively participating in more than one ministry.

                    Of course, if you still think We should have 4 ministry + a chairman, then we'll have to let the members decide which is better.
                    Last edited by Zero; November 24, 2002, 20:29.

