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Lux Invicta's Government

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  • Lux Invicta's Government

    Okay, now it's time to start hammering out how our government will look.

    Topics to be discussed:



    How offices will be acquired

    And so on.

  • #2
    Perm. Offices: City Manager, SMC, Prez, PW, Treasury Because of limited number of people, we have to keep number of offices small. I think equal number of ministers and senators is ideal.
    Temp. Offices: Minister of exploration (Maybe PW could do this since there aren't too many workers early)

    Terms: I'm Leaning toward 30 turns

    Offices should be acquired through majority vote. I think the original DG constitution is a good model (with appropriate modifications due to smaller group size, etc.)
    Citizen of the Apolyton team in the ISDG
    Currently known as Senor Rubris in the PTW DG team


    • #3
      My plan:

      Plays the game, organizes the work of the rest of the team, etc.

      Minister of the Military:
      Controls the movement of all units.

      Minister of the Interior:
      Controls tax sliders, build queues, and works with Minister of the military to control workers.

      Minister of Foreign Affairs:
      Takes care of all contact with the outside world, including the 'main' PTW forum.

      Terms of three weeks.

      The rest of the team will comprise the Senate.


      • #4
        Science and military

        I'm pretty good with Millitary tactics, but I don't have PTW till another week.
        Who else wants to be Millitary commander?

        What about science too.. Maybe someone could act as Chief Science Minister (perhaps they could hold another office also, this ones a bit small) They would need to talk to city/millitary ministers about the most urgent technology.

        I'm sorry civer dan, I don't knowwhat a PW is.. public works? could you elaborate on what those offices mean?

        Like i said to dan before, A City manager guy would be very useful, all the small micromanagement details will be good.. making sure a city never riots and won't be unhappy and have a culture flip.

        Maybe we should break down all the needed mini-jobs and decide what ministers contol what mini jobs.
        A mini job might be worker movement or Settler expansion(could be millitary or domestic)
        Some jobs might come under multiple categories and be controleed by lots of people.

        Foreign affairs:millitary(war) and diplomatic and trade departments
        Domestic/Home Office: millitary and city management , works dep.
        Workers: (millitary just for wartime) and city dep.
        Culture: Works dep, diplomatic?

        there are more of course.. but i better get to bed now.
        From this the Millitary Minister would be Involved in Foreign affairs, the Home Office as well as War and logistics(moving stuff). Perhaps having responsibiltes in lots of areas will make people enjoy it more.. Though people will maybe change jobs part way through .


        • #5
          I like Trip's plan. I say if the ministers want to assign deputy ministers to help them out and handle different things, they ought to be able to do that.


          • #6
            I like Trip's idea, but add a minister of city planning like Admiral PJ suggested. They should take care of the cities (Can't the city govenor just manage citizens moods?) and also plan the settler expansion.

            I'm not sure the actual size of the saved game, but if it is going to be large then a requirement for the Administrator/President job should be that the person has a fast enough net connection?
            Revolution Gaming - Revolution Technology


            • #7
              I think the Minister of the Interior would be able to plan that out (there won't be that much work early on) with the assistance of the Minister of the Military. Even if it does turn out to be too much for one person, it will be a very long time before that's the case. Remember, we don't need a massive beaurocracy or a huge Constitution, we can adapt on the fly.


              • #8
                PW=Public works

                But I'd like to see workers under the control of one person. I don't see why military minister should be involed with worker movement, other than in a wartime situation, even then it should be limited to building specific infrastructure needed for war (roads, outposts, etc.) and to make sure out workers aren't captured.
                Citizen of the Apolyton team in the ISDG
                Currently known as Senor Rubris in the PTW DG team


                • #9
                  But there's also really no need to have a seperate office just for moving workers... it won't be much of a chore until at least 500 AD, and even then with our industrious workers most of the work will be done.


                  • #10
                    Yeah, I guess I was looking too far forward.
                    Revolution Gaming - Revolution Technology


                    • #11
                      Put me in for either science or military. I'm probably stronger at the military side...and diplomacy...only when I need maybe I wouldn't be that great at it...see my trash talking posts hehe
                      "If you're not having fun, then you're losing the game."-Copyright Warrior Poet 11/18/2002 "No plan survives first contact with the enemy."-Tsun Tzu -Don't know when B.C.


                      • #12
                        OH and I'm good at public works/interior minister as well...okay, dang it, I can do anything, except diplomatic relations...I'm rather Machiovellian there...
                        "If you're not having fun, then you're losing the game."-Copyright Warrior Poet 11/18/2002 "No plan survives first contact with the enemy."-Tsun Tzu -Don't know when B.C.


                        • #13
                          I don't think we should use the Automatic City AI for anything, unless we have such a big civ that they can't do any harm .
                          Its better micromanaging.. having a team this will be easy and quick (as long as we're not too beuracratic/fussy as a team)
                          We need to make sure our cities have the maximum amount of laborers set to either money/production/science/food values, probably best to keep each to separate strategies when we can, one city for production biased.

                          First We ought to try and build up our cities, making lots of food first, to expand, and production to build settlers.
                          We could have a small cheap army (not too many rubbish units , more swordsmen than warriors etc) which would just defend basically.. and hunt out barbarians/scout for civs and huts. We'd need a minimum amount of money to help with diplomacy .. needed to remain peaceful. We'd always have to keep an eye on our neighbuors .. build up our armies if we see them doing the same.
                          Maybe we would soon have to beef up our armies, when we get good techs and production going.

                          Reccenaisance and intelligence gathering are important, don't be scared to spy on enemy cities(need embassies first)

                          BTW, what does an outpost do?
                          It needs masonry , so ottomans get it from the word Go.


                          • #14
                            What you say is correct...although I tend to maximize production early on...irrigation doesn't kick in too much, except plains and deserts, until Monarchy, so all of my hills and grasslands get mined...

                            Outposts are just look-out towers...extra sight/less fog of war...never used them...Fortifications and Radar towers...well, these I have used!
                            "If you're not having fun, then you're losing the game."-Copyright Warrior Poet 11/18/2002 "No plan survives first contact with the enemy."-Tsun Tzu -Don't know when B.C.


                            • #15
                              infrastructure basics

                              mining takes a lot of worker time, but I agree its useful , i like to mine Shield bonus grassland, and have some cities squares mined, and some irrigated.
                              I think we need to put a lot of time into our workers, if we do play an industrious civ, it will be a strong part of our civ, we need all our laborers to work in roads for trade, and lots of mines/irrigation.
                              We should probably give each city a basic infrastructure focusing on road links etc , but make the capital city and local ones get the most attention for IS(infrastructure) or any other big succesful cities, as we won't have unlimited workers(they're expensive and pretty useless during wars)
                              Our captured workers wont cost anything and will work as normal workers, so maybe a big war in late ancient times would be good to capture enemy workers.

                              I've been modding the irrigation on civ3, and it seems better to be able to irrigate hills too, or plains.. but i think the demo game should be unmodded, game balance can be broken with untested modding.

                              It is useful to build cities near fresh water, aquaducts are a pain to build, and rivers are great.. extra trade, though you need engineering to build bridges.

