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Foreign Minister Thread

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  • #16
    Any news about the proposed treaties with GoW or GS ?
    The save will be soon with us and we don't know what to research !
    "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
    --George Bernard Shaw
    A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
    --Woody Allen


    • #17
      Ok I am going to set up a meating with ND abassador, I finally found a time when we are both online and I can talk to him. Is there anything of improtance you wish for me to relay??
      Donate to the American Red Cross.
      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


      • #18
        Since we're considering researching Currency, it would be nice to know when ND expects to finish their own research on it. Unfortunately, there's not really a way to find that out without revealing that we're considering going for it, and they're sure to clam up then. But maybe you could ask what they expect to charge for it. That would affect our decision too, and who knows, maybe they'll let something slip.


        • #19
          Ok, we show up as having an "average" military compared to ND. Not too bad, I'd say. I'd like to contact the RPers so we can see how we compare to them. If they have a very strong military, we know something is brewing...

          Anyway, my vote would be for currency, as we are more likely to be able to trade it with others than ND is, judging my continental tensions.

          Finally, I had been mulling whether we should publicly declare our policy of attacking anyone who tries to settle our island, but I think we should hold off until it actually comes up. People may think us isolationist and arrogant, and band together to take us on. We certainly don't want that!
          I make movies. Come check 'em out.


          • #20
            Just so you guys know I am metting with the ND abasador today. I wanted to talk to him and I finally got a time set aside. I will let you know what happens and such.
            Donate to the American Red Cross.
            Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


            • #21
              As discussed in the chatroom last evening with Pres. Vondrack and FA Nimitz, I apply for the position of ambassador to Vox Controli. After the official approval/nomination from the FA, I'll send a PM to the Voxes, hopefully having their contact too, until then.

              I'd like to establish a general outline now, about what should I discuss/propose to them. Schedule a chat, or propose directly the monotheism treaty?
              "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
              --George Bernard Shaw
              A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
              --Woody Allen


              • #22
                The only advice I could offer at this time is to be extremely wary when speaking with Vox regarding GS. We still do not know what the relationship between the two is.
                Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses


                • #23
                  Anyone asked himself what could be the treaty like between the GoW and Vox? I don't think that Voxes has sold the city purely for money (+peace, of course). It must be something else. What could that be? An alliance against ND?

                  I admit it is purely speculation, but there might exist a conspiration as follows:

                  1. Vox gives GoW their Bob city
                  2. Vox provides GoW iron at the proper time (to upgrade their horses)
                  3. Both teams build a powerful military (Vox building a fleet and navigating close to the ND border, being ready to land with their immortals)
                  3. They both attack ND in the same time with Riders and Immortals, trying to cut off ND's resources (especially iron and horses) and supply lines
                  4. GoW keeps most of ND's cities
                  5. GoW gives West Witllich back to Vox and Vox is granted the right to settle eastern Bob.

                  The RP may or may not be involved.

                  The GoW is desperate to take ND's iron, the Voxes are desperate to gain more land, they both lose if they don't use their special units (especially Vox, who doesn't have much time left), so it seems logical to me.
                  This is how I would do it.
                  Is it possible that none of them did consider this scenario?
                  "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
                  --George Bernard Shaw
                  A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
                  --Woody Allen


                  • #24
                    World Factbook updated with 900BC data.
                    If you can remember anything else, please feel free to edit it.
                    "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
                    --George Bernard Shaw
                    A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
                    --Woody Allen


                    • #25

                      Re: your speculation on the GoW-Vox city "trade" - oddly enough I hadn't read your post and was speculating in the Lego chatroom and came to many of the same conclusions...

                      A deal such as that would truly benefit both sides, even more so with ND apparently falling behind in tech.
                      Last edited by Sharpe; April 3, 2003, 19:34.


                      • #26
                        With my recent change in office, I have decided that it is probably for the best that I step down from my position as ambassador to GoW. We have important negotiations coming up with them soon, and serving a dual-role as Pres. and Amb. would make negotiating trickier, as anything I said may be taken as official team policy rather than just regular chatter. Is there anyone willing to step up to this post?
                        I make movies. Come check 'em out.


                        • #27
                          Right, we seem to be in need of redoing our ambassadorial system...

                          Tiberius has Vox Controli.
                          redstar1 has Gathering Storm, but is offline for few weeks.
                          ZargonX had Glory of War, but needs a replacement.
                          Jack_www... errr... whatever, we need someone to handle Neu Demogyptica.
                          And I suppose, Nimitz will handle RPers (though our relations could certainly benefit from more frequent contacts).

                          I can fill in whenever there is need, especially with GoW and RPers, as their members often lurk in the ISDG lobby, and with Voxes, thanks to my close relation with BetaHound. But for example Neu Demogyptica simply calls for a dedicated ambassador - any volunteers?


                          • #28
                            Well no, to be fair I get online easy enough at work and I can check mail etc with Dial-up so I'm still 'active'.... can't estimate whent he server might be back up though. That ones a bit tricky
                            Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by redstar1
                              Well no, to be fair I get online easy enough at work and I can check mail etc with Dial-up so I'm still 'active'.... can't estimate whent he server might be back up though. That ones a bit tricky
                              Ah, great, I completely forgot about you being able to connect from work. Silly me... which makes us short by one ambassador less, fortunately.


                              • #30
                                And I suppose, Nimitz will handle RPers (though our relations could certainly benefit from more frequent contacts).
                                If you want me to talk them more you should just tell me, I thought we were still at the angry so we don't speak much phase.
                                Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
                                Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
                                President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires

