As it is we are 17 hours into our turn thanks to Trip's usual late night playing (wonder if he is doing that deliberately - well at least he isn't bragging about his fast play anymore!), so unless Jack shows up soon, you will have to play the 3150bc turn.
Agreed on the exploration pattern - too bad we don't have an extra unit to explore southwest of Conan, as there could be extra land there (mostly jungle admittedly).
I am worried about the slowness of our turns - isn't entirely our fault thanks to the fact that Trip sends the file when most of us are sleeping grrrr! With that timecounter the others may start to complain about it unfortunately.
I have been recording the length of turns since 3950bc using the times in the Game Save thread but I have no plans to release this info to the general forum.
Legoland about 128 hours to 3200bc (15 turns)
Lux Invicta about 129 hours to 3150bc (16 turns)
Roleplayers about 83 hours to 3150bc
NeuDemogyptica about 80 hours to 3150bc
Glory of War about 77 hours to 3150bc
Gathering Storm about 55 hours to 3150bc
Vox Controli about 36 hours to 3150bc
Admittedly Lux has had 3 or 4 times where they didn't post when they finished their turn meaning that Lux and us have estimates for those turns.
Agreed on the exploration pattern - too bad we don't have an extra unit to explore southwest of Conan, as there could be extra land there (mostly jungle admittedly).
I am worried about the slowness of our turns - isn't entirely our fault thanks to the fact that Trip sends the file when most of us are sleeping grrrr! With that timecounter the others may start to complain about it unfortunately.
I have been recording the length of turns since 3950bc using the times in the Game Save thread but I have no plans to release this info to the general forum.
Legoland about 128 hours to 3200bc (15 turns)
Lux Invicta about 129 hours to 3150bc (16 turns)
Roleplayers about 83 hours to 3150bc
NeuDemogyptica about 80 hours to 3150bc
Glory of War about 77 hours to 3150bc
Gathering Storm about 55 hours to 3150bc
Vox Controli about 36 hours to 3150bc
Admittedly Lux has had 3 or 4 times where they didn't post when they finished their turn meaning that Lux and us have estimates for those turns.