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The Chronicle of Legoland

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  • Turn 105

    470 BC

    1) accepted Feudalism from Vox Controli

    2) Jackson finished worked, started another worker

    3) Merc Twain fortified in Forkmouth
    4) George moved W-NW-NW
    5) Logger moved NW
    6) Silver fortified
    7) Troy moved S-S
    8) G.G. moved SW-SW-S
    9) Frank ordered to road
    10) new Jackson merc named 'Mercules' and moved W-SW
    11) Jason moved SE and joined city
    12) new Jackson worker named "Jinxo" and moved SW-SW-W
    13) Forkman SE-SE-SE
    14) Mercurio fortified
    15) Marky Merc moved NE
    16) Howard got N onboard G.B.
    17) G.B. moved NW-W-SW
    18) DyeHard moved S-SE-S
    19) Karina 1-pop rushed its temple build
    20) Alexander moved NE-E
    21) Angus moved NW

    Top 5 Cities

    Savegames for 470BC:

    Note: do NOT post in this thread, please. Use the Discussion... thread to suggest improvements and/or additions or errors to be corrected.
    Last edited by vondrack; June 16, 2003, 19:14.
    I make movies. Come check 'em out.


    • Turn 106

      450 BC

      1) Jackson finished worked, started temple
      2) Panama finished settler, started merc
      3) Karina finished temple, started courthouse
      4) Zargonia finished worker, started harbour

      5) new Zargonia worker named 'Frank Jr', moved N and ordered to mine
      6) Jimbo moved S-SW and ordered to mine
      7) DyeHard moved SE-SE-SE
      8) George moved W
      9) Forkman moved SE-SE
      10) Jack moved S-SW
      11) Jinxo moved W
      12) Mercules moved S-S-S
      13) Angus moved NW-NW-NW
      14) Panama settler moved SW-S
      15) G.G. moved W-S-E
      16) Troy killed barb horse S; 1 hp lost
      17) Alexander moved E-N
      18) Logger ordered to road
      19) new Jackson worker named 'Jason Jr.' and moved SW-SW-SW
      20) Howard disembarked N
      21) G.B. moved SW-SW-SW
      22) Marky Merc moved N
      23) Silver killed barb horse SW-S; no hp lost
      24) Conan moved S

      25) Legopolis labourer reassigned from the fully improved grassland E-SE to the fully improved riverbank hill N of the city
      26) Farmerville labourer reassigned from the fully improved desert SW to the unimproved grassland E of the city
      27) new Red Bricks labourer reassigned from the unimproved riverbank grassland S-SW to the gold mountain N-NE

      --) Silver killed barb horse on defense; no hp lost

      Top 5 Cities

      Savegames for 450BC:
      finished turn

      Note: do NOT post in this thread, please. Use the Discussion... thread to suggest improvements and/or additions or errors to be corrected.
      Last edited by vondrack; June 16, 2003, 19:23.


      • Turn 107

        430 BC

        1) Farmerville finished worker, started settler
        2) new Farmerville worker named 'Farmer', moved SE, and ordered to mine
        3) George ordered to road
        4) Mercules moved S-SE-S
        5) Jack ordered to irrigate
        6) Forkman moved SE-E-NE
        7) Jinxo moved S-W and ordered to mine
        8) Jason Jr. ordered to mine
        9) Angus moved NW-NW
        10) Settler moved S
        11) Frank moved N-E and joined Sharpehaven
        12) DyeHard moved SE-S-S
        13) Rover moved W
        14) Alexander sentried
        15) Conan sentried
        16) Troy sentried
        17) Silver moved E-E
        18) G.G. moved SW-S-S
        19) G.B. moved SW-SW
        20) Marky Merc got onboard G.B. (E)
        21) G.B. moved S
        22) Howard skipped turn
        23) Dycedarg moved SW-SW-W

        24) Red Bricks 1-pop-rushed its temple build
        25) Dye Fields 2-pop-rushed its temple build; one remaining citizen changed to an entertainer
        26) Logville 2-pop-rushed its temple build; one remaining citizen changed to an entertainer, the other one set to work wheat.
        27) Sharpehaven 2-pop-rushed its temple build


        Top 5 Cities

        Savegames for 430BC:

        Note: do NOT post in this thread, please. Use the Discussion... thread to suggest improvements and/or additions or errors to be corrected.
        Last edited by vondrack; June 16, 2003, 19:25.
        I make movies. Come check 'em out.


        • 410 BC

          1) Legopolis labourer S of the city changed in to a taxman
          2) Red Bricks finished temple, started marketplace
          3) Dye Fields finished temple, started marketplace
          4) Logville finished temple, started worker
          5) Sharpehaven finished temple, started barracks
          6) Forkman moved N-NE
          7) Dycedarg moved NW-W
          8) Settler moved S
          9) G.B. moved E-E-SE
          10) Marky Merc disembarked SE
          11) Howard moved NW
          12) Mercules moved W-W-W
          13) DyeHard moved S-SW-S
          14) Rover moved N-N-NW
          15) Logger moved NW and ordered to mine
          16) Silver moved E-E
          17) Troy moved S-S
          18) G.G. moved SW-S-E
          19) Angus boarded G.B. (NW)

          20) Farmerville build changed to worker
          21) new Farmerville labourer made a taxman
          22) Farmerville labourer reassigned from the fully improved desert SW to the riverbank grassland under improvement SE of the city

          --) Howard defeated a barb horse; no hp lost
          --) Troy defeated a barb horse, no hp lost

          Top 5 Cities

          Savegames for 410BC:
          Last edited by vondrack; June 16, 2003, 19:39.
          I make movies. Come check 'em out.


          • Turn 109

            390 BC

            1) new government: Republic!
            2) Kloreepville founded, labourer working roaded grass, build set to Temple
            3) Jack ordered to stop irrigating
            4) Jack order to irrigate cattle
            5) Marky Merc moved SE
            6) G.B. moved W-W-NW
            7) Angus disembarked W
            8) Dycedarg moved NW-NW-NW
            9) DyeHard moved E
            10) Conan moved N
            11) Silver sentried
            12) Troy moved S
            13) G.G. moved SW-SW-SE
            14) Mercules moved NW-N-W
            15) Howard moved NW
            16) George moved W
            17) Rover ordered to chop forest
            18) Legopolis labourer reassigned from the fully improved riverbank grassland SE to the fully improved hill NE-E of the city
            19) Farmerville labourer reassigned from the roaded improved riverbank grassland SE to the fully improved desert SW of the city
            20) Panama labourer reassigned from the fully improved plains SE to the fully improved riverbank hill E of the city
            21) Karina labourers reassigned from non-bonus grasslands to riverbank plains
            22) Dye Fields specialist assigned to work the roaded dyes NW of the city
            23) Logville specialist assigned to work the roaded riverbank grass W of the city
            24) Sharpehaven specialist assigned to work the roaded grass S of the city
            25) Research slider lowered to 60%
            26) Gaul moved N

            --) Howard killed a barb horse on defense; no hp lost

            Top 5 Cities

            Savegames for 390BC:

            Note: do NOT post in this thread, please. Use the Discussion... thread to suggest improvements and/or additions or errors to be corrected.
            Last edited by vondrack; June 16, 2003, 19:45.


            • Turn 110

              370 BC

              1) Legopolis finished marketplace, started settler
              2) George ordered to mine
              3) Mercules moved N and fortifed in Sharpehaven
              4) Gaul moved NE
              5) Marky Merc moved SE-SE-SE
              6) Dycedarg skipped turn
              6) G.B. moved E-E-S
              7) Angus moved N
              8) Howard moved N
              9) Frank Jr. moved SE and ordered to mine
              10) DyeHard moved SE-SE-S
              11) Conan moved NW-NW-W
              12) Troy sacks the barb camp SW-W; no HP lost, 25 gold collected
              13) G.G. moved S-S-E
              14) Archibald moved SE-SE-SE
              15) Alexander moved N
              16) Mercedes moved N-W
              17) Merced moved NE
              18) Panama vet merc moved SE-SE-SE
              19) Legopolis specialist changed from entertainer to a taxman
              20) Farmerville laborer reassigned from forest E-SE to floodplains NW from the city
              21) Farmerville specialist changed to a taxman
              22) Zargonia labourer reassigned from roaded grassland NW to roaded hill W

              Top 5 Cities

              Savegames for 370BC:
              finished turn

              Note: do NOT post in this thread, please. Use the Discussion... thread to suggest improvements and/or additions or errors to be corrected.
              Last edited by vondrack; June 16, 2003, 19:48.
              I make movies. Come check 'em out.


              • Turn 111

                350 BC

                1) Panama finished merc, started worker
                2) Dycedarg skipped turn
                3) new Panama merc named 'NuMeric' and moved SE-SE-SE
                4) G.B. moved SE-E
                5) Gaul moved NE
                6) Leopold ordered to road
                7) Charlie ordered to road
                8) Jinxo moved W
                9) Jack moved N-N
                10) merc renamed 'Meriadoc' and moved SE-S-E
                11) Marky Merc moved SE-E
                12) Mercedes moved NW-NW-NW
                13) Merced N-N-NW
                14) Farmer moved SE-SE-SE
                15) Archibald moved SE-S-S
                16) Conan moved N-NE-NE
                17) Alexander moved SE
                18) MercG moved NE-E
                19) DyeHard moved N
                20) Troy moved E-E
                21) G.G. moved S-E-NE
                22) Angus moved N
                23) Howard sacked barb camp N; no hp lost, 25g collected
                24) Forkman upgraded to Medieval Infantry

                25) new Jackson citizen made a taxman
                26) Farmerville specialist made an entertainer
                27) new Farmerville labourer set to work the floodplain NW-NW

                --) Howard killed a barb horse on defense; 1 hp lost

                Top 5 Cities

                Savegames for 350BC:
                Last edited by vondrack; June 16, 2003, 20:34.
                I make movies. Come check 'em out.


                • Turn 112

                  330 BC

                  1) Legopolis finished settler, started cathedral
                  2) Farmerville finished worker, started another one
                  3) Panama finished worker, started horseman
                  4) MercG moved W
                  5) Conan moved NW
                  6) Archibald moved S-SW and fortified
                  7) Farmer moved S-S and ordered to mine
                  8) new Farmerville worker named 'Forrest' and moved W-W-W
                  9) Leopold moved NE and ordered to irrigate
                  10) Charlie moved W-SW
                  11) Gaul moved N
                  12) Jinxo ordered to mine
                  13) Merced moved W-SW-W
                  14) Meriadoc moved E-SE-SE
                  15) MarkyMerc moved E-NE-NE
                  16) new Legopolis settler moved N-W
                  17) Forkman fortified
                  18) Jack ordered to mine
                  19) NuMeric moved SE-S-SE
                  20) new Panama worker named 'Beta' and skipped turn
                  21) Mercedes fortified
                  22) G.B. skipped turn
                  23) Dycedarg upgraded to Medieval Infantry for 20 gold
                  24) Angus sacked barb camp W; no hp lost, 25g collected
                  25) Howard moved S
                  26) Alexander skipped turn
                  27) DyeHard moved S; spoted barb camp S-SW
                  28) Troy E-N
                  29) G.G. moved SE-SE-NE
                  30) Dyetrich moved NW-NW-NW
                  31) three Legopolis labourers reassigned from hills to grasslands
                  32) Farmerville labourer reassigned from wheat W to fully improved grassland SE
                  33) Farmerville specialist made a taxman
                  34) Red Bricks labourer reassigned from grassland S-SW to forest SW-SW from the city
                  35) Karina labourers assigned to N-NE, E, SE, SE-SE, and S of the city
                  36) Zargonia labourers assigned to W, W-SW, SW, N, and NE of the city
                  37) Logville labourer reassigned from bonus grassland N to roaded plains W-NW
                  38) Tarzania labourer reaasigned from grass S-SW to fullyimproved bonus grass SE-SE of the city
                  39) research slider set to 50%

                  Top 5 Cities

                  Savegames for 330BC:
                  Last edited by vondrack; June 20, 2003, 12:20.
                  I make movies. Come check 'em out.


                  • Turn 113

                    310 BC

                    1) Dyetrich moved W-SW
                    2) Robbie ordered to road
                    3) Meriadoc moved SE and fortified in Dye Fields
                    4) NuMeric moved S-S-S
                    5) Gaul moved N
                    6) Merced fortified in Kloreepville
                    7) Charlie ordered to mine
                    8) Dycedarg fortified in Panama
                    9) Beta loads GB
                    10) G.B. skipped turn
                    11) Settler moved NW-NW-NW
                    12) Marky Merc fortified in Jackson
                    13) Jimbo moved SW and ordered to mine
                    14) Frank Jr. moved SW-SW
                    15) Conan moved N-N-NW
                    16) MercG moved SW-S-E
                    17) Alexander moved W-S
                    18) Dyehard moved SW
                    19) Troy moved NW-N
                    20) G.G. moved E-NE-N
                    21) Forrest moved NW-N-W
                    22) George ordered to road
                    23) Angus moved NE
                    24) Howard moved S

                    25) Jackson labourer reassigned from the hill to a coast
                    26) Forkmouth labourers reassigned from the floodplains E-NE to a coast and from the non-riverbank mined grassland N-NE to the roaded grassland N-NW of the city
                    27) Zargonia labourer reassigned from the unimproved hill SW-SW to the roaded hill W-SW of the city

                    28) Theology sent to Neu Demogyptica as "accepted"

                    --) Angus killed a barb horse on defense; no hp lost

                    Top 5 Cities

                    Savegames for 310BC:
                    Last edited by vondrack; June 22, 2003, 03:57.
                    I make movies. Come check 'em out.


                    • Turn 114

                      290 BC

                      1) accepted 50g as a loan repayment from Vox Controli
                      2) Jackson finished temple, started horseman
                      3) Farmerville finished worker, started another one
                      4) Forkmouth finished barracks, started worker
                      5) Forrest moved W and ordered to mine
                      6) new Farmerville worker named 'Ken' and moved SE-SE-SE
                      7) Conan moved NW-NW-W
                      8) Frank Jr. ordered to mine
                      9) Jason Jr. ordered to road
                      10) Dyetrich moved S-S-S
                      11) Leopold moved SW and ordered to irrigate
                      12) Gaul moved N
                      13) settler loaded onto G.B.
                      14) G.B. moved W-N-N
                      15) NuMeric moved S-SE-S
                      16) Rover ordered to road
                      17) MercG moved SE-SE-E
                      18) Alexander sentried
                      19) DyeHard sacked the barb camp S; no hp lost, 25g collected
                      20) G.G. moved E-NE-N
                      21) Troy moved W-N
                      22) Angus killed the barb horse NE; 1 hp lost, promoted to veteran
                      23) Howard fortified
                      24) Silver moved W-N

                      25) Legopolis labourers reassigned from fully improved regular grasslands to fully improved hills
                      26) Jackson specialist changed to a labourer working the fully improved hill SW
                      27) Farmerville labourer reassigned from the forest to the fully improved riverbank grassland SE of the city
                      28) Forkmouth labourer working the coast made into a taxman, another Forkmouth labourer reassigned from the roaded grassland to the unimproved floodplain
                      29) Karina goldrushed its courthouse build for 212 gold
                      30) Logville labourers reassigned to work wheat, roaded grassland, and coasts S & SE of the city
                      31) new Sharpehaven labourer reassigned from the gold hill to the roaded grassland S of the city

                      Top 5 Cities

                      Savegames for 290BC:
                      Last edited by vondrack; June 24, 2003, 03:45.


                      • 270 BC

                        1) Panama finished horseman, started merc
                        2) Karina finished courthouse, started Forbidden Palace
                        3) Ken moved SE-E-NE
                        4) Conan moved NW-W-W
                        5) NuMeric moved SE-SE-SE
                        6) Dyetrich moved S-SE-S
                        7) George moved SW
                        8) Gaul upgraded to medieval infantry for 60 gold
                        9) new Panam horse named 'Misty' and moved SE-SE-SE-SE-SE
                        10) G.B. moved N-N-NW
                        11) Beta unloaded N
                        12) Settler unloaded N
                        13) Robbie ordered to mine
                        14) Angus moved E
                        15) Howard moved S
                        16) Logger moved NE
                        17) MercG fortified
                        18) DyeHard killed the barb warrior NW; no hp lost
                        19) G.G. moved E-N-N
                        20) Silver sentried
                        21) Troy moved N

                        22) Farmville labourer working the wheat changed to a taxman
                        23) Sharpehaven labourer reassigned from the roaded grassland S to the gold hill E of the city
                        24) Zargonia labourer reassigned from the unimproved hill SW to the roaded grass NW of the city

                        25) Theology sent to GS as "accepted"

                        --) Silver killed the barb warrior on defense, no hp lost
                        --) Angus killed the barb warrior and horse on defense, no hp lost, promoted to elite

                        Top 5 Cities

                        Savegames for 270BC:
                        Last edited by vondrack; June 24, 2003, 05:23.
                        I make movies. Come check 'em out.


                        • Turn 116

                          250 BC

                          1) Farmerville finished worker, started another one
                          2) Forkmouth finished worker, started catapult

                          3) new Forkmouth worker named 'Fritz' and moved NW-NW
                          4) George ordered to mine
                          5) Leopold moved SW
                          6) Gaul skipped turn
                          7) Misty moved NE-NE-N
                          8) Ken moved NE-N-NW
                          9) NuMeric moved SE-E-NE
                          10) MightyMerc moved W-SW-W
                          11) Dyetrich fortified
                          12) new Farmerville worker named 'Stanley' and moved NW
                          13) Rover moved E and ordered to mine
                          14) Logger ordered to mine
                          15) G.G. moved E-NE-N
                          16) DyeHard moved N
                          17) Silver moved S-S
                          18) Troy sacked the barb camp W (1 hp lost, 25g collected) and moved S then
                          19) G.B. moved SW-SW-W
                          20) Beta moved NW
                          21) Settler moved NW
                          22) Howard fortified
                          23) Angus embarked S
                          24) Conan skipped turn

                          25) Jackson labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill SW to the coast E-NE of the city
                          26) Farmville labourer reassigned from the forest E-SE to fully improved grassland SE of the city

                          Top 5 Cities

                          Savegames for 250BC:


                          • Turn 117

                            230 BC

                            1) Jackson finished horseman, started worker

                            2) new Jackson horseman named 'Hunter', moved S-S, and fortified
                            3) Forkman moved S-S and fortified
                            4) Misty moved N
                            5) Gaul skipped turn
                            6) Leopold ordered to mine
                            7) Fritz ordered to mine
                            8) Forrest moved E-E-N
                            9) Stanley ordered to irrigate
                            10) MightyMerc moved S-S-S
                            11) NuMeric moved E and fortified in Zargonia
                            12) Rover moved S-SW-S
                            13) Farmer moved S-SW-S
                            14) G.G. moved NE-N-N
                            15) DyeHard moved NE
                            16) Silver moved S-W
                            17) Troy moved
                            18) Ken ordered to road
                            19) Jason Jr. moved SE-SE-SE
                            20) G.B. moved E-SE-SE
                            21) Beta moved N
                            22) Settler moved N
                            23) Howard moved N
                            24) Conan skipped turn

                            25) Legopolis production changed to colosseum, goldrushed for 232 gold, and switched back to cathedral
                            26) Legopolis labourers reassigned from the hills NE and E-NE to the grasslands S and SE of the city
                            27) Legopolis governor set to emphasize production
                            28) Jackson labourer reassigned from the coast E-NE to the hill SE of the city
                            29) Panama production changed to a horseman
                            30) Farmerville labourer reassigned from the fully grassland SE to the forrest E-SE of the city
                            31) Farmerville governor set to emphasize production
                            32) Forkmouth labourer reassigned from the floodplains E-NE to the roaded grassland N-NW from the city
                            33) Kloreepville new labourer reassigned from the mined hill NE to the irrigated grass E of the city

                            34) researched slider knocked down to 40%

                            --) Howard killed a barb horse on defense; no hp lost

                            Top 5 Cities

                            Savegames for 230BC:


                            • Turn 118

                              210 BC

                              1) Jackson finished worker, started horseman
                              2) Farmerville finished worker, started another one
                              3) Panama finished horseman, started another one

                              4) G.B. moved S-S-SE
                              5) Angus disembarked E
                              6) Beta moved W
                              7) Howard moved W
                              8) Settler moved W
                              9) new Farmerville worker named 'Gus' and moved NW
                              10) G.G. sentried
                              11) Gaul got aboard G.B. (W)
                              12) Dycedarg got aboard G.B. (W)
                              13) new Panama horseman named 'Arthur' and moved SE-SE-SE-SE-S-SE
                              14) Jack ordered ro road
                              15) Misty sentried
                              16) new Jackson worker named 'Johan Sebastian' and moved SW-W
                              17) Robbie moved NW-NW-NW
                              18) Jason Jr. ordered to mine
                              19) MightyMerc moved SW and fortified
                              20) Rover moved SE
                              21) Farmer moved SE
                              22) DyeHard moved NE
                              23) Silver killed the barb warrior S; no hp lost
                              24) Troy skipped turn
                              25) Conan skipped turn
                              26) Forrest ordered to road
                              27) Jinxo ordered to road

                              28) Legopolis labourer reassigned from the fully improved riverbank grassland SE to the fully improved hill NE of the city
                              29) Farmerville labourer reassigned from the forrest E-SE to the fully improved riverbank grassland SE of the city
                              30) Forkmouth labourer working the roaded grassland N-NW of the city made a taxman
                              31) Forkmouth build changed to horseman

                              32) sent The Republic & Theology to RPers as "accepted"

                              --) Howard killed two barb horsies on defense; 1 hp lost, promoted to veteran status

                              Top 5 Cities

                              Savegames for 210BC:


                              • Turn 119

                                190 BC

                                1) Logville finished worker, started settler

                                2) new Logville worker named 'Luke' and moved W
                                3) DyeHard moved NW-W
                                4) Rover ordered to mine
                                5) Farmer ordered to mine
                                6) Jimbo moved NE-NE-N
                                7) Robbie ordered to road
                                8) Johan Sebastian ordered to road
                                9) Angus skipped turn
                                10) G.B. moved NW-N-N
                                11) Charlie ordered to road
                                12) Conan skipped turn
                                13) Stanley ordered to road
                                14) Gus ordered to road
                                15) Arthur moved S-S-S-S-SE-S
                                16) Howard killed the barb warrior NW; no hp lost, promoted to elite
                                17) Beta moved NW
                                18) Settler moved NW
                                19) Silver sacked the barb camp SE-SE; no hp lost, 25g collected
                                20) Troy moved S-SE
                                21) Archibald moved NE-E
                                22) Alexander moved W-S

                                23) Farmerville labourer reassigned from the fully improved riverbank grassland SE to the forest E-SE of the city
                                24) Karina labourers reassigned from the riverbank plains E and SE to the hills being mined (E-SE and S-SE of the city)
                                25) Dye Fields labourer reassigned from the hill to the coast NE of the city
                                26) Logville workers reassigned from the non-riverbank tiles N and W-SW to the coastal tiles SE and S of the city
                                27) Sharpehaven labourer reassigned from the roaded grassland S to the coast NW of the city
                                28) Kloreepville labourer reassigned from the irrigated grassland E to the mined hill NE of the city

                                29) research slider set to 30%

                                Top 5 Cities

                                Savegames for 190BC:
                                received (alternate link)

