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The Chronicle of Legoland

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  • Turn 150

    340 AD

    1) GoW/China offers wines as 'accepted'; accepted
    2) RoP & dyes sent as 'accepted' to GoW/China

    3) Red Bricks finished catapult; started another one
    4) Kloreepville finished aqueduct; started catapult

    5) new catapult finished in Red Brick named 'Crusher' and moved NE-N-N
    6) 'Trasher' fortified
    7) Adam ordered to road
    8) Bruno ordered to road
    9) N.C. fortified
    10) Stanley ordered to mine
    11) Gus ordered to mine
    12) Merril fortified
    13) Pink ordered to clear jungle
    14) Jack moved NE and ordered to mine
    15) Jason moved S-SE
    16) L.V. with LEF5 aboard moved NE-NE-NE
    17) Max Payne moved NW-N and fortified
    18) Frank Jr. moved S
    19) Ming moved S
    20) Peter moved W and ordered to irrigate
    21) Patrick moved W-S
    22) Leopold moved SE and ordered to irrigate
    23) settler 'Castle' moved N-N-N
    24) J.K. with LEF4 aboard moved N-N-NE
    25) Logger moved NW-W-SW
    26) Rover moved SW-SW
    27) Luke moved W-SW and ordered to mine
    28) Chris moved S-SW
    29) Mark ordered to road
    30) Farmer moved SW
    31) Merc Twain fortified
    32) Ken ordered to mine
    33) Jimbo moved W-SW
    34) settler 'Tipper' moved W-SW-SW
    35) Philippe moved NW-NW-NW
    36) G.G. moved S-SW-W
    37) LEF2 (Attila, Misty, Silver) moved E-NE
    38) captured ND worker renamed 'Bob' and ordered to road
    39) LEF3 (Lancelot, Arthur, Horace) moved NE
    40) I.N. moved W-SW-S
    41) Mercurio moved S-S-S
    42) Numero Uno moved NE-N-N
    43) St. Merc moved E-SE-E
    44) Mercx moved NW-NW-NW
    45) Forkmerc moved SW-SW and fortified
    46) Mercus Aurelius moved NW-N and fortified

    47) Farmerville labourer reassigned from the roaded/mined grassland SE-SE to the roaded/irrigated grassland E of the city
    48) Panama labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill E to the bonus grassland S-SW of the city
    49) Red Bricks labourer reassigned from the gold mountain N-NE to the roaded/mined grassland W-SW of the city
    50) Forkmouth labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill NW-NW to the roaded grassland SE of the city
    51) Logville production changed to settler
    52) Kloreepville labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill SW to the roaded grassland W of the city
    53) Kloreepville labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill SE to the roaded/irrigated grassland E-NE of the city
    54) Kloreepville labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill NE to the coast NW of the city
    55) Kloreepville governor set to emphasize production
    56) Invoice labourer reassigned to the roaded grassland SE-SE of the city
    57) Abilene labourer reassigned to the roaded grassland N of the city
    58) Ahhmyfoot labourer reassigned from the roaded/irrigated plains N-NE to the roaded/mined bonus grassland W-SW of the city

    Top 5 Cities

    Savegames for 340AD:


    • Turn 151

      350 AD

      1) Jackson finished knight; started marketplace
      2) Karina finished knight; started another one
      3) Ahhmyfoot finished temple, started barracks

      4) Crusher moved NE-E-SE
      5) Charlie moved NE and ordered to mine
      6) new knight finished in Jackson named 'Gaheris', moved S-S, and fortified
      7) Geraint moved S-SE-S-S and fortified
      8) Michael ordered to road
      9) Jason Jr. ordered to irrigate
      10) settler 'Castle' moved N
      11) Numero Uno moved N and fortified
      12) Jinxo ordered to irrigate
      13) Mercurio moved SW and fortified
      14) Forrest ordered to irrigate
      15) Patrick ordered to road
      16) Frank Jr. moved S
      17) Ming moved S
      18) settler 'Tipper' moved SW-W-S
      19) Farmer ordered to road
      20) Chris ordered to road
      21) Rover ordered to road
      22) St. Merc moved S-SE and fortified
      23) Mercx moved NW-W and fortified
      24) Logger ordered to road
      25) Bruno ordered to mine
      26) Martin moved NW-N-N
      27) Toby moved E and ordered to irrigate
      28) Philippe ordered to irrigate
      29) new knight finished in Karina moved E-SE-E-NE and fortified
      30) J.K. with LEF4 aboard moved N-N-N
      31) L.V. with LEF5 aboard moved E-E-E
      32) LEF5 (Galahad, Marky Merc, Merciless) landed NE
      33) I.N. moved W-SW-S
      34) LEF123 moved S-E-SE
      35) Jimbo ordered to road
      36) G.G. moved W-W-W
      37) Forkmerc moved NE-NE and fortified
      38) Max Payne moved N-N and fortified

      39) Sharpehaven labourer reassigned from the roaded/irrigated grassland S-SE to the roaded/irrigated grassland S of the city
      40) Forkmouth labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill W to the roaded/irrigated grassland N-NW of the city
      41) Logville labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill N-NE to the roaded/irrigated plains W-NW of the city
      42) Oasis labourer reassigned from the fully improved iron hill S-SE to the roaded/mined grassland N-NW of the city
      43) Invoice labourer reassigned to the unimproved grassland W of the city
      44) Kloreepville labourer reassigned from the coast NW to the roaded grassland W-NW of the city
      45) Ahhmyfoot labourer reassigned from the roaded/mined bonus grassland W-SW to the roaded/irrigated plains N-NE of the city
      46) Tiberium labourer reassigned from the unimproved grassland N-NE to the unimproved hill W-SW of the city
      57) Abilene labourer reassigned to the roaded/mined bonus grassland NE-NE of the city

      58) iron sent as 'accepted' to GoW/China
      59) 151g sent as 'accepted' to ND/Arabia

      60) research slider set to 0%

      Top 5 Cities

      Savegames for 350AD:


      • Turn 152

        360 AD

        1) our offer of iron for GoW/China still on the table; resent as 'accepted'

        2) Forkmouth finished knight; started another one
        3) Dye Fields finished worker; started another one
        4) Sharpehaven finished musketman; started worker

        5) Crusher moved SE-SE-S
        6) Charlie moved NW and ordered to irrigate
        7) Jack moved W-W-W
        8) settler 'Castle' moved N-NE
        9) Leopold moved NW-W
        10) new musketman finished in Sharpehaven named 'D'Artagnan' and moved E-E-E
        11) Peter moved S and ordered to mine
        12) new knight finished in Forkmouth named 'Bedivere' and moved E-E-E-E-E-E
        13) Fritz moved SE
        14) George moved NW-NW-N
        15) Martin moved NE
        16) new worker finished in Dye Fields named 'Orange' and moved NW-W
        17) Adam moved N-NW and ordered to irrigate
        18) settler 'Tipper' moved S
        19) Frank Jr. ordered to road
        20) Ming fortified
        21) Bill ordered to mine
        22) G.G. moved W-NW-N
        23) J.K. with LEF4 aboard moved N-NE-NE
        24) LEF4 (Alexander, Gareth, Gawain) landed NE
        25) Merciless moved NE
        26) Marky Merc moved NE
        27) Galahad moved NE-E (our RoP with GoW does not work)
        28) L.V. moved W-W-W
        29) LEF123 moved E-SE
        30) I.N. moved W-W-SW

        31) Legopolis production changed to J.S. Bach's Cathedral
        32) Tarzania labourer reassigned from the roaded/mined grassland W-SW to the fully improved hill E of the city
        33) Farmerville labourer reassigned from the roaded/mined desert SW to the roaded/mined bonus grassland E-NE of the city
        34) Forkmouth labourer reassigned from the roaded/irrigated grassland N-NW to the fully improved hill W of the city
        35) Forkmouth labourer reassigned from the roaded/irrigated grassland NE-NE to the fully improved hill NW-NW of the city
        36) Dye Fields labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill to the roaded/mined grassland S of the city
        37) Logville labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill NE to the roaded/mined grassland W of the city
        38) Logville labourer reassigned from the roaded/irrigated grassland N-NW to the roaded grassland SW of the city
        39) Sharpehaven labourer reassigned from the roaded/irrigated grassland S to the fully improved hill E-NE of the city
        40) Kloreepville production changed to barracks
        41) Horsefish labourer reassigned to the roaded grassland NE of the city

        42) research slider set to 20%

        43) 151g sent as 'accepted' to ND/Arabia

        Top 5 Cities

        Savegames for 360AD:


        • Turn 153

          370 AD

          1) Legopolis completed J.S.Bach's Cathedral, started Sistine Chapel
          2) Farmerville finished settler, started another one
          3) Panama finished knight, started another one
          4) Red Bricks finished catapult, started another one
          5) Logville finished settler, started another one
          6) Sharpehaven finished worker, started musketman
          7) Tarzania finished musketman, started another one

          8) Crusher moved S and fortified
          9) new catapult finished in Red Bricks named 'Fire' and moved S-S-SE
          10) D'Artagnan moved SE-SE-SE
          11) George moved NE
          12) Martin ordered to clear jungle
          13) Orange ordered to clear jungle
          14) Michael moved NW and ordered to mine
          15) Jason Jr. ordered to road
          16) Jack moved NW-W-W
          17) new knight finished in Panama named 'Kay' and moved SE-SE-SE-SE-SE-SE
          18) Jinxo ordered to road
          19) Forrest moved W
          20) Leopold ordered to clear jungle
          21) new worker finished in Sharpehaven named 'Warwick' and moved E-N-NE
          22) Patrick ordered to mine
          23) Fritz ordered to road
          24) new settler finished in Farmerville named 'Hammer' and moved NW-NW-NW
          25) Toby moved E-S and ordered to mine
          26) Bedivere moved S and fortified
          27) Stanley moved S and ordered to irrigate
          28) Gus moved S and ordered to irrigate
          29) new musketman finished in Tarzania named 'Athos', moved S-S, and fortified
          30) Logger moved W-S-W
          31) Philippe moved SE-S-SW
          32) Mark ordered to mine
          33) Farmer moved NE and ordered to mine
          34) Rover ordered to mine
          35) new settler finished in Logville named 'Sandy' and moved NW-NW-NW
          36) Luke moved S
          37) Ken moved E-N
          38) Jimbo ordered to mine
          39) settler 'Tipper' moved S
          40) G.G. moved NW-NW-N
          41) J.K. moved SW-SW-S
          42) LEF4 (Alexander, Gareth, Gawain) moved E-E-NE-NE-N-NE
          43) Galahad moved E-E
          44) LEF5a (Marky Merc, Merciless) moved E
          45) L.V. moved E-E and fortified
          46) settler 'Castle' founded Castlea; working the roaded grassland, production set to harbour
          47) I.N. fortified
          48) Hunter moved N; spotted a GoW/Chinese rider on the hill E
          49) Hunter moved back S
          50) LEF2 (Misty, Silver, Attila) moved SE
          51) Troy fortified
          52) LEF3 (Arthur, Horace, Lancelot) moved S
          53) Victor fortified
          54) Bob moved E
          55) Mercedes moved N

          56) Legopolis labourer reassigned from the filly improved hill E-NE to the roaded/irrigated grassland E-SE of the city
          57) Jackson labourer reassigned from the roaded/mined desert W-SW to the fully improved hill SW-SW of the city
          58) Farmerville labourer reassigned from the roaded/mined desert SW to the fully improved floodplains NW of the city
          59) Farmerville labourer reassigned from the roaded/mined bonus grassland E-NE to the roaded/irrigated grassland E of the city
          60) reassigned Forkmouth labourer from the fully improved hill W to the roaded/irrigated grassland NE-NE of the city
          61) Logville labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill NE to the roaded/irrigated plains W-NW of the city
          62) Sharpehaven governor set to emphasize production
          63) Oasis labourer reassigned from the fully improved iron hill S-SE to the roaded/irrigated grassland S-SW of the city
          64) Tarzania labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill S-SE to the fish E-NE of the city

          65) research slider set to 50%

          Top 5 Cities

          Savegames for 370AD:


          • Turn 154

            380 AD

            1) Zargonia finished aqueduct, started caravel

            2) people admire the management; White House left wing built

            3) Fire moved SE-SE-SE
            4) Yellow ordered to road
            5) White ordered to road
            6) George ordered to clear jungle
            7) Kay moved E-E and fortified
            8) Charlie moved NW-N and ordered to irrigate
            9) Mercedes fortified
            10) Jack ordered to clear jungle
            11) Warwick ordered to clear jungle
            12) Peter moved N-NW
            13) Patrick moved N-W and ordered to irrigate
            14) D'Artagnan moved SE-SE-E
            15) settler 'Hammer' moved NW-NW-NW
            16) Stanley moved SW-SW-W
            17) Gus moved SW-SW-W
            18) Adam moved S-SE and ordered to mine
            19) settler 'Sandy' moved NW-NW-N
            20) Philippe ordered to road
            21) Logger ordered to road
            22) Ken ordered to road
            23) Chris moved W-SW-W
            24) settler 'Tipper' moved S
            25) G.G. moved N-N-N
            26) Luke ordered to road
            27) J.K. moved S and fortified
            28) LEF4 (Alexander, Gareth, Gawain) moved SE-N-NE-E
            29) Galahad moved SE-E-E-E
            30) LEF5a (Marky Merc, Merciless) moved E
            31) Bob ordered to road
            32) Hunter fortified
            33) LEF2 (Misty, Silver, Attila) fortified
            34) LEF3 (Arthur, Horace, Lancelot) fortified
            35) Forrest ordered to clear jungle
            36) I.N. moved S-S-E

            37) Farmerville labourer reassigned from the roaded/mined bonus grassland E-NE to the roaded/mined grassland SE of the city
            38) Karina labourer reassigned from the iron hill to the roaded/irrigated plains E of the city
            39) Oasis labourer reassigned from the roaded/irrigated grassland S-SW to the iron hill S-SE of the city
            40) Karina labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill SE-SE to the roaded/irrigated grassland N-NW of the city
            41) Zargonia labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill W-SW to the roaded/irrigated grassland W-NW of the city
            42) Sharpehaven labourer reassigned from the roaded/irrigated grassland SE-SE to the roaded/mined bonus grassland W of the city
            43) Tiberium labourer reassigned from the roaded/irrigated grassland N to the coast S of the city

            Top 5 Cities

            Savegames for 380AD:


            • Turn 155

              390 AD

              1) Red Bricks finished catapult, started another one
              2) Dye Fields finished worker, started another one
              3) Kloreepville finished barracks, started knight

              4) Fire moved SE-SE-E
              5) new catapult finished in Red Bricks named '5th Catapult' and moved NE-N-N
              5) Yellow moved SW
              6) White moved SW
              7) new worker finished in Dye Fields named 'Red', moved W, and ordered to mine
              8) D'Artagnan moved E-S and fortified
              9) Stanley ordered to chop forest
              10) Gus ordered to chop forest
              11) Bruno moved SE
              12) settler 'Sandy' moved N-N-NW
              13) Frank Jr. moved S
              14) Ming moved NW
              15) Fritz ordered to mine
              16) Peter ordered to road
              17) settler 'Hammer' moved NW-N-NE
              18) Jinxo moved E
              19) Jason Jr. moved NW and ordered to irrigate
              20) LEF5a (Marky Merc, Merciless) moved E
              21) Galahad moved S-NE-N
              22) LEF4 (Alexander, Gareth, Gawain) moved NW-NE-N
              23) Chris ordered to road
              24) settler 'Tipper' moved W
              25) G.G. moved N-N-N
              26) I.N. moved SW-SW-SE

              27) Jackson productions temporarily changed to knight, goldrushed for 20g, and returned back to marketplace
              28) Panama production switched to musketman
              29) Red Bricks labourer reassigned from the gold mountain N-NE to the roaded/mined grassland SE-SE of the city
              30) Dye Fields labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill NE-NE to the roaded/mined grassland S of the city
              31) Logville labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill NE to the roaded/mined grassland SW of the city
              32) Tarzania production changed to knight
              33) Tiberium labourer reassigned from the roaded hill SW-SW to the coast SE of the city
              34) Tiberium labourer reassigned from the roaded/mined grassland NW to the coast E of the city

              --) lost the supply of Spices
              --) lost the supply of Silks

              Top 5 Cities

              Savegames for 390AD:
              Last edited by vondrack; December 17, 2003, 07:18.


              • Turn 156

                400 AD

                1) ND/Arabia sent spices & silks as 'accepted'; accepted
                2) sent dyes as 'accepted' to ND/Arabia

                3) Karina finished knight, started another one

                4) Fire moved SE-S-E
                5) 5th Catapult moved NE-E-E
                6) Yellow ordered to clear jungle
                7) White ordered to clear jungle
                8) Charlie moved S-SW-SW
                9) Jinxo ordered to clear jungle
                10) settler 'Hammer' moved N-N-N
                11) Patrick moved NE-NE-NE
                12) Ming fortified
                13) Frank Jr. ordered to road
                14) Philippe moved W
                15) Logger ordered to mine
                16) new knight finished in Karina named 'Lamorak', moved SE-E-E-NE, and fortified
                17) Bruno ordered to road
                18) Adam moved E-E
                19) settler 'Sandy' moved NW-NW-W
                20) Toby moved NW and ordered to irrigate
                21) LEF5a (Marky Merc, Merciless) moved SE
                22) LEF45b (Alexander, Gareth, Gawain, Galahad) moved NE-E-E-SE
                23) I.N. moved SW-S-SE
                24) G.G. moved N-NE-E
                25) Jimbo moved NE-E-N
                26) Mark moved SE and ordered to mine
                27) Farmer moved SE and ordered to mine
                28) Luke ordered to mine
                29) Rover moved SW-SW-W
                30) settler 'Tipper' founded Tipperary; labourer set to work the regular grassland NE of the city, production set to temple
                31) NuMeric (Zargonia garrison) moved
                32) D'Artagnan (TarZar whitecamp) moved E-SE and fortified
                33) Mercx (Karina garrison) upgraded to musketman for 60g

                34) Jackson labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill N-NW to the coast E of the city
                35) Abilene labourer reassigned from the roaded/mined bonus grassland NE-NE to the roaded/mined grassland N of the city
                36) Tiberium labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill SW-SW to the coast NE of the city
                37) Quanto Mechanico labourer reassigned from the hill E to the roaded hill S-SE of the city

                38) Astronomy sent as 'accepted' to Vox/Persia
                39) Music Theory sent as 'accepted' to Vox/Persia

                Top 5 Cities

                Savegames for 400AD:
                Last edited by vondrack; December 20, 2003, 17:37.


                • Turn 157

                  410 AD

                  1) Jackson finished marketplace, started palace (prebuild)
                  2) Panama finished musketman, started another one
                  3) Forkmouth finished knight, started another one
                  4) Logville finished settler, started worker
                  5) Tiberium finished temple, started worker

                  6) Fire moved SE-S-SW
                  7) 5th Catapult fortified
                  8) Orange ordered to road
                  9) Charlie moved W-W-SW
                  10) Jason Jr. moved N and ordered to irrigate
                  11) new musketman finished in Panama named 'Porthos' and moved NW-N-N
                  12) settler 'Hammer' moved NW-N-N
                  13) Patrick ordered to road
                  14) Peter ordered to mine
                  15) new knight finished in Forkmouth named 'Percivale' and moved E-E-E-E-E-E
                  16) settler 'Sandy' moved W-S-S
                  17) Gus ordered to road
                  18) Adam ordered to road
                  19) new settler finished in Logville named 'Dubya' and moved W-SW-W
                  20) Rover ordered to road
                  21) Jimbo ordered to mine
                  22) Ken ordered to mine
                  23) Philippe ordered to road
                  24) G.G. moved NW-NW-N
                  25) LEF5a (Marky Merc, Merciless) moved E-E-NE
                  26) Bob moved SE-S-SE
                  27) Gareth moved S-S-SE and fortified
                  28) Galahad moved S-SE-E and fortified
                  29) Alexander moved S-S-SE-SE
                  30) Gawain moved S-SE-SE and fortified
                  31) I.N. moved SW-S-S
                  32) Mercx (Karina garrison) moved SE-E-E
                  33) Forkmerc (Crossing garrison) moved SW-SW-SW
                  34) Troy moved NE

                  35) Jackson labourer reassigned from the coast E to the fully improved hill N-NW of the city
                  36) Zargonia labourer reassigned from the roaded/mined grassland NE to the coast E of the city
                  37) Dye Fields labourer reassigned from the roaded/mined grassland S to the roaded/mined bonus grassland W of the city
                  38) Logville labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill NE to the roaded/mined grassland W of the city
                  39) Oasis labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill E-NE to the lake W-NW of the city
                  40) Crossing labourers reassigned from hills to the coasts NE, E, and SE of the city
                  41) Tiberium labourer reassigned from the coast NE to the roaded/mined grassland NW of the city

                  42) research slider set to 40%

                  Top 5 Cities

                  Savegames for 410AD:


                  • Turn 158

                    420 AD

                    1) Banking discovered, started researching Navigation
                    2) Farmerville finished settler, started worker
                    3) Red Bricks finished catapult, started another one
                    4) Zargonia finished caravel, started barracks
                    5) Dye Fields finished worker, started aqueduct
                    6) Crossing finished harbour, started temple

                    7) Fire fortified
                    8) new catapult finished in Red Bricks named '6th catapult' and moved SE-SE-S
                    9) new worker finished in Dye Fields named 'Purple' and moved SW
                    10) Red moved SE
                    11) Pink ordered to mine
                    12) Charlie ordered to clear jungle
                    13) settler 'Hammer' moved N
                    14) Porthos moved NE
                    15) LEF5a (Marky Merc, Merciless) moved NE-E-E
                    16) Bob moved E
                    17) Alexander fortified
                    18) Troy fortified
                    19) Toby moved S-S-E
                    20) new caravel finished in Zargonia named 'Victory' and moved E-SE-SE
                    21) Percivale moved N-NW-N and fortified
                    22) Stanley ordered to mine
                    23) new settler finished in Farmerville named 'Camper' and moved SW-W-S
                    24) Fritz moved NE and ordered to mine
                    25) G.G. moved W-W-N
                    26) I.N. moved S-S-E
                    27) Bill moved NW-W and ordered to mine
                    28) Forkmerc moved W-W-NW
                    29) Mercx moved NE-NE-NE
                    30) settler 'Dubya' founded Camp David; labourer working the irrigated/roaded grassland E of the city, production set to barracks
                    31) Chris moved W
                    32) Frank Jr. moved SW-SW
                    33) settler 'Sandy' founded Sandonorico; labourer temporarily left as was, production set to harbour
                    34) Merril (TarDF whitecamp) moved S-SE and upgraded to musketman for 60g

                    35) Jackson labourer reassigned from the mined/roaded desert W-SW to the irrigated/roaded desert N of the city
                    36) Farmerville labourer reassigned from the mined/roaded desert SW to the irrigated/roaded riverbank grassland E of the city
                    37) Farmerville labourer reassigned from the mined/roaded bonus grassland E-NE to the irrigated/roaded floodplains NW of the city
                    38) Red Bricks labourer reassigned from the irrigated/roaded grassland S-SW to the fully improved gold mountain N-NE of the city
                    39) Forkmouth labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill NW-NW to the mined/roaded grassland W-NW
                    40) Zargonia labourer reassigned from the coast E to the mined/roaded grassland NW of the city
                    41) Sharpehaven labourer reassigned from the wheat SW-SW to the fully improved hill S-SE of the city; production changed to knight
                    42) Oasis labourer reassigned from the lake W-NW to the roaded riverbank grassland N-NE of the city
                    43) Sandonorico labourer assigned to the lake E-NE of the city

                    Top 5 Cities

                    Savegames for 420AD:


                    • Turn 159

                      430 AD

                      1) Logville finished worker, started another one
                      2) Ahhmyfoot finished barracks, started musketman
                      3) Tiberium finished worker, started another one
                      4) Quanto Mechanico finished temple, started barracks

                      5) people love the management; White House right wing built

                      6) 6th catapult moved SE-E-SE
                      7) Orange ordered to mine
                      8) Purple ordered to clear jungle
                      9) Red ordered to clear jungle
                      10) Merril moved NW-N and fortified
                      11) Gus ordered to mine
                      12) Bruno ordered to mine
                      13) Toby ordered to mine
                      14) Victory moved SE-SE and fortified (spotted an MI of ND on the hill E-SE)
                      15) Mercx fortified
                      16) new worker finished in Logville named 'David' and moved W-W
                      17) Luke moved W
                      18) new worker finished in Tiberium named 'Jesse' and moved W-NW
                      19) Mark moved W and ordered to mine
                      20) Farmer moved W-SW-S
                      21) Chris ordered to road
                      22) Logger moved E and ordered to irrigate
                      23) Forkmerc upgraded to musketman for 60g
                      24) Frank Jr. ordered to road
                      25) settler 'Camper' moved S-S
                      26) Martin ordered to road
                      27) Michael moved W-SW
                      28) Jason Jr. moved S-SW
                      29) Porthos fortified
                      30) settler 'Hammer' moved NE
                      31) Forrest ordered to road
                      32) I.N. moved SW-S-SE
                      33) G.G. moved W-NW-NE
                      34) LEF5a (Marky Merc, Merciless) moved E
                      35) Bob ordered to road
                      36) G.B. moved SE-SE-SE
                      37) N.C. moved N-N-N
                      38) J.K. moved S-S-S
                      39) L.V. moved W-W-SW
                      40) Max Payne (Jackson garrison) upgraded to musketman for 60g

                      41) Red Bricks labourer reassigned from the fully improved gold mountain N-NE to the roaded/mined grassland E-SE of the city
                      42) Sharpehaven labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill S-SE to the wheat SW-SW of the city; production changed to aqueduct
                      43) Forkmouth labourer reassigned from the roaded/mined desert SE-SE to the fully improved hill NW-NW of the city
                      44) Forkmouth labourer reassigned from the roaded/mined grassland W-NW to the roaded/irrigated grassland N-NW of the city
                      45) Zargonia labourer reassigned from the roaded/irrigated grassland W-NW to the roaded/mined grassland NE of the city
                      46) Logville labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill NE to the roaded/mined riverbank grassland W of the city
                      47) Invoice labourer reassigned from the coast NE to the bonus grassland S of the city

                      48) Banking sent 'accepted' to Vox/Persia

                      Top 5 Cities

                      Savegames for 430AD:
                      Last edited by vondrack; January 6, 2004, 10:44.


                      • Turn 160

                        440 AD

                        1) Farmerville finished worker, started another one
                        2) Red Bricks finished catapult, started another one
                        3) Tarzania finished knight, started worker
                        4) Tiberium finished worker, started another one

                        5) 6th catapult moved E-N-NW
                        6) new ('7th') catapult finished in Red Bricks moved SE-SE-S
                        7) new knight finished in Tarzania named 'Tristan', moved S-S and fortified
                        8) Stanley moved E-E-SE
                        9) Gus moved S and ordered to mine
                        10) new worker finished in Farmerville named 'Ira' and moved NE-NE-NE
                        11) Peter moved NE-NE and ordered to mine
                        12) Patrick ordered to mine
                        13) Jason Jr. ordered to road
                        14) Michael ordered to road
                        15) George ordered to mine
                        16) Pink moved SE-S
                        17) Orange moved SE-S
                        18) G.B. fortified
                        19) L.V. moved W-W-NW
                        20) settler 'Hammer' founded Port Hammer; labourer set to work the fish, production set to harbour
                        21) Leopold ordered to mine
                        22) I.N. fortified
                        23) G.G. moved NW-N-NE
                        24) settler 'Camper' moved S
                        25) Jimbo moved NE
                        26) Ken moved S-E-NE
                        27) Rover ordered to mine
                        28) Luke ordered to road
                        29) David ordered to road
                        30) Adam ordered to mine
                        31) Forkmerc moved SE-S-S
                        32) Philippe ordered to mine
                        33) Farmer ordered to road
                        34) new worker finished in Tiberium named 'Kirk' and moved W-SW-W
                        35) Jesse ordered to road
                        36) N.C. moved N-N-N
                        37) J.K. moved SW-SW-S
                        38) LEF5a (Marky Merc, Merciless) moved SE
                        39) Darth Merc (Tiberium garrison) moved NW-NW-N
                        40) Max Payne (Jackson garrison) moved S-S and fortified
                        41) Meriadoc (Jackson garrison) upgraded to musketman for 60g
                        42) Mercus Aurelius (Jackson-D.F. whitecamp) moved N-N, fortified, and upgraded to musketman for 60g

                        43) Farmerville labourer reassigned from the roaded/mined desert W-SW to the roaded/irrigated grassland E of the city
                        44) Farmerville labourer reassigned from the roaded/mined desert SW to the roaded/irrigated floodplains NW of the city
                        45) Farmerville labourer reassigned from the roaded/mined bonus grassland E-NE to the roaded/mined grassland SE of the city
                        46) Panama labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill S to the bonus grassland S-SE of the city
                        47) Zargonia labourer reassigned from the roaded/mined grassland NE to the fully improved hill NW-NW of the city
                        48) Dye Fields labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill NE-NE to the roaded/mined dye grassland N-NW of the city
                        49) Logville production changed to catapult
                        50) Sharpehaven labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill E-SE to the roded/irrigated grassland S of the city
                        51) Tarzania labourer reassigned from the roaded/mined bonus grassland NW to the roaded/irrigated grassland S of the city
                        52) Tarzania governor set to emphasize production
                        53) Tiberium labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill SW-SW to the roaded/irrigated grassland N of the city
                        54) Tiberium labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill W-SW to the roaded/mined grassland N-NE of the city
                        55) Castlea labourer reassigned to the fully improved hill S-SE of the city

                        56) Chivalry sent as 'accepted' to Vox/Persia

                        Top 5 Cities

                        Savegames for 440AD:
                        Last edited by vondrack; January 7, 2004, 20:29.


                        • Turn 161

                          450 AD

                          1) Panama finished musketman, started another one
                          2) Karina finished knight, started another one
                          3) Zargonia finished barracks, started musketman

                          4) 6th catapult moved N and fortified
                          5) 7th catapult moved SE-SE-SE
                          6) Pink ordered to clear jungle
                          7) Orange ordered to clear jungle
                          8) Martin ordered to mine
                          9) Jinxo ordered to mine
                          10) Jack ordered to road
                          11) new musketman finished in Panama named 'Lucien' and moved E-E-NE
                          12) Jason Jr. moved W-NW-W
                          13) Michael moved E-E-SE
                          14) N.C. fortified
                          15) Stanley joined Zargonia
                          16) Bruno moved NW-NW-NW
                          17) Logger moved SW-SW-SW
                          18) new knight finished in Karina named 'Merlin', moved NE-N-E-NE-E, and fortified
                          19) Jimbo ordered to road
                          20) Ken moved NE and ordered to mine
                          21) Darth Merc moved N-N-NW
                          22) Forkmerc moved S-SE-SE
                          23) J.K. moved NW-NW-W
                          24) Fritz moved N-N-NW
                          25) Ira moved NW-NW-N
                          26) Forrest moved N-W
                          27) G.G. moved N-N-N
                          28) settler 'Camper' moved E
                          29) Frank Jr. ordered to mine
                          30) Chris moved SW
                          31) Kirk ordered to road
                          32) L.V. moved NW-N and fortified
                          33) LEF5a (Marky Merc, Merciless) moved SE
                          34) G.B. moved N-N-W
                          35) Ming (N-N of Q.M.) moved NE
                          36) Numero Uno (Panama garrison) upgraded to musketman for 60g

                          37) Red Bricks labourer reassigned from the roaded/mined grassland E-SE to the gold mountain N-NE of the city
                          38) Karina labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill SE-SE to the roaded/mined grassland NW of the city
                          39) Dye Fields labourer reassigned from the roaded/irrigated dye grassland NW to the roaded/mined grassland S of the city
                          40) Dye Fields labourer reassigned from the roaded/irrigated dye grassland NW-NW to the roaded/mined grassland W-NW of the city
                          41) Logville labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill NE to the irrigated grassland N-NW of the city
                          42) Tarzania labourer reassigned from the fish to the roaded/mined bonus grassland NW of the city
                          43) Tarzania labourer reassigned from the roaded/irrigated grassland S to the roaded/mined bonus grassland W-SW of the city
                          44) Tarzania production changed to musketman
                          45) Crossing labourer reassigned from the coast NE to the fully improved horse hill N of the city
                          46) Crossing labourer reassigned from the coast E to the fully improved hill NW of the city
                          47) Tiberium labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill W-SW to the roaded/irrigated grassland N of the city
                          48) Tiberium labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill SW-SW to the roaded/mined grassland N-NE of the city
                          49) Castlea labourer reassigned from the fully improved hill S-SE to the roaded/irrigated grassland SW of the city

                          50) gunpowder sent as 'accepted' to Vox/Persia

                          Top 5 Cities

                          Savegames for 450AD:


                          • Turn 162

                            460 AD

                            1) Farmerville finished worker, started another one
                            2) Red Bricks finished catapult, started another one
                            3) Forkmouth finished knight, started worker
                            4) Logville finished catapult, started marketplace
                            5) Sharpehaven finished aqueduct, started musketman
                            6) Oasis finished marketplace, started catapult
                            7) Kloreepville finished knight, started caravel
                            8) Tiberium finished worker, started another one

                            9) people love the management and enhance the main palace building by another story

                            10) new ('9th') catapult finished in Logville moved N-N and fortified
                            11) 7th catapult moved SE-S-E
                            12) new ('8th') catapult finished in Red Bricks moved SE-SE-S
                            13) Fritz moved NW-N
                            14) Ira ordered to road
                            15) new knight finished in Forkmouth named 'Uther' and moved E-E-E-SE-SE-SE
                            16) new worker finished in Farmerville named 'Ivan', moved NE-E, and ordered to irrigate
                            17) Bruno ordered to road
                            18) Toby moved W-N and joined Zargonia
                            19) Bill moved SE-S
                            20) Luke moved S-W and ordered to mine
                            21) Mark moved SW-S and ordered to mine
                            22) Farmer ordered to mine
                            23) Chris ordered to road
                            24) Logger moved S-S-SW
                            25) settler 'Camper' founded Nou Camp; production set to barracks
                            26) Ming moved N
                            27) Darth Merc upgraded to musketman for 60g
                            28) Forkmerc fortified
                            29) new worker finished in Tiberium named 'Joe', moved NW-W, and ordered to mine
                            30) J.K. fortified
                            31) Yellow ordered to road
                            32) White ordered to road
                            33) George moved N-N-N
                            34) Martin moved NW-NW-NW
                            35) Michael moved SE-SE and ordered to mine
                            36) G.B. moved N and fortified
                            37) Jason Jr. moved N-N
                            38) new knight finished in Kloreepville named 'Mordred' and moved NE-N-NE-NE-NE-NE
                            39) Forrest ordered to road
                            40) G.G. moved S-S-S
                            41) Lucien moved N-NE and fortified
                            42) Bob moved W-N
                            43) LEF5a (Marky Merc, Merciless) moved S
                            44) Troy moved W-SW
                            45) LEF2 (Misty, Silver, Attila) moved W-NW
                            46) LEF3 (Arthur, Horace, Lancelot) moved NW-NW
                            47) Victor moved W
                            48) Hunter moved W
                            49) Galahad moved W-S and fortified
                            50) Gawain moved SW and fortified
                            51) Alexander moved NW and fortified
                            52) Victory moved S and fortified
                            53) L.V. moved NW and fortified
                            54) Numero Uno (Panama garrison) moved S-S-S
                            55) Mercurio (Kloreepville garrison) moved W-NW-W
                            56) Merced (Invoice garrison) moved S-E-SE
                            57) Minos (Forkmouth garrison) upgraded to musketman for 60g

                            58) Farmerville labourers from deserts to riverbank grasslands
                            59) Forkmouth labourer from the hill N to the coast S of the city
                            60) Forkmouth labourer from the hill NW-NW to the coast SW of the city
                            61) Karina labourer from the irrigated grassland N-NW to the hill S-SE of the city
                            62) Zargonia labourer from the hill NW-NW to the hill S-SW of the city
                            63) Logville labourer from the irrigated grassland N-NW to the hill NE of the city
                            64) Sharpehaven labourer from the irrigated grassland S to the mined grassland SW of the city
                            65) Crossing labourers from the hills to the coasts N-NE and S-SE of the city
                            66) Tiberium labourer from the hill SW-SW to the mined grassland N-NE of the city
                            67) Tiberium labourer from the hill W-SW to the irrigated grassland N-NE of the city
                            68) Nou Camp labourer to the irrigated grassland E-NE of the city

                            69) dyes sent as 'accepted' to Vox/Persia

                            Top 5 Cities

                            Savegames for 460AD:


                            • Turn 163

                              470 AD

                              1) Forkmouth finished worker, started another one

                              2) 8th catapult moved SE-SE-E
                              3) 7th catapult moved SE-SE-SE
                              4) Bill ordered to road
                              5) Adam moved W-N and joined to Zargonia
                              6) Uther moved SE-E-SE-SE-SE and fortified
                              7) Gus moved N-NE
                              8) Yellow moved NE-E-SE
                              9) White moved NE-E-SE
                              10) George ordered to road
                              11) Mordred moved E-NE and fortified
                              12) Jack moved E-NE-NE
                              13) Martin ordered to clear jungle
                              14) Numero Uno moved SW and fortified
                              15) Merced moved E-NE-N
                              16) Leopold moved N-W and ordered to mine
                              17) Mercurio moved N and fortified
                              18) G.G. fortified
                              19) Peter moved NW
                              20) Patrick moved NW
                              21) Fritz ordered to road
                              23) new worker finished in Forkmouth named 'Toby Jr.' and moved NW-NW-W
                              24) Ming moved N-NW-NW
                              25) Logger ordered to road
                              26) Jesse moved W
                              27) David moved S and ordered to mine
                              28) Darth Merc moved SE-S-S
                              29) Kirk moved SW
                              30) Farmer moved N-N and ordered to mine
                              31) Jason Jr. ordered to chop forest
                              32) Bob ordered to road
                              33) LEF5a (Marky Merc, Merciless) moved SW-SW-S
                              34) LEF123 (nine knights) moved SW-W-SW-SW
                              35) LEF45b (four knights) moved NW-SW-S and fortified
                              36) Minos (Forkmouth garrison) moved SE-SE-SE

                              37) Red Bricks labourer from gold mountain to the roaded/mined grassland E-SE of the city
                              38) Forkmouth labourer from the hill W to the coast SW of the city
                              39) Forkmouth labourer from the desert to the irrigated grassland N-NW of the city
                              40) Forkmouth labourer from the hill NW-NW to the roaded/mined grassland W-NW of the city
                              41) Tarzania labourer from the irrigated bonus grassland SE-SE to the roaded/mined grassland N-NW of the city
                              42) Zargonia labourer from the coast to the mined hill SE-SE of the city
                              43) Logville labourer from the hill N-NE to the riverbank plains
                              44) Sharpehaven labourer from the mined regular grass SW to the hill NE of the city
                              45) Castlea labourer from irrigated grassland to mined hill

                              pictures/save to be uploaded as soon as redstar's server is back online - I am unable to connect ATM

                              Top 5 Cities

                              Savegames for 470AD:


                              • Turn 164

                                480 AD

                                1) ND/Arabia offers gems & 250g as 'unaccepted'; countered with Banking and sent back as 'accepted'
                                2) GoW/China offers Chemistry as 'unaccepted'; countered with Banking, Astronomy, and 100g and sent back as 'accepted'

                                3) Farmerville finished worker, started another one
                                4) Red Bricks finished catapult, started another one
                                5) Forkmouth finished worker, started knight
                                6) Oasis finished catapult, started another one
                                7) Tiberium finished worker, started another one

                                8) 7th catapult fortified
                                9) 8th catapult moved E-S and fortified
                                10) new ('10th') catapult finished in Red Bricks moved NE-N-NE
                                11) new ('11th') catapult finished in Oasis moved SE-S-S
                                12) Gus ordered to road
                                13) Ivan moved E
                                14) new worker finished in Farmerville named 'Adam Jr.' and moved E-E-NE
                                15) Minos moved S and fortified
                                16) Ming moved NW, fortified, and upgraded to musketman for 60g
                                17) Toby Jr. ordered to road
                                18) Peter moved N
                                19) Patrick moved N
                                20) Merced moved N-N and fortified
                                21) Jinxo moved NW-NW-N
                                22) Jack ordered to road
                                23) Forrest ordered to mine
                                24) Yellow ordered to clear jungle
                                25) White ordered to clear jungle
                                26) Darth Merc moved S-S-SW
                                27) Jesse ordered to road
                                28) Jimbo ordered to mine
                                29) Frank Jr. moved NE-NE-N
                                30) Chris ordered to mine
                                31) Mark moved N-N and ordered to mine
                                32) Kirk ordered to road
                                33) new worker finished in Tiberium named 'Liam' and moved SW-SW-W
                                34) LEF123 knights moved S-SW-SW-SW-W-W
                                35) LEF5a (muskets) moved SW-SW-SW
                                36) LEF45b moved SW-SW-SW-W-W
                                37) new worker finished in Forkmouth named 'Stanley Jr.' and moved NW-NW-W
                                38) I.N. moved SE and fortified
                                39) J.K. moved E-E-NE
                                40) G.B. moved S and fortified

                                41) Farmerville labourer from desert SW to the roaded/mined riverbank grassland SE of the city
                                42) Farmerville labourer from desert W-SW to the roaded/irrigated riverbank grassland E of the city
                                43) Forkmouth labourer from the desert SE-SE to the roaded/mined grassland SE of the city
                                44) Ahhmyfoot labourer from the roaded/irrigated plains NE-NE to the roaded grassland S of the city
                                45) Karina labourer from the roaded/irrigated grassland N to the roaded/irrigated plains S-SW of the city
                                46) Zargonia labourer from the roaded/mined grassland NE to the roaded/irrigated grassland W-NW of the city
                                47) Camp David labourer from the irrigated grassland to the roaded grassland SE of the city
                                48) Kloreepville labourer from the irrigated grassland W-NW to the unimproved hill SE-SE of the city
                                49) Invoice labourer from the coast to the roaded/irrigated grassland SE-SE of the city
                                50) Crossing labourer from the coast N-NE to the hill N of the city
                                51) Tiberium labourer from the hill SW-SW to the roaded/mined grassland N-NE of the city
                                52) Tiberium labourer from the hill W-SW to the roaded/irrigated grassland N of the city
                                53) Quanto Mechanico labourer from the forest N-NW to the horse hill N-NE of the city
                                54) Castlea labourer from the hill S-SE to the roaded/irrigated grassland S-SW of the city

                                55) research slider set to 50%

                                Top 5 Cities

                                Savegames for 480AD:

