What are you trying to say? That 60 gold was enough, or too little? We undercut ND, right?
No announcement yet.
Foreign Affairs Consulate: Vox Controli
This message sent to Dissident, Vox's new ambassador to us:
Greetings from the Glory of War! I hear that you are now the ambassador to us. I have contacted you so that we may discuss some possible technology deals:
1. GoW gives Vox philosophy, Vox gives GoW 60 gold. No trade clause for 20 turns.
2. GoW gives Vox construction when GoW acquires it, Vox gives GoW the free tech they receive at the beginning of the next age. This deal would logically be accompanied by a nonagression pact until its completion.
Please note that these deals have not been finalized by the GoW, they are only suggestions that I am fairly confident the GoW would accept.
Thank You,
Foreign Affairs Consul for the Glory of WarProud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
May God Bless.
Got a PM reply saying Vox has philosophy.
We have a new ambassador to us:
[quote]Hello Panzer32.
I am Macy of the Vox Controli. I have been given the great honor to be the FA to your wondrous civilization. I have been following a trade deal between our civ’s that appears to be beneficial to both our goals. The deal that I speak of is construction for our free tech in the next age. A non-aggression pact will accompany this trade. Our scientists are very excited about such a trade as they have been unable to discover construction on their own. However, the tax men have a problem with this trade. The problem is construction is a 200 beaker tech, and monotheism 360. Feudalism is 320. And Engineering 360. The tax men say that a trade would not be fair, as the difference is so large. They have informed me that a donation of 110 gold would allow our scientists to continue working. This will also be beneficial to you, as we will be able to use the money to speed up our research, thus giving you the next age tech sooner. Please think about this fair offer and get back to me when you can.
I think 110 gold is excessive. We could try Lowering it to 80 gold, or maybe try to convince Vox that because we give them the tech first, they get more value from the trade.Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
May God Bless.
Their economists/accountants need to do some "Present Day Value Calulations" and start discounting for inflation.
Tech now is much more valuable than tech later.
The NAP is of interest. Funny how they have mentioned it only after 2 days of me asking GS about one !!!
He have to start negotiating hard with these guys."No Comment"
Why don't we Renegotiate The Lego deal to give them Monotheism in exchange for the Republic/construction instead of paying them the 190, and have ND split this 110 with us asked for here (I don't see a no-resale clause...). We will get Republic, Construction, and Monotheism all for 55 Gold.
Lego gets at least the value of what they were asking, Vox thinks they cheated us out of 110 gold, and we spend 55 gold on three techs while keeping both Lego and Vox thinking they are getting the better of the deals. Not a bad days work. Ild say.One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
You're wierd. - Krill
An UnOrthOdOx Hobby
My mind is boggling !!!
Can I go 50-50 or ring a friend ???
Sounds good ... lock the deal in
Jump on the NAP.
Ensure it covers the period of our RP war.
ie...Will come into effect when/if there is a war on Bob.
Lets be honest about the reasons - We dont have to want to watch our back in the east while defending our territory from ND invaders from the west.
Make the NAP broad...."no aggression to GoW when war breaks out."
So then they still cant attack even though we are the aggressor against RP.Last edited by Hot_Enamel; March 20, 2003, 19:36."No Comment"
Just from Vox:
Hello good freind. I hope that our trade is proceeding well. I am sorry but I made a mistake and forgot to add something into the trade deal. We ask you not to trade the next era tech that we will be giving you for ten turns, once you have recived it. I am sorry that I left this out, it was purly my fault.
If we make advanced deals with ND and Lego and maybe others, we could lock in a deal to trade monotheism 10 turns after we get it.Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
May God Bless.
Sent to Vox about their landing:mgmacy,
Greetings from the Glory of War! I see that your civilization has found our shores. I ask that Vox withdraws your forces and settler. The Glory of War looks upon this action as one of hostility, as this provides an easy standoff point for attacking the Bob civs.
Thank you,
Foreign Affairs Consul for the Glory of WarProud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
May God Bless.
Panzer -
Ensure they understand that if they settle a city - there will be war.
This war can only be avoided, if they put that settler back on their galley
It is not too late for them to avoid warLast edited by Hot_Enamel; March 23, 2003, 00:50."No Comment"
Clarification to Vox:
Just to clarify what was said in the last PM, IF Vox were to build a city on the continent Bob, it would result in a declaration of war.
Foreign Affairs Consul for the Glory of WarProud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
May God Bless.
They cannot be allowed to have a city on Bob.
We have said this enough times, that we cannot back away now. ND & RP will know we have done a deal.
They want that 200g to upgrade their warriors. We need that money to upgrade our horsemen.
If they gift that new city to us, then they avoid war.
The timing of all this is wrong.
Who do we fight first ?
ND wants to take on RP, and we have given our commitment to do so. This will need to be done first.
If Vox joins the war against RP, even as a minor player, I think GS will attack Vox, and Vox cant fight 2 wars.
The Vox offer needs discussion, but I would suggest they stay out of the RP war, and worry about their own border defenses against GS.
After RP, then we will send our elites over for a combined attack against GS.
Vox needs to understand the timing of our wars.
ALSO...I have just realised... what would happen if we went to war with them ?
What do they know of our plans on Bob? If we went to war, surely they will screw us over and tell RP of our intentions ?
Dangerous territory....
Get them to gift us the city, and declare peace and an agreement to take care of GS in the future. A MPP perhaps ? (excluding that time when we are at war with RP.)"No Comment"