I am not sure what GF did with our worker (we have to name him yet), but I think that we should start to think about what we are going to do with him in reguards to our settler that is going to be built in 7 turns.
(thanks for letting me use this graphic, GF
Where should we build our next city?
I think we should start building a road or something toward where ever we are going to build our next city. That brings up another question: Is our next city going to be a fort or a Castle?
I think we originally wanted it to be a fort (on one of the yellow squares. I don't know if we can do that quiet yet. Both ND and Lux are annexing large areas away from their capitol and not doing the close city build that we talked about (I forgot what it was called). Land is quickly dissapearing. I believe we need to place warriors in key postions to claim land and work on getting sites C first (yes, I have changed my mind from B) and A.
Well, look at ND for a sec. Jungle to the south, mountains to the East, Ocean to the West. Lush grasslands to the north. Which way do you think ND is going to expand? I say we try to convince them that expanding to the East, past the mountians would be their best option. Tell them we would then be able to squash Lux between us. Us from the NW and them from the SW.
I am thinking, However, that building a fort inbetween city site A and C (two tiles N of Cwould be best. With cultural expansion, it would cover the land all the way to the ocean on one border, and butt up against both Lux and ND with its other borders. It would clearly mark our territory to the SW to both ND and Lux and leave a slim path between that Fort and Our capitol (one tile) that could be watched, blocked and covered by a single warrior. The biggest problem with this idea is I could see ND placing its next city one tile SE of site C (which would ruin site C). If we go with this plan, Plan Charlie Brown (a BLOCKhead... hehehehe) I think we send the worker south of where he is pictured (and protected as we have barbarians near Imperial City) and start on the road to connect the fort.
(thanks for letting me use this graphic, GF

Where should we build our next city?
I think we should start building a road or something toward where ever we are going to build our next city. That brings up another question: Is our next city going to be a fort or a Castle?
I think we originally wanted it to be a fort (on one of the yellow squares. I don't know if we can do that quiet yet. Both ND and Lux are annexing large areas away from their capitol and not doing the close city build that we talked about (I forgot what it was called). Land is quickly dissapearing. I believe we need to place warriors in key postions to claim land and work on getting sites C first (yes, I have changed my mind from B) and A.
Well, look at ND for a sec. Jungle to the south, mountains to the East, Ocean to the West. Lush grasslands to the north. Which way do you think ND is going to expand? I say we try to convince them that expanding to the East, past the mountians would be their best option. Tell them we would then be able to squash Lux between us. Us from the NW and them from the SW.
I am thinking, However, that building a fort inbetween city site A and C (two tiles N of Cwould be best. With cultural expansion, it would cover the land all the way to the ocean on one border, and butt up against both Lux and ND with its other borders. It would clearly mark our territory to the SW to both ND and Lux and leave a slim path between that Fort and Our capitol (one tile) that could be watched, blocked and covered by a single warrior. The biggest problem with this idea is I could see ND placing its next city one tile SE of site C (which would ruin site C). If we go with this plan, Plan Charlie Brown (a BLOCKhead... hehehehe) I think we send the worker south of where he is pictured (and protected as we have barbarians near Imperial City) and start on the road to connect the fort.