We have salt peter and GS has none.
From Lego:
Wanna hear more good news? There is not a single source of saltpeter on Stormia. And there is no source of saltpeter in the Spanish/GS-territory on Bob. The "closest" is W-W-SW-SW of Barcelona.
We have three sources, you have one (on Baby Bob, on the only mountain outside of your cultural borders), ND has two (one on the mountain where LEF1 is currently standing, W-W of Anagramaskus, the other one on the mountain E of Stonedina), 2 are sorta not fully claimed yet - the one nr Barcelona and the other NW-NW of Merida.
From Lego:
Wanna hear more good news? There is not a single source of saltpeter on Stormia. And there is no source of saltpeter in the Spanish/GS-territory on Bob. The "closest" is W-W-SW-SW of Barcelona.
We have three sources, you have one (on Baby Bob, on the only mountain outside of your cultural borders), ND has two (one on the mountain where LEF1 is currently standing, W-W of Anagramaskus, the other one on the mountain E of Stonedina), 2 are sorta not fully claimed yet - the one nr Barcelona and the other NW-NW of Merida.