This is it. This is to allow us to make and edit the post that will start the Declaration of War Thread where Roleplay comes screaming back to the reality that NONE OF THE OTHER TEAMS LIKE THEM.
Poor babies.
Will link to a healine graphic that I will post on my website. something to the effect "World Economy Collapses!"
I figure we build up to it, first post talks about World Economy collapsing, Great Depression hits Vox due war debt reparations. Vox blames all ills on Roleplay for not showing up to support them.
Old Luxian refugees lament how the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Roleplay ditched them when the going got rough and then did the same to Vox.
(Calc II aka Zero?)
ND talks of how Roleplay offered them crappy deals, treated them like subhuman garbage.
GoW finds it warmongerness. Realize we must go back to the "old ways" of bashing heads and drinking alcohol from their hollowed out skulls. Wake up to the realization that Roleplay is pure evil incarnate. At which point we post my musings from this forum:
Let's get working on this, I think this has a lot of propogandic potential.
Poor babies.

Will link to a healine graphic that I will post on my website. something to the effect "World Economy Collapses!"
I figure we build up to it, first post talks about World Economy collapsing, Great Depression hits Vox due war debt reparations. Vox blames all ills on Roleplay for not showing up to support them.
Old Luxian refugees lament how the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Roleplay ditched them when the going got rough and then did the same to Vox.
(Calc II aka Zero?)
ND talks of how Roleplay offered them crappy deals, treated them like subhuman garbage.
GoW finds it warmongerness. Realize we must go back to the "old ways" of bashing heads and drinking alcohol from their hollowed out skulls. Wake up to the realization that Roleplay is pure evil incarnate. At which point we post my musings from this forum:
Originally posted by GhengisFarb
GhengisFarb's Top Ten Reasons to Kick the Role out of Roleplay.
10) They don't shower and stink up the whole continent.
9) The whole "we claim this entire half of the continent and you have to share the smaller half with the other two northern civs" fiasco.
8) They publicly chastised us for intimidating Vox to back off Bob, when they did the EXACT same thing to us, ND, and Lux.
7) They are hogging 75% of the entire world's supply of luxuries.
6) We're "Agents of Chaos" and this Spanish Inquistion crap seems a tad to orderly.
5) There's a least one lawyer on their team, need we say more?
4) ND can offer us German Beer, Roleplay can offer us squid, no contest.
3) They promised military support to Lux and Vox and left both hanging high and dry.
2) They weasel, lie, manipulate, and plot against all civs and are pure evil incarnate. My bad, I see I already covered the lawyer bit.
1) Almost every member of the Sunshine Team is on the Roleplay team and I want to kick some Hippie-Nazi a$$.
(Alternate #1 for those who don't share my hatred of the Sunshine Team: "We ain't called the GLORY OF WAR for nothing.")
GhengisFarb's Top Ten Reasons to Kick the Role out of Roleplay.
10) They don't shower and stink up the whole continent.
9) The whole "we claim this entire half of the continent and you have to share the smaller half with the other two northern civs" fiasco.
8) They publicly chastised us for intimidating Vox to back off Bob, when they did the EXACT same thing to us, ND, and Lux.
7) They are hogging 75% of the entire world's supply of luxuries.
6) We're "Agents of Chaos" and this Spanish Inquistion crap seems a tad to orderly.
5) There's a least one lawyer on their team, need we say more?
4) ND can offer us German Beer, Roleplay can offer us squid, no contest.
3) They promised military support to Lux and Vox and left both hanging high and dry.
2) They weasel, lie, manipulate, and plot against all civs and are pure evil incarnate. My bad, I see I already covered the lawyer bit.
1) Almost every member of the Sunshine Team is on the Roleplay team and I want to kick some Hippie-Nazi a$$.
(Alternate #1 for those who don't share my hatred of the Sunshine Team: "We ain't called the GLORY OF WAR for nothing.")
Let's get working on this, I think this has a lot of propogandic potential.
