We're screwed if that happens.
We will be pinging away at them for 3 turns with catapults, that's 1-2 hps gone on average luck with 1 catapult, and we could have another there to hit on the 3rd turn. So say their stack of 11 loses 2 hps to Catapults. Given how close the fights will be if they do end up hitting Arashi or Tempest... those 2 HPs probably give us about the same odds in both cities simultaneously that we would now have at Arashi 9.
Then we get 3 more turns of production in Arashi that we might not if they hit it directly... more HPs to our favor. We'd need to get city walls in Tempest of course, or possibly overload Tempest with units and not build the Walls (a Pike in a single battle like this may be worth more than the walls) to get them to focus on Tempest.
The longer we can extend them without a major showdown, the more we gain on them. If they bypass Arashi showing a Pike... they aren't doing it to hit Tempest showing a Pike... they are headed to EotS. That's what they can see (barring that they stole our map).