To be edited by the leaders of the Scholia.
- Research at 60%, Feudalism in 12 turns.
- Luxuries at 10%
- ~300 gold cash, +2/turn.
Urgent questions:
- Do we want to build our iron city right beside the mountains or one tile away? <-- Last turn to decide!
- How many units and which do we want to relocate towards the "front".
- Worker 3 of Sandstorm, add to Hurricane (10% lux keeps us out of disorder at size 8)
- EotS' new Worker 774 to start road. Mine there is at 4 turns to finish?
- Worker 4 of EotS 744 to start road for second or third Settler to get to it's site.
- Worker 7 of Sandstorm 8 to start road (8-8-9) for our second or third Settler to get to it's site.
- Worker on iron mountain helps finish mine.
- Rearrange laborers in Cyclone and the surrounding area so Cyclone can grow next turn.
Thread library:
- Standing orders for workers
- Research at 60%, Feudalism in 12 turns.
- Luxuries at 10%
- ~300 gold cash, +2/turn.
Urgent questions:
- Do we want to build our iron city right beside the mountains or one tile away? <-- Last turn to decide!
- How many units and which do we want to relocate towards the "front".
- Worker 3 of Sandstorm, add to Hurricane (10% lux keeps us out of disorder at size 8)
- EotS' new Worker 774 to start road. Mine there is at 4 turns to finish?
- Worker 4 of EotS 744 to start road for second or third Settler to get to it's site.
- Worker 7 of Sandstorm 8 to start road (8-8-9) for our second or third Settler to get to it's site.
- Worker on iron mountain helps finish mine.
- Rearrange laborers in Cyclone and the surrounding area so Cyclone can grow next turn.
Thread library:
- Standing orders for workers