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Turn 84, 925 BC

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  • Turn 84, 925 BC

    To be edited by the leaders of the Scholia.

    - Have Republic and change government this turn.
    - 317 gold cash, surplus or deficit will depend on our research decision.

    Urgent questions:
    - Finish the negotiations with Legoland.
    - What do we research next, or do we suspend research until we talk with Lego and coordinate our plans?
    - Do we want to build warriors for possible upgrade to swordsmen or focus on units we can upgrade to knights or cavalry?
    - Do we want to add a worker to Hurricane before we hit size 7? If so, this turn is the logical time to do it.
    - Do we want to build our iron city right beside the mountains or one tile away?

    - Change government to Republic when we're asked after finishing researching it!!!

    - Settler moves 8-7-8.
    - Spearman in EotS accompanies the settler?

    - EotS works 2 irrigated flood plains, a mined fur, and two mined grasslands by the river (unless working a non-river irrigated plains would yield the same gold).
    - Hurricane works four irrigated furs and two other irrigated plains along the river.
    - If we want to go ahead and add a worker to Hurricane, add the worker 6 from EotS. Otherwise, move the worker onto the iron mountain.
    - Tempest works three irrigated flood plains.
    - Cyclone works three mined grasslands with shield, leaving one for Typhoon, and one regular mined grassland. (Should be set to grow in one turn.)
    - Typhoon works two mined wheat tiles and one mined grassland with shield.
    - Worker 4 from EotS starts road. Note that this is a departure from standing orders.
    - If we want vet warriors, switch Tornado to a warrior.

    - Try to finish negotiations with Legoland for the tech exchange.

    Thread library:
    - Standing orders for workers

  • #2
    We want to have at least 20 food in Hurricane's box before we finish the Collosus (if we are going for it). I think the only way we can do that is if we 'save' the size 6 food by adding a Worker now. Every food we save basically accounts for ~3 shields. In the case of building units there in our GA, that can mean the difference between 1 turn 30 shield units, or 1 turn 20 shield units. Definitely worth the extra Worker IMO.

    The rest of the Plains in EotS' radius need to be saved for mines . Roading them now is a good idea though. I think this is the point where the standing orders should flip roads and irrigation/mining (still can be flipped back in a few instances).


    • #3
      Research: if possible wait for the chat with Lego, otherwise the most expensive one towards knights I'd say. (the pike one, always forgets its name)

      the lego negotiations should be finished in time, we only need one more yes vote (or 2 abstains) to make it official, so I can send it.

      iron city: not my call, but note that if we build it next to the mountain, we'll need at least 2, preferably 3 defenders there at all times to keep it from flipping given our current culture situation. And I know a harbor looks good there, but the first thing built should be cultural, to keep Vox from getting more tiles in our city radius.

      Also, we should need regular updates on culture once we have the iron city founded, the moment Vox has over double our culture, we need 3, perferably 4 defenders, and once they get more, we need to adapt too.



      • #4
        Is there a special reason wh the warrior 11 from tempest needs to stay on his hill? Because if he moves 77 onto the spice, he can spot more galleys...



        • #5
          Good catch.
          IIRC we put him there a while ago to eliminate FoW, before we had our cities there. However, I'd recommend moving him 8 onto the hill, where he could see just as much as if he were on the desert 77, and he'd be closer to the road network, should he be needed elsewhere. I'd also recommend putting another warrior (or WC, when that hill is roaded later) on the hill 87 of Bolderberg, to completely cover any possible approach routes from the RP crossing.
          "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
          And the truth isn't what you want to see,
          Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
          - Phantom of the Opera


          • #6
            We need Spearmen to replace Warriors on defense and lookout. I would prioritize that over further new units, to take advantage of all our cash. I know, I know, upgrading regulars sucks, but I think it is called for.

            Once we've upgraded, say, four of the Warriors, I would want at least 2-3 vets as well, and then a fastmover force.
            The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

            Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


            • #7
              We have the turn. I suppose we're going to go ahead and do our side of the deal with Lego?
              "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
              And the truth isn't what you want to see,
              Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
              - Phantom of the Opera


              • #8
                Team scores:

                166 (+3) Gathering Storm
                174 (+3) Demogyptica
                144 (+3) Glory of War
                178 (+3) Role Play
                122 (+1) Vox Controli
                178 (+2) Legoland

                After a very short period of anarchy (mere 5 seconds), I am proud to proclaim

                The First Gathering Storm Republic

                Sliders: If we set them to 30% taxes, 60% science and 10% luxuries (needed), we can research Feudalism in 14 turns.


                • #9
                  I understand that we're going to set the sliders to 90% taxes, 10% lux because we still don't know which tech Vox is gonna get as their free MT, and we don't want to research into what we might get for free.
                  Btw, we're supposed to gift Curr, Const and Rep to Vox now in exchange for their MT next turn, right?
                  "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                  And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                  Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                  - Phantom of the Opera


                  • #10
                    Since we're playing 1.14f, Vox will for sure get Monotheism. But ok, if it was decided this way, I will set the sliders t0 9.0.1. Some money can't be bad.

                    Gifting Republic+80g to Legoland and Currency+Construction+Republic to Vox. Critic to the diplomats: Why were these informations not edited into the turn instructions? Why did I have to waste time to read it out of several threads?


                    • #11
                      I switched Tornado to warrior. Since we didn't produce anything this turn, we can re-switch next turn to WC if we change our mind. I added a warrior to Hurricane, too.

                      I'll hold the turn for an hour, to wait for protests. Then I'll send it.


                      • #12
                        Umm, IIRC we upgraded to 1.21f, so Vox should get a random tech.
                        I'm not entirely sure about this though, and I see we have some economy issues to resolve. Let's hold the turn - IMHO this is better than making the wrong decisions.
                        As for your critic to the diplomats, I think you're absolutely right; it's not solely the diplomats' fault though - I was also involved in the recent events, and I should have noticed that the orders weren't placed in the turnthread and editted them in myself (with a note explaining that this requires final approval by our officials, of course). Let's all be more watchful from now on.
                        "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                        And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                        Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                        - Phantom of the Opera


                        • #13
                          We didn't upgrade, or else I shouldn't be able to open it with 1.14f, which I did.


                          • #14
                            There is still a slight chance they won't get MT, but it is very slight.


                            • #15
                              IIRC the chances that a scientific civ would get Mon (and later Nat and Rocketry) are ~70% in 1.14. Can anyone confirm?
                              Sir Ralph: could you please check how much commerce would be spent on science this turn if we set science to 60%?
                              "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                              And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                              Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                              - Phantom of the Opera

