To DeepO
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Euro PBEM Part 2
Bah. This game is lost, unless the RNG Gods start to favour me instead of Nathan. Up until now, there was still a slim chance I could hold him back until Alex' reinforcements arrived, but with last turn, that small hope has been swept under the table.
I had to disbandon my new city, the same moment as building my walls. But, with the last attack, there was no hope in defending it against all the units that were a direct threat. So, I'm retreating my forces to the next defendable position.
If this pace continues, I'll be defeated in less then 10 turns, so please, RNG gods, give me some slack. I won't win this game, I've been knowing that for months, but this beating is uncalled for.
From the Egyptian War Bureau:
A brave but foolish band of Chinese horsemen, in spite of their serious injuries from an earlier battle, pillaged a road in front of our glorious advance. They were, of course, dispatched by a war chariot unit since their pillaging left them with insufficient movement to reach the safety of the nearby Chinese town. Whether the war chariots will survive remains to be seen; they probably will not if any healthy Chinese horsemen are in the area. The Army Corps of Engineers has, of course, moved into position to repair the damage.
Turn to Alva.
I've sent a red-cross team to check if everything is being done by international law, alas they have seem to come to late
To DeepOIs God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God? - Epicurus
That War Chariot was a hard oneBut in the end, he netted me my first promotion
I just made my another small mistake, that I could have easily avoided with a bit more attention. I used a couple of workers to boost a cities population, but forgot to check happiness... it went in rebellionStupid of course, it would have been another unit produced this turn instead of next, and those extra units matter.
Before, I already made a mistake (as Nathan said), which I didn't want to comment on at the time: I used a sword to pillage the road after the initial attack on the invasion forces, where I still has a spear to use. But, it would have been better to use a horse, and retreat him undamaged, The only way of dealing with a SoD over double your total army is to try to whittle it down over many turns. That sword could have served me we well for a couple of turns, it was not worth it to have one more horse attack that turn.
BTW, I'm not so sure anymore on disbanding a reg warrior to rush walls in my new, already abandoned city. An extra sword, instead of walls would have costed me less. It was a gamble, though, if I would have gotten more lucky in the fights I would have been in a position to hold it for 1 more turn at least, thus disturbing Nathan's Blitz.
Turn to Alex.
From the Egyptian War Bureau:
Counterattacks by Chinese horsemen continue, striking and fading back if they survive. Egyptian war chariots dispatched a Chinese spear unit posted on a hill as observers, with two war chariot units injured but none lost. A large force is now adjacent to a Chinese city, and we wait to see whether China will attempt to hold this time or will follow the same scorched earth policy they did the last time we threatened one of their towns.
Turn to Alva.
Question for Alex and DeepO: When did the two of you make peace? Is your situation a counterexample where peace lasted longer than 20 turns without a bug biting? If so (and assuming it won't give away anything of strategic importance), were there any payments of any kind attached to the peace treaty?
no comments on the war situation yet, but as to our peace: We made peace without any further payments, I think, and it ended many turns ago without any problems... the bug certainly doesn't happen all the times.
However, maybe there is a difference in how war was declared: in the GoW - Vox case, GoW declared war to Vox through negotiations, not by attacking a unit like Alex did to me. Plus, they declared peace again without any fight, GoW couldn't reach Vox in time. This certainly is different from the war between Alex and myself.
That was a short war wsn't it (GoW and VOX)? Perhaps it only happens when is peace is declared to fast? Is Sp, you can't get peace after just the one or two turns, maybe that 's where the problem lies? Just a thought
Turn to DeepO.Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God? - Epicurus
Sorry for the delay, guys, but I fear it won't improve soon. Too much to do, too little time
As to the war: I did not retreat from this city, I'll either hold it, or die trying. I do not have the forces to protect another position(s), so either I keep this one, or it's officially game over for me (I'll play along as long as needed for other players, of course).
Actually, I'm starting to doubt we should continue this, even if I can hold on, there is no way I can make any kind of difference in power, Nathan will finish before me for sure. And it doesn't look like any of the other players can beat him, not in his GA... it's too late to band together with 3 against 1, and that was what it would have taken to beat Nathan after his GA (at least as long as neither of the 3-move UUs can get GA production).
That's my opinion, of course, others might think differently, but I think the game is over for everyone.
To DeepO.Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God? - Epicurus