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Turn 66, 1375 BC

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  • #16
    0 (-69) Lux Invicta

    RIP LI


    • #17
      The captured Luxian worker is out of sight, but the F3 screen indicates that Vox did nab him.


      • #18
        Originally posted by nbarclay
        The captured Luxian worker is out of sight, but the F3 screen indicates that Vox did nab him.

        Is dissidentville still around, or was it destroyed on the capture?


        • #19
          Originally posted by asleepathewheel
          0 (-69) Lux Invicta
          Actually, the F8 screen is showing Lux's score at 69. Score is based on a per-turn average, so it doesn't drop to zero the momement a team is eliminated. But Lux no longer shows up on the list of civs on the main screen.


          • #20
            Originally posted by nbarclay

            Actually, the F8 screen is showing Lux's score at 69. Score is based on a per-turn average, so it doesn't drop to zero the momement a team is eliminated. But Lux no longer shows up on the list of civs on the main screen.

            how embarrassing. I have played this game, really I have.


            • #21
              Originally posted by asleepathewheel

              Is dissidentville still around, or was it destroyed on the capture?
              Still there. I just realized that the fact that Lux had it as their capital as a while means it did build up some culture, and in PtW, that's all that's needed. I'd missed that fact earlier.


              • #22
                Shots on their way.


                • #23
                  Neither ND nor GoW has Literature yet. If they still don't when we play our next turn, we may want to consider soliciting offers.

                  If no one objects, I'll go ahead and give Vox Literature and we'll ask them to give us Horseback Riding when their turn comes.


                  • #24
                    By the way, when I play a turn, I normally send the screenshots in between the time I finish moving and the time I finish using the current turn to help me plan the next one and thinking to make sure I haven't missed anything.


                    • #25
                      It's probably more efficient given the tech pace and our treasury to build Horsemen anyways. Especially at times when our Barracks cities are sitting at 6 shields per turn. Having both options available will help us minimize wasted shields.


                      • #26
                        I hadn't thought about spending the extra shields for horsemen instead of WCs in order to make knight upgrades cheaper (I assume that's your idea), but that might not be a bad idea. Mostly, I just want GoW to stop badgering us to buy Horseback Riding from them.


                        • #27
                          Yah, we don't really have a huge treasury (and can't get one while maintaining this tech rate), so too many WC to upgrade is not a good idea.

                          At 5 shields either WC or Horses both hit right on, at 6 shields, WC's waste 4. At 7, WC's only waste 1, while Horses waste 5. At 8 WC's waste 4 and Horses 2. So having the choice is a good thing.


                          • #28
                            If we can time Leo's for before we're ready to upgrade, we'll probably want all the units we can get, since upgrades with Leo's are dirt cheap. (And we could always suspend research temporarily to get gold for upgrades when we're ready.) There are pros and cons either way.


                            • #29
                              Turn is sent.


                              • #30
                                By the way, see the ambassador's office thread for the message I'm sending BetaHound. I'll leave it up to Vox to decide whether having it look like they're trading Horseback Riding for Literature is a reasonable move or not.


