80 gold: we need to reach some consensus here... do I post a poll on this? I'm definately going to wait until more people can comment on it... for the moment, I agree with Nathan: it's a price, although not a good one. I think we can accept it, but mention that we were hoping to get offered better prices for our techs
I wouldn't put it as strongly as Shiber though: we need Lego. We can only voice disappointment, make them feel guilty on their attitude, give them the feeling they got a favour from us.
As to getting constr from a hut: I can't remember a quote, but you're right, no need to pressure them on this.
I wouldn't put it as strongly as Shiber though: we need Lego. We can only voice disappointment, make them feel guilty on their attitude, give them the feeling they got a favour from us.
As to getting constr from a hut: I can't remember a quote, but you're right, no need to pressure them on this.