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Turn 33

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  • Turn 33

    To be edited by the leaders of the Scholia.

    - We possess 29 gold and are running 1 deficit.
    - Researching Alphabet at 100%.

    Urgent questions:
    - none for now

    - Slash continues to explore along the west coast.
    - Hack and Ouch shadow Tim and Willy.
    - Crush fortifies in Hurricane. Sorry, in the last screenie is an error, there are 2 Ouches. The southern of them is Crush.
    - Zonk enters EotS.

    - EotS has 12 shields to go to Settler, currently making 5 per turn. Testing indicates that the 6th citizen will land on a fur forest, giving us the extra production needed for a settler in 2 turns.
    - Hurricane has 6 food and 7 shields to go for the Worker.
    - Worker starts to chop forest.

    - nothing for now.
    Last edited by nbarclay; January 15, 2003, 16:02.

  • #2
    Just for future information, on default settings, when a city has the kind of food surplus EotS has, the governor ALWAYS goes for production over food. That drives me nuts in SP having to remember to move the laborer all the time to avoid disrupting my settler pump (and occasionally forgetting), but it's a vital key not just in getting this settler on schedule but also in getting the next two with only four turns in between.


    • #3
      I had not long ago a game a 4 turn settler pump, where the governor's setting definitely made a difference. I needed to keep a food surplus of 5. This was impossible with the the default setting of the city's governor, because, just like in our case, he kept to set the new citizen on forest. Now I set the governor on "emphasize food" and - violà - the new citizen was set on shielded grassland, as was intended and the food surplus was kept automatically.


      • #4
        I luckily found a save of just another 4 turn settler pump out of a test game, with 3 irrigated cows on plains and an irrigated plain vs. a forest for the "governor test". 3 citizens work at the cows. The 4th is set either on the irrigated plain ("emphasize food") or on the forest ("emphasize production", this is bad for the pump). I can't say it for sure, but I think default is "emphasize production". If you wish, I can mail you the save.


        • #5
          I've used the "switch to Emphasize Food" trick to overcome the governor's propensity for picking production-oriented tiles myself. I'm not sure it's 100% foolproof, but at the very least, it works more often than not.

          In any case, our governor should still be on his default, settler-pump-unfriendly setting, and I've been through this settler build quite a few times in our test scenario. And in MP, where micromanagement each turn feels more worthwhile, keeping the default setting is actually better because it provides the benefit of a forest for a turn without the food cost. We just have to be careful.



          • #6
            Turn has arrived.


            • #7
              If I play this one in a little under an hour, is anyone going to be around to offer advice if something comes up?


              • #8
                I'm here, if needed.


                • #9
                  Sir Ralph, I don't think I ever got the e-mail addresses to send the save to if I play the turn. Do you have them on you or know where I could find them reasonably quickly? If not, I'll let you play this one and wait until I get the last bits of information I need. (Speaking of bits of information, I could also use a copy of the mailing list of people who want screenshots sent straight to them, when you get a good opportunity.)



                  • #10
                    It's neudemogyptica^ (replace the ^ with @).


                    • #11
                      The mailing list I can collect and send as soon as I get home. Although you should have it in the "To:" part of any screenshot mail you get. Just look in the properties of the mail, and there it is. That was how I made it, after nye left us.

                      Edit, not to spam a third post in a row: I'm off for lunch till approximately 7:30am Apolyton time.
                      Last edited by Harovan; January 16, 2003, 07:41.


                      • #12
                        Team scores:

                        63 (+1) Gathering Storm
                        73 (+1) Demogyptica
                        63 (+1) Glory of War
                        68 (+1) Role Play
                        61 (+1) Vox Controli
                        56 (+1) Lux Invicta
                        70 (+2) Legoland


                        • #13
                          Tim and Willy are fortified in their lookout positions from last turn. Vox's Rodney is escorting a worker at 8-8 from Lookout Ridge (two tiles due north). I wonder if they might be working on a road to get their fourth settler to his new home quickly. (I hope it's not a military road!)

                          Our moves:
                          Crush fortified in Hurricane.
                          Zonk joined Gronk in EotS.
                          Ouch fortified due south of Willy.
                          Hack moved south (2) planning to get between Tim and EotS.
                          Slash moved south (2) continuing his exploration.
                          Worker started chop.


                          • #14
                            Power graph is essentially flat from last turn.

                            Checking F11, Legos just built a settler. That combined with their gaining 2 in score two turns in a row isn't exactly the most comforting thing I've ever seen.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by nbarclay
                              (I hope it's not a military road!)
                              We shouldn't leave this to good hope. Perhaps we should care about getting horses soon.

