Some more details on Bob:
zeit - greetings dear sir. I couldn't help but smile at DeepO's post in the public forum on the on-going debate over our excursion onto the continent.
Quote from DeepO:
"Only one minor problem, though, it seems Vox's journey hasn't taught you much when it comes to warning your neighbours you're going to perform some strange tricks with territoy. Now you have a bulls-eye painted on that city, which is closer to NDs territory, and for the moment undefended with long support lines... I wonder if ND considers it their territory or not, after all, they are now relatively one city behind, and they applied most of the pressure (at least publicly, I don't know what happened behind the curtains)"
I wonder if he was closer to the mark than any of us realize. There are numerous rumors flying about right now - RolePlay seems to be the ultimate source of many of them - so it makes one think.
Three that we at Vox have heard include:
- GoW and you against Vox.
- Gow and you against NeuD.
- and the one which may be have some grain of truth to it and which relates to the above - GoW and RP against NeuD.
The last and in our opinion, the most likely scenario, may provide a prime opportunity for Vox's return to the continent. We are keen to try again before the middle ages brings riders and ansar warriors to the scene. We want an opportunity to consolidate our gains and prepare defences.
However, if the first rumor is true - please advise.
Or, if the second is true - count us in.
Anyways, we will continue to update you as we hear anything, and as our plans develop. Eventually we are going to have to jointly prepare bigger plans for Bob. For now - we are happy to work on securing a small corner of it.
If you have heard anything, or have any thoughts on the political and military situation over there, we would appreciate if you could share it with us.
Trust all is well in the south.
Regards ... Beta.
Quote from DeepO:
"Only one minor problem, though, it seems Vox's journey hasn't taught you much when it comes to warning your neighbours you're going to perform some strange tricks with territoy. Now you have a bulls-eye painted on that city, which is closer to NDs territory, and for the moment undefended with long support lines... I wonder if ND considers it their territory or not, after all, they are now relatively one city behind, and they applied most of the pressure (at least publicly, I don't know what happened behind the curtains)"
I wonder if he was closer to the mark than any of us realize. There are numerous rumors flying about right now - RolePlay seems to be the ultimate source of many of them - so it makes one think.
Three that we at Vox have heard include:
- GoW and you against Vox.
- Gow and you against NeuD.
- and the one which may be have some grain of truth to it and which relates to the above - GoW and RP against NeuD.
The last and in our opinion, the most likely scenario, may provide a prime opportunity for Vox's return to the continent. We are keen to try again before the middle ages brings riders and ansar warriors to the scene. We want an opportunity to consolidate our gains and prepare defences.
However, if the first rumor is true - please advise.
Or, if the second is true - count us in.
Anyways, we will continue to update you as we hear anything, and as our plans develop. Eventually we are going to have to jointly prepare bigger plans for Bob. For now - we are happy to work on securing a small corner of it.
If you have heard anything, or have any thoughts on the political and military situation over there, we would appreciate if you could share it with us.
Trust all is well in the south.
Regards ... Beta.