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Dimplomatic Scholia: Ambassador's Office - Vox Controli

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  • Some more details on Bob:
    zeit - greetings dear sir. I couldn't help but smile at DeepO's post in the public forum on the on-going debate over our excursion onto the continent.

    Quote from DeepO:

    "Only one minor problem, though, it seems Vox's journey hasn't taught you much when it comes to warning your neighbours you're going to perform some strange tricks with territoy. Now you have a bulls-eye painted on that city, which is closer to NDs territory, and for the moment undefended with long support lines... I wonder if ND considers it their territory or not, after all, they are now relatively one city behind, and they applied most of the pressure (at least publicly, I don't know what happened behind the curtains)"

    I wonder if he was closer to the mark than any of us realize. There are numerous rumors flying about right now - RolePlay seems to be the ultimate source of many of them - so it makes one think.

    Three that we at Vox have heard include:

    - GoW and you against Vox.
    - Gow and you against NeuD.
    - and the one which may be have some grain of truth to it and which relates to the above - GoW and RP against NeuD.

    The last and in our opinion, the most likely scenario, may provide a prime opportunity for Vox's return to the continent. We are keen to try again before the middle ages brings riders and ansar warriors to the scene. We want an opportunity to consolidate our gains and prepare defences.

    However, if the first rumor is true - please advise.

    Or, if the second is true - count us in.

    Anyways, we will continue to update you as we hear anything, and as our plans develop. Eventually we are going to have to jointly prepare bigger plans for Bob. For now - we are happy to work on securing a small corner of it.

    If you have heard anything, or have any thoughts on the political and military situation over there, we would appreciate if you could share it with us.

    Trust all is well in the south.

    Regards ... Beta.
    Save the rainforests!
    Join the us today and say NO to CIV'ers chopping jungles


    • My reply, trying to turn the focus on the more pressing tech issue:
      Honorable BetaHound of Vox Controli

      Thanks again for the information. I'm glad to hear things worked out for you- although you had to back out, and obviously had some losses, it could have been far worse. We were also quite suprised of the way RP handled the situation- we would have expected them to at least keep themselves out of this. Perhaps they didn't feel this was the right time for them to antagonize ND and GoW, therefor they joined their "Off-of-Bob" campaign against you. Maybe if you would have timed this with them, things could have been different, but that's pure speculation...

      You've have mentioned a few rumors- but i wouldn't take rumors seriously at this point. As for the ones which involve us- i can assure you none are true. We have also heard several "report", from first hand about X+Y against Z. It seems the Bobians tend to jump into conclusion prematurely, and put a label of enemies on those who don't cooperate ("you're either with us, or agianst us" )- maybe that's the reason the Bobians formed a unified front- they just think that if they won't do so, they'll be labeled as enemies of, in this case, GoW. I'm afraid i can't tell you more than that, because we don't have that much updated information on the happenings on Bob, as you seem to have. If we will have that sort of iinfo on the happenings there, we'll let you know.

      As for our tech sharing arrangement:
      Now that you no longer have to take care of defensive buildup as much as you had to when you had a city on Bob, i think it would be appropriate to once again go through the details of our tech partnership. I realize Vox's economy is rather small, but the agreement we had was that each of us contributes as much as he can. The GS has made alot of effort- both on the negotiation tables with other nations, and in our research labs (or dungeons, to be precise... ), to make sure we both keep up with the tech race, and even have our chances at trading techs.
      I ask you to review our last proposal for a revision of our tech partnership. I understand you want this agreement to last longer than 20 turns, but like you said- Vox will need some more time to bring up its economy to be able to keep up with the tech speed of the GS and the rest of the world, and make a decent contribution in research. But for the time being, there's no reason not to contribute in another way. Therefore, i want you to reconsider the idea of you giving the GS gpt for 20 turns, after which the arrangement will be renegotiated, to make it adaptable to the changing situation- yours and ours economic capabilities, other trading options, and the like.
      I'm sure that some agreement can be reached, based on our last proposals- the details can be negotiated, of course, but please remember what we have here is a partnership- in which both sides contribute as much as they can.

      Zeit, Chief Diplomat of the Gathering Storm.
      Save the rainforests!
      Join the us today and say NO to CIV'ers chopping jungles


      • Private messaging, times are GMT+2:00.
        Previously, BetaHound asked if we can talk in the public channel, and I asked that we keep our communications to private messages. Here's what followed:

        [22:54] BetaHound: would cover our tracks - and I can catch you later- no rush
        [22:55] BetaHound: OK?
        [22:55] Shiber: okee
        [22:55] BetaHound: sorry about that - take care - hope all is well with you.
        [22:56] Shiber: Thanks )
        [22:56] Shiber: you can contact DeepO as soon as you like
        [22:56] Shiber: by private msg, of course
        [22:57] BetaHound: yes - understood - but sometimes it is easier to chat off the record. DeepO and nathan and zeit all do a lot of posturing.
        [22:57] BetaHound: I'll be quick -
        [22:58] BetaHound: we are heading back to the continent shortly - I suspect GS will not be in a position to help - nor would want to - but I was just curious.
        [22:59] BetaHound: We have a better plan this time.
        [23:00] Shiber: this sounds serious
        [23:00] Shiber: perhaps you will appreciate the help of our master tacticians
        [23:00] BetaHound: Lend us Theseus?
        [23:00] Shiber:
        [23:01] Shiber: though i can't speak for the team, i'm sure that we can provide you with advice if you forward us maps and reports of your position and so on
        [23:01] BetaHound: Well - we may put this through official channels - probably in a turn or two.
        [23:02] BetaHound: We won't underestimate this time.
        [23:02] Shiber: btw, maybe invading right now is not such a good idea; you'll be in anarchy soon, if you're going to switch to republic
        [23:02] BetaHound: We might wait.
        [23:02] Shiber: btw, we may be able to help with such things as gold for immortal upgrades
        [23:02] * DeepO invites you to join #MoreCoffee
        [23:02] BetaHound: Yes - that would help - we are running a wee bit low right now.
        [23:03] BetaHound: OK - we should get this official - thanks for listening. Gotta go.
        [23:03] BetaHound: take care - peace!
        [23:03] Shiber: anyway, that's just my ideas, nothing official
        [23:03] Shiber: again, you should talk to deepo later
        [23:03] Shiber: cya
        "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
        And the truth isn't what you want to see,
        Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
        - Phantom of the Opera


        • New message from BetaHound:

          Three Items
          Dear Zeit of Gathering Storm.

          Greetings. Jon is busy with something called school and real-life right now, and to be honest, our scientists aren't quite sure what either of those are. He has asked that I contact you regarding three items.

          1. An Update:

          We have been working hard on the diplomatic front, as some had suggested we should have done the last time, trying to reach a peaceful agreement with at least GoW, to allow us to settle a limited corner of Bob, and re-claim our city. We initially met with some success, but it may have come off the rails last evening after a lengthy discussion with GoW. It is not clear to us if they are getting pressured by NeuD on this - nor how solid the alliances are or are not between the Bobians. What were originally reasonable demands become unreasonable very quickly. Therefore, we now feel we will probably need to use force to back up our claim.

          2. A Request:

          I had asked Shiber earlier if members of GS would be willing to provide some tactical advice when we return to the continent. Short of lending us Theseus or Arrian or DeepO, we could at least explain the terrain and our battle plan, and the strategy forum could analyze it for us. Konquest02 is a recent addition to Vox Controli - so I'm sure they speak the same language.

          3. An Offer

          As a prepatory move to us going back to Bob - we obtained a number of turns back - at considerable expense - a complete map of Bob, with cities and roads. It is current to about 6 turns ago. And on the other hand, we also need cash to finance our return to Bob (we do not call it an invasion as no one owns the land as of yet).

          So - we would like to offer the map of Bob in exchange for:

          1. 200 gold, and we repay 120 gold in 24 turns.


          2. 160 gold.

          The first represents a lower price, and a loan to be repaid in full, without interest, in 24 turns. The second is a straight cash deal.

          Can you please get back to me on items 2 and 3. As we are getting close to launching galleys - we would like to hear sooner than later if at all possible.

          And by the way, like what you have done with the neighborhood. How are the beaches and bars at Monsoon?

          Thank-you, and regards .... Beta.


          • A little something from Beta:

            Greetings zeit and nbarclay,

            I should have given you earlier prior warning that a spearman is coming north by your observer on the mountain. Do not worry. He is on his way to North Estonia and then on to Bob. We have found that this is about all Dissidentville is good for. We have rushed a barracks and are now going to rush spearmen depending on the population.

            Any response on our earlier letter? We are somewhat anxious for a response.

            Thank-you, and regards .... Beta.
            Save the rainforests!
            Join the us today and say NO to CIV'ers chopping jungles


            • A reminder. Vox awaits our response.

              Greetings Sir Ralph.

              I have approached both zeit and nbarclay on some important matters. I trust my first letter made it through to you. I sent a reminder last night to zeit - I could not send it to nathan as his mailbox is full. We have not heard anything back.

              The message is attached. It also mentions the spearman heading north from Dissidentville. We are anxious to hear from you. Our operations are expected to start shortly.

              If you would care to make a counetr-offer regarding the map - please do so. Gold up front is preferable as we will need to reinforce quickly the first wave heading to Bob.

              Thank-you for your attention to this matter. And there may be some political fireworks shortly in the public forum. Your neutrality or even mild supprt for our efforts would be appreciated.

              We also have our tactical plan and political assessment drawn up - so as soon as we get the word on your willingness to provide input - we will send it on its way. But time is drawing short for us. The turns are moving quickly these days.

              Regards ... Beta.


              • To Beta:


                I'm once again sorry for the delay. I'll be brief about this, as i have to get myself prepared to a 20 days trip to the US(!). Nathan will most likely replace me, but i'm not sure about it yet. I'll let you know about this tommorow.

                About the map offer: we are currently abit low on cash, as we need it for rushing projects in our cities and for greater investment in research (we're a republic, after all), so i offer you another deal, for a worldmap trade:

                We offer you a trade of Feudalism for the world map- since you have tagged the map as worth 160 gold, and we have tagged ours 200 gold (less than 30% the beaker cost), what we're actually offering is a 20% discount. Feudalism will be most important for you in your efforts to defend any cities you might have on Bob- and will also deter would-be attackers.

                As for the part about advising you with your moves on Bob- we fear this might hurt the spirit of the game, if we have direct influence on your specific decisions such as where to attack and the like, but if you're looking for something general, like the last correspondences between us which included sharing our insights on the politics on Bob and RP role in this, it could be possible. I'll let you discuss this more thoroughly with whoever i find to replaces me in the next 20 days. Like i said- i'll tell you about it tommorow.

                Hoping to hear from you soon
                Kind Regards
                Save the rainforests!
                Join the us today and say NO to CIV'ers chopping jungles


                • Urgent message from Beta:
                  Greetings zeit.

                  I understand your position on the "military advisor" matter. I will take your advice and limit the discussion to the political situation. I will send shortly a letter explaining our recent political dealings with the Bobians.

                  As to the trade- feudalism would be a nice-to-have. But not essential. We can create Immortals cheaper than Med. Infantry.

                  But we are willing to trade our world map for cash. I hate to be persistent on this, but our operation is underway as I speak. We have three warriors ready to upgrade to Immortals and go across on the next ferry trip. And our treasury is low. We need cash. Now.

                  May I suggest a staright deal of our world map - the current in-game map of the entire world - including the known areas of Legos - for 95 gold. But we need to do the deal this turn. Please. I will send the world map, and you put 95 gold on the table, and accept, and we complete the deal next turn.

                  Please let me know asap, as in this evening. We are sitting on the save awaiting conclusion of this as well as another discussion. And be prepared for some political fireworks to erupt. Wish us luck, fellow Esonians!

                  Regards ... Beta
                  Save the rainforests!
                  Join the us today and say NO to CIV'ers chopping jungles


                  • Another message froim Vox:

                    Dear zeit

                    As per your recommendation, I have taken my previously prepared draft and deleted the specific military descriptions and questions. Again - I understand your reluctance to provide such advice from a game perspective.

                    But I will give you a general outline of our intentions, and our reading of the politics.

                    The upcoming Bob 2 mission is appropriately named Operation MacArthur. ("People of Wittlich West, I will return.") We learned a few things from our first excursion. One - don't under-estimate their reaction time. Two - take sufficient force to back your words. And three - claim the best defensive terrain quickly.

                    The NE corner of Bob is hilly territory, except for a plain closest to the point which overlooks North Estonia. You will see this from the map after the trade. And on that plain is Wittlich West - now named Desolation Point by GoW.

                    Our intent is to land in force - 6 Immortals and 6 Spearmen - and on the hills. We will use two galleys and can have everyone across very quickly. We will also be taking a settler over fairly soon to build another city. The existing city will likely then be taken by cultural conversion, or we can negotiate a sale depending how the diplomatic situation unfolds, or we simply take it by force.

                    We expect the initial NeuD and GoW reaction to be similar to last time. What is not clear is whether they will be willing to commit to a longer term war of attrition if we can convince them of our limited goals of 4 or 5 cities on Bob, and prove that it will be costly to kick us out. We have been trying to negotiate exactly this for some time now. An agreement that specifies the number of cities allowable - and even where. Similar to the deal we reached earlier on.

                    We are also counting somewhat on tensions between RolePlay and their neighbours to hopefully prevent the kind of united front we met last time - and maybe make GoW and NeuD reconsider the prospects of a two-front war.

                    We will continue to commit reserves to Bob, and given the supremacy of defence over offence, we expect the beach-head will hold quite well.

                    Any thoughts from a diplomatic angle would be appreciated. Thank-you in advance for your input. And, wish us luck.

                    ..... BetaHound


                    • And yet another message from BetaHound:

                      Greeting Nathan.

                      I understand zeit is away, and I wanted to update GS on what has been a busy day at Vox.

                      We have made a public announcement of our landing. GoW would see it next turn anyway - so we thought it best to be pro-active. This should be interesting. We had almost reached an agreement with GoW on a settlement arrangment but it fell apart at the 11th hour. We are hoping that RolePlay is the crack in the alliance and that we can exploit it. There are indications that we may be able to. We have had an embassy with Roleplay for a number of turns now, hoping to be able to negotiate them into an in-game alliance against the others - if we cannot work out a peaceful settlement. There is still a chance that this may happen - and our timing of landing in force - and hopefully getting ourselves peacefully established before chivalry - is intended to help them see the logic in a peaceful settlement. Time will tell.

                      Speaking of embassies, that is the other piece of news. After a long debate in the Voxian senate it was decided to also establish embassies with you and Lego. Several argued that the ability to form in-game alliances outweighed the cost in gold, and the military uses it could go to. An in-game alliance was seen to compel compliance. Others, myself included, argued that this could be accomplished out-of-game, at no cost. However, the vote was 5-3 for, with Dissident being away. So our ambassadors can finely meet on plush carpets and in comfortable chairs.

                      The one big advantage to you in this is that our world map now highlights the Lego capital, in addition to the large portion of the Lego coast which is visible. All of Bob is covered, including a smaller island to the west with two GoW cities. I cannot recall this being mentioned anywhere. We have offered our world map to you this turn as per zeit's instructions. This will allow discussion at your end, and if you agree, just add the gold and accept. Thank-you. The gold is appreciated - particularly with the embassy cost. (arrgghh)

                      Back to the alliance issue - we want to re-assure you that at no time in our negotaitions with the continental civs did we ever feign your support in our cause, nor did we ever threaten your involvement along side of us. I am not sure what the Bobians make of our relationship. Several suspect the trade agreement which has existed for awhile, but we clearly know more about them then they do about us. So we took no liberties whatsoever with your position in any of this. We would not presume to do so.

                      However, that being said, we would like to discuss with you the longer-term possibilities in this regards. If the Bobian landing gets really nasty - and we obviously hope it doesn't - we may want to discuss with more vigor the possibility of an alliance. It would be one way of cutting the continental civs down to size - and better that we do it on their turf than ours. Our timing is such that we want to get established - by force if necessary - well before chivalry is available. I am sure that chivalry and what it entails will heighten the tensions between RP and their neighbors (and the map explains why their neighbors might be a bit aggravated), and that we become a sideshow. That will give us an opportunity - to either firmly establish ourselves - or perhaps do some serious damage. Getting ahead of myself here. Anyways - that was some of the thinking behind the in-game alliance matter. But we do not need to decide that tonight.

                      It has been a long day. Sorry to ramble. But thought it best we kept you in the loop,. We will let you know how things develop.

                      Regards.... Beta.


                      • Message back to Beta letting him know the direction our map decision seems headed.

                        Sorry about not getting back to you faster on the map deal; people aren't weighing in all that quickly, but so far, the response to your latest offer has been uniformly positive. Assuming the trend doesn't reverse itself all of a sudden, the deal will go through. Just thought you'd like to know.



                        • I do not consider my posting this here "dishonorable" in the least, as the request to "keep it quiet" has come from a proven enemy of the state, and therefore, his words presently hold little weight with me.

                          Nonetheless, if we can keep the *illusion* that the majority of the team does not know about it, so much the better (ie - this is prolly not something we want to talk about in the public fora).

                          Here's the PM I recieved last evening (late....just saw it this morning from a very high-ranking Vox member):

                          Hi Vel,

                          You posted this in the open forum:

                          "Still time to diffuse the situation, if you want to.... We're lovers and poets at the Scots, actually.

                 appears you've already cast your die, yes?


                          Would you care to discuss this further? We have delayed playing our turn, and have asked Lego to delay playing their's for a bit. I am out of town for the rest of today and the first part of tomorrow - but will be around late afternoon (edt) tomorrow.

                          And if I may ask - if we do discuss it - please don't bring the whole team. Maybe you and nye and/or nathan.

                          Have a good easter week-end. Cheers ...

                          just to keep stuff organized....

                          The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                          • I caught up with Jon Miller. I think this will be helpful in gauging Vox resolve.

                            EDIT: I took the liberty of taking out all the < and >'s so the names were visible. - Aeson
                            EDIT: Thanks, Aeson - nye

                            Session Start: Sat Apr 19 18:49:34 2003
                            Session Ident: #Balls
                            [18:49] * Now talking in #Balls
                            [18:52] * Jon_Miller has joined #balls
                            [18:52] Jon_Miller: hey man
                            [18:53] notyoueither: hi
                            [18:53] notyoueither: how goes things?
                            Chat about school and work.
                            [18:58] notyoueither: so. we find ourselves on the opposite sides of a front line.
                            [18:59] Jon_Miller: oh, yah, in Civ3
                            [18:59] notyoueither: you paying much attention lately?
                            [18:59] Jon_Miller: I have been reading, and occasionally putting in comments
                            [19:00] notyoueither: good. btw, no hard feelings on my part. it's a game.
                            [19:00] Jon_Miller: oyu?
                            [19:00] Jon_Miller: yah
                            [19:00] notyoueither: well, the dow got my attention.
                            [19:00] Jon_Miller: Beta is the main leader in this operation
                            [19:00] Jon_Miller: dow = declaration of war??
                            [19:00] notyoueither: we've been gathering that.
                            [19:00] notyoueither: yes to dow.
                            [19:01] notyoueither: i guess we shouldn't have been entirely surprised.
                            [19:01] Jon_Miller: I was sort of surprised
                            [19:01] Jon_Miller: by the idea
                            [19:02] Jon_Miller: but than those who presented the plan, argued well and good
                            [19:02] notyoueither: it did sort of run counter to what you and Nathan discussed.
                            [19:02] Jon_Miller: yes
                            [19:02] Jon_Miller: they argued well and good, and I saw the light in their statements
                            [19:03] notyoueither: there has been little contact since then. maybe none. some of us thought maybe we should find out what your objectives are.
                            [19:03] notyoueither: and what led to us instead of Bob.
                            [19:03] Jon_Miller: oh yah
                            [19:03] notyoueither: brb
                            [19:04] notyoueither: back
                            [19:05] notyoueither: can you tell me why you came to us instead of to Bob?
                            [19:05] Jon_Miller: our final objectives are still a little in the air, the option of
                            [19:05] notyoueither: sorry, go on.
                            [19:05] Jon_Miller: redirecting our efforts is not
                            [19:05] Jon_Miller: does not have many proponents
                            [19:06] Jon_Miller:
                            [19:06] notyoueither: ok.
                            [19:06] notyoueither: can you tell me why you came to us instead of to Bob?
                            [19:06] Jon_Miller: (but was suggested)
                            [19:06] Jon_Miller: oh, yah
                            [19:06] Jon_Miller: there was a discussion of our long range plans, and our options, and they led us to you
                            [19:06] notyoueither: why?
                            [19:06] Jon_Miller: (I had typed that up eralier, than decided to talk about ojectives first
                            [19:07] Jon_Miller: if we did what we were doing we would soon become a third world nation
                            [19:07] Jon_Miller: and cease to exist
                            [19:07] Jon_Miller: as such plans were discussed to remedy this situation
                            [19:08] Jon_Miller: some plans dealt with Bob, others with GS
                            [19:08] notyoueither: i guess getting support from Bob helped choose GS.
                            [19:09] Jon_Miller: the plan that came out ontop, was a strike at GS (as being the best chance at survival as the Voice)
                            [19:09] Jon_Miller: not having to attakc all of Bob was a factor
                            [19:10] notyoueither: unmistakably.
                            [19:10] Jon_Miller: a prety big one
                            [19:10] notyoueither: so. how far do you guys want to push it?
                            [19:10] Jon_Miller: and our options were (And are) still prety limited
                            [19:11] Jon_Miller: as I said it is open (the thread is one of the more active)
                            [19:11] notyoueither: well, that is a good sign.
                            [19:11] Jon_Miller: and the option to quit moving against you is not the most popular
                            [19:12] Jon_Miller: as for how far
                            [19:12] Jon_Miller: some think we should go all the way, others think just a ways
                            [19:12] Jon_Miller: a lot will depend on what we think a GS will do
                            [19:13] Jon_Miller: that has been injured some
                            [19:13] notyoueither: injured? what has?
                            [19:13] Jon_Miller: also it will depend on if we feel that we can keep up the attack
                            [19:13] Jon_Miller: you haven't been
                            [19:13] notyoueither: ahh
                            [19:13] Jon_Miller: but if we took a city, or you were forced to destroy one
                            [19:14] Jon_Miller: and you lived, would that mean that we would die later, as soon as you could get together a big enough group?
                            [19:14] notyoueither: we have been discussing it.
                            [19:15] Jon_Miller: we are pretty sure that the game has changed, and that the game will not end peacefully
                            [19:15] notyoueither: there is some support for allowing vox an out. not an easy out, but an out.
                            [19:16] notyoueither: i agree it will not end by space ship at this point.
                            [19:16] Jon_Miller: you think that you will win (if this went to the alst city?)
                            [19:17] Jon_Miller: I think we ahve a fair shot at eliminating your presence (And to be honest you probably do also)
                            [19:17] notyoueither: elimination is always possible. the rng can be a cruel mistriss.
                            [19:18] Jon_Miller: well yes
                            [19:19] Jon_Miller: and you have a better shot the longer the war takes
                            [19:19] Jon_Miller: we know that also
                            [19:19] notyoueither: i think so.
                            [19:21] Jon_Miller: may the war be quick
                            [19:21] Jon_Miller:
                            [19:21] notyoueither: yes. agreed. :beer:
                            [19:21] notyoueither: what do you think the Bobians are doing?
                            [19:22] Jon_Miller: I am not sure
                            [19:22] notyoueither: ermmm, i'm not sure if it's clear what I am toasting...
                            [19:22] Jon_Miller: talking on phone
                            [19:22] notyoueither: go ahead.
                            Jon talks on phone to family.
                            When he returns there is some chat about parents and difficulties they have.
                            [20:23] notyoueither: so, are you guys pumped up on the coming clash at Arashi?
                            [20:23] Jon_Miller: let me check
                            [20:24] notyoueither: brb
                            [20:24] Jon_Miller: sorry man
                            [20:24] Jon_Miller: the screen shot looks in our favor
                            [20:24] notyoueither: we are... concerned.
                            [20:25] notyoueither: but what the hell, it's a game.
                            [20:26] Jon_Miller: yah
                            [20:26] Jon_Miller: I don't think anyone on our side has noted it much
                            [20:27] notyoueither: that it is a game?
                            [20:27] Jon_Miller: no
                            [20:27] Jon_Miller: that we are probably going to take
                            [20:27] Jon_Miller: Arashi
                            [20:28] notyoueither: must have sights set somewhere else?
                            [20:28] Jon_Miller: hmm?
                            [20:28] Jon_Miller: no, all the talk has to do with
                            [20:28] Jon_Miller: what are final goals of this camaign are
                            [20:28] notyoueither: ahhh.
                            [20:28] Jon_Miller: and whether we are going to keep producing immortals or settlers
                            [20:29] notyoueither: who is your general, or generals?
                            [20:29] Jon_Miller: we speak with oen voice, everyone has a say
                            [20:29] notyoueither: sounds a lot like us.
                            [20:29] Jon_Miller: as for who has made plans that we ahve discussed
                            [20:30] Jon_Miller: Beta of course, and some of the newer memebers
                            [20:31] Jon_Miller: I have started playing CM also
                            [20:31] notyoueither: well, it will be interesting to see what the next few turns bring.
                            [20:32] Jon_Miller: yes
                            [20:32] Jon_Miller: your mass group of chariots will appear
                            [20:32] Jon_Miller: and take out our immortals
                            [20:33] notyoueither: the game gets interesting now. with us, and Bob.
                            [20:33] Jon_Miller: wow, youhave a lot of troops on the coast
                            [20:33] Jon_Miller: yes
                            [20:33] notyoueither: how many do we have there?
                            [20:34] Jon_Miller: I can't realy tell
                            [20:34] notyoueither: oh. ok.
                            [20:34] Jon_Miller: you have a number thoguh (I guess I could count the little things)
                            [20:34] Jon_Miller: but they are annoying (The slivers that say multiple units are in the stack)
                            [20:35] notyoueither: you have a few too, hense ours.
                            [20:35] Jon_Miller: thats true
                            [20:35] Jon_Miller: also it is close to your greatest victory
                            [20:36] notyoueither: close our our greatest victory?
                            [20:36] Jon_Miller: I think that it is unfortunate that there are so few hills arruond your capitol
                            [20:36] Jon_Miller: oh, itsn;t it close to where your chariot defeated our immortal?
                            [20:36] notyoueither: unfortunate for whom?
                            [20:36] notyoueither: yes, it was near there.
                            [20:37] Jon_Miller: you of course, I think you could use the production
                            [20:37] Jon_Miller: :0
                            [20:37] notyoueither: your immortals could use the rough terrain though.
                            [20:37] notyoueither: all blessing are mixed.
                            [20:38] Jon_Miller: well yah
                            [20:38] Jon_Miller: but such is life
                            [20:39] Jon_Miller: where is y freind, I wanted to be wasting another evening with NWN arround now
                            [20:39] Jon_Miller: (that is what I did yesterday from 9 tell 6)
                            [20:39] notyoueither: ahh, waiting for the party to form, eh?
                            [20:39] Jon_Miller: yah
                            Chat about other games being played.
                            [20:47] notyoueither: well. i gotta go. nice to catch up with you.
                            [20:48] Jon_Miller: ok, yah
                            [20:48] Jon_Miller: nice talkign to you too
                            [20:48] Jon_Miller: I hope that you didn't get anything from me that my teamates will kill me for
                            [20:48] notyoueither: take care, and remember, fear the chickens
                            [20:48] Jon_Miller: ha ha ha ha
                            [20:48] Jon_Miller: Jpeace out
                            [20:48] notyoueither: i don;t think so. i think we're both safe.
                            [20:48] Jon_Miller: cool
                            [20:48] notyoueither: g'night.
                            [20:48] Jon_Miller: peace
                            [20:48] * Jon_Miller has left #balls
                            Session Close: Sat Apr 19 20:48:56 2003
                            Last edited by notyoueither; April 21, 2003, 13:22.
                            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                            • I just sent this to Konquest2... we have a pretty good relationship from the Strat forum, and are doing the 1.21 succession game.

                              Title: ??

                              Kon, feel free to choose not to reply, but what's up with Vox??!!

                              Our current theory is that given the magnitude of the turn, you guys are trying to arrange a chat concurrent with combat, so you can all figure out what to do together, turn by turn.

                              Not so say I'm afraid / positive about the outcome, or fearful / dismissive of Immortals, or anything except I AM TEARING MY HAIR OUT IN ANTICIPATION!!!!

                              Again, compliments to you and your team mates... a devilish strategy, and well played.

                              Hope that is OK with everyone.

                              [Note: This was sent via PM on MZO... smilies did not copy over to here.]
                              The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                              Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                              • A quick reply:

                                You nailed it there... We wanted to set a war chat, bu poly died and you know the rest... It should be played soon though... Let the Immortals shine

                                The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                                Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.

