Part I
Session Start: Sun Nov 09 19:33:58 2003
Session Ident: #LOL
* Logging #LOL to 'logs\Lego dissidents.GRNet.log'
Theseus> Got it... cool.
Sharpe> back
Theseus> So, just wondering, sort of a scratch in the back of my brain, not to pry or anything, but, uh, what's up with this dissident stuff?
Sharpe> dissident?
Sharpe> you mean the "unofficialness" of this chat?
Theseus> Private chat w/out vondrack... so we are calling you dissidents in our forum.
Theseus> Yep.
Nimitz> We aren't dissidents
Sharpe> Well we really aren't dissidents
Theseus> No offense.
Nimitz> I'm Tied wirth Vondrack for the FAM
Sharpe> and several members have wondered about chatting with you guys, but nothing came out of it officially
Theseus> REALLY, no offense. In fact, blame me, I'm the one who started using that word, and will henceforh squash it.
Sharpe> besides don't YOU guys have a city named Dissidentville?
Nimitz> we don't mined but we just don't want you think we are going against the team
Theseus> Got it.
Theseus> We are not too familiar with the internal workings of Lego.
Sharpe> So do we want to wait for any others?
Sharpe> doesn't bother me but I don't know how much time you both have for this
Theseus> I am empowered... your call.
Nimitz> lets just say as with any thing lego we can do onthing official
Sharpe> yeah, if there is majority support for it by vote if necessary
Nimitz> its always up to the team
Theseus> Although didn't I read somewhere that vondrack has sometimes made his own calls?
Theseus> BTW, Cort Haus might be joining us.
Theseus> BRB.
Sharpe> Vondrack was president and vice president for a long time
Sharpe> the way Lego works is that the president and VP have the power to do what they want if there is no team consensus on an issue
Theseus> Ah, so this has happened... and there was dissent after?
Sharpe> no just no consensus whether we should talk with GS or not
Theseus> Not prying, just trying to understand. How does this relate (if it does) to the confidentiality of this chat?
Theseus> If you'd like to move on from this subject, that's OK.
Nimitz> oh we are just talking about some stuff in the back ground
Nimitz> like the election
Sharpe> yeah, this is the tightest election yet so far in Lego
Sharpe> even the 2nd election is currently tied
Nimitz> twice a tie so far
*** Cort_Haus has joined #LOL
Sharpe> Hi Cort_Haus!
Cort_Haus> right, am I here now?
Cort_Haus> 'Hi all
Theseus> Wow... if I tried to run an election in GS it would be a slam dunk. "Everyone who wants Theseus to do everything, raise your hand." /me raises hand. Election over.
Nimitz> hey
Theseus> Hi Cort.
Nimitz> it would of been for me 2 or 3 months ago
Cort_Haus> phew, made it - so have I missed much?
Sharpe> you aren't THAT short of members are you?
Sharpe> no just some small talk
Sharpe> admittedly we are down to about 9 active members
Theseus> Naw, just kidding around.
Cort_Haus> So, Interesting Times...
Nimitz> yes
Sharpe> yeah, concerning times too
Theseus> You mean like the Chinese curse?
Sharpe> curse?
Cort_Haus> Nothing like the prospect of a World War to focus the attention
Nimitz> yes
Theseus> "May you live in interesting times."
Nimitz> may you live in intresting times
Nimitz> lol
Sharpe> ah true I remember that famous quote now
Theseus> So... now we are talking.
Nimitz> yes I guess
Cort_Haus> we're on tenterhooks...
Theseus> I'm on the edge of my seat.
Sharpe> yeah, the war seems to have reached a touchy point
Theseus> Sidenote: It's amazing to me that team participation is down, just when things are as intense as they are.
Sharpe> To be honest Legoland is concerned about your invasion of GoW's territory
Cort_Haus> It's been a good war so far for Lego ... less so for the participants
Sharpe> home area taht is
Theseus> well, we weren't just going to slug it out in the south.
Sharpe> been rough on Lego too - though not in combat losses admittedly
Cort_Haus> well it's not surprising that we weant to take the fight to the enemy.
Theseus> Rough on Lego how?
Sharpe> Lots of arguments
Nimitz> yes true
Theseus> Ah.
Cort_Haus> ah (
Theseus> Thankfully, that has never really been the case in GS... we get along very well (but we were to an extent a pre-built team).
Nimitz> we get along farly well but things
Nimitz> that do not directly involve us can lead to arguement on what to do
Cort_Haus> We er, kind of noticed that Lego didn't want us hitting GoW. We got this ultimatum you see, so we launched our nukes at you. Sorry 'bout that. Should be there any moment!
Theseus> (I started with that quote CH!!)
Theseus> lol
Sharpe> K, to get to the point - Lego has a defensive alliance with GoW - regarding any invasion of their home territory - since neither you nor RP have attacked into their homeland until now - Legoland has remained uninvolved
Cort_Haus> ok, (ticks off joke on list)
Nimitz> lol
Sharpe> until now
Theseus> We are not in GoW's homeland.
Theseus> Although we are... close.
Sharpe> Err, what about that force of yours outside of Yellowknife?
Cort_Haus> yeah, we're just peering over the border
Sharpe> 12 knights 4 pikes ?
Theseus> Outside their territory.
Nimitz> that is not our it seems
Theseus> To be honest? We knew we needed to bring the situation on Bob to a head.
Nimitz> *how
Theseus> YK is still a level one city.
Sharpe> level one?
Nimitz> not expanded
Theseus> Cultural expansion.
Sharpe> oh yeah true
Sharpe> We are concerned about it because if you did attack GoW's cities there , the treaty with GoW would require us to help with their defense
Theseus> Here's a biggie: We do not want to attack GoW.
Theseus> But we had to get their, and your, attention.
Nimitz> so why the troops
Nimitz> ok
Nimitz> you have but in the wrong way most likely
Theseus> Before we go further, can we briefly discuss confidentiality?
Sharpe> sure
Theseus> I have not been in a diplo position before...
Nimitz> ok
Theseus> What is the commonly accepted set of mores in this regard?
Theseus> (Gee, talking like a diplo )
Sharpe> do you mean telling us something that you have discussed with another team or teams ?
Theseus> More, hmmm, what is the confidentiality of this chat?
Theseus> For the moment, it's confidential within Lego... what about later?
Sharpe> We can keep it just between Lego and GS if you wish it
Theseus> And what about in general? Is there an assumption that all such diplo chats are to be held in strictecst confidence?
Sharpe> depends on whether you ask it to be confidential or not
Theseus> Hmmm... what is your current realtionship with Vox and ND?
Nimitz> usually it stays between the teams
Sharpe> Vox is a friend - especially since we saved them from extinction
Sharpe> ND is ... a mystery at times
Sharpe> why do you ask?
Cort_Haus> You seem shocked that we'd show troops to GoW's homeland. You can't really blame us for wanting to threaten the enemy where it hurts though - otherwise we just hang around in Spain soaking up 3-mover attacks for ever.
Sharpe> No, we aren't shocked
Cort_Haus> So you've promised to help them defensively. Why?
Theseus> Hang on a sec CH... re confidentiality:
Nimitz> so you wouldn't destory them
Theseus> I would like us all to agree that this chat will be held confidential at least between our two teams. I leave it to you when to disclose within Lego. OK?
Nimitz> you are a powerful nation
Cort_Haus> So are you.
Sharpe> All right
Nimitz> ya but we are builders who don't like wars
Cort_Haus> so you threaten us with war...
Theseus> Nimitz? Confidentiality?
Nimitz> sharpe has answered
Theseus> OK, sorry, don't know the protocol.
Nimitz> its usual team agreement
Theseus> Bear with me for a sec while I lay out some key thoughts:
Sharpe> K
Theseus> * Look at the map of Bob; it's all about ND.
Theseus> * RP is basically done, 'cept we have them on life support.
Theseus> * We can face off against both ND and GoW in the south all day long. But 1) it's getting boring, and 2) it's non-productive.
Theseus> * I know that last point is not your concern, and is in a way to your benefit... but understand, we cannot allow the current state of affairs to continue.
Nimitz> so what you going to destroy some of there cities in the north and then get them to invade you
Theseus> * We are going to take out either ND or GoW...
Theseus> Do you think we mean to do this with just 12 Knights and 4 Pikes?
Sharpe> no we know you have additional forces
Theseus> Wait a sec please... I was building up to something.
Sharpe> k
Cort_Haus> [drum roll]
Theseus> * We see an opportunity, one that I had mentioned to vondrack.
Theseus> We want to HIRE GoW.
Theseus> BRB
Theseus> I have asked vondrack in the past if this would be OK... and he was fine with it.
Theseus> Soooooo... how does that match up to your desires / objectives for this chat?
Sharpe> Hire GoW to do what ? Attack ND?
Theseus> You betcha. And yes, we know that will require teh absence of RP from Bob.
Sharpe> yeah, they have said that they want that
Theseus> I think it is part of their contract with ND.
Sharpe> we aren't so sure about that "contract" part ....
Theseus> I think they actually want to do what they set out to do... be mercs.
Theseus> Which is pretty cool, IMO.
Sharpe> at first yes, but we haven't seen much sign of that - they do appear to be working together
Nimitz> I prefer building
Cort_Haus> what did you guys want to talk about, btw.We already knew you'd declare war on us if we attacked the GoW homeland..
Theseus> Tangent: BTW, when I am maximally paranoid, I assume that Lego's "building" is all a facade and you are about to descend on us, and also that Beta's new tagline is about the PTWDG and all of our chickens are about to die.
Sharpe> no, we really are builders
Nimitz> just wishing to maintain balance
Sharpe> doesn't mean we don't have a good military though
Cort_Haus> mais biensur!
Theseus> Yeah, we noticed the power cahrt!
Theseus> chart
Nimitz> we don't you destroyed any more then GoW
Sharpe> economically GS and Lego are fairly close
Sharpe> in terms of equality
Theseus> So, CH had a good question, what were your objectives for this chat?
Sharpe> We would like to avoid war with GS if possible - so to figure out if there is a way for our defensive pact with GoW NOT to be activated
Theseus> Ah, ok.
Nimitz> I almost never have goals for a chat but as this is sharpes I don't know
Cort_Haus> Heh, join us all in smaking ND!
Sharpe> some background - why do you think we are part of the alliance with GoW and ND
Cort_Haus> ahem, smacking
Theseus> Are you?
Cort_Haus> Yes, it looked like that with the Ultimatum
Theseus> But with ND too?
Sharpe> hard to say , we do have a NAP with them
Sharpe> not sure how much longer it has to go
Sharpe> a) we realized that RP was doomed no matter what
Theseus> Well, to answer, I'd say you want peace in general, a balance of power, and a build-off.
Sharpe> yes that too re peace and balance
Sharpe> and c) No one had a clue about what was going on in GoW and ND
Theseus> what happened to b)?
Sharpe> your answer was b)
Sharpe> you know the phrase "Keep your friends close and your rivals even closer?"
Theseus> Let me cut to the chase: How do you feel about GoW (and Vox? and Lego?) having a good chunk of Bob?
Theseus> Us too of course... and if we can, we would like to try to restore part of Spain.
Sharpe> Hmmm
Theseus> Yeah, that's a definite "Hmmm" moment.
Sharpe> you are proposing a gangup on ND then?
Nimitz> well umm I don't know what the team would say
Theseus> I guess I'm proposing a balance of power sans ND.
Sharpe> What does GoW say about this?
Theseus> If anything, and my teammates might kill me for this... I'd like to see GoW STRONGER.
Session Start: Sun Nov 09 19:33:58 2003
Session Ident: #LOL
* Logging #LOL to 'logs\Lego dissidents.GRNet.log'
Theseus> Got it... cool.
Sharpe> back
Theseus> So, just wondering, sort of a scratch in the back of my brain, not to pry or anything, but, uh, what's up with this dissident stuff?
Sharpe> dissident?
Sharpe> you mean the "unofficialness" of this chat?
Theseus> Private chat w/out vondrack... so we are calling you dissidents in our forum.
Theseus> Yep.
Nimitz> We aren't dissidents
Sharpe> Well we really aren't dissidents
Theseus> No offense.
Nimitz> I'm Tied wirth Vondrack for the FAM
Sharpe> and several members have wondered about chatting with you guys, but nothing came out of it officially
Theseus> REALLY, no offense. In fact, blame me, I'm the one who started using that word, and will henceforh squash it.
Sharpe> besides don't YOU guys have a city named Dissidentville?
Nimitz> we don't mined but we just don't want you think we are going against the team
Theseus> Got it.
Theseus> We are not too familiar with the internal workings of Lego.
Sharpe> So do we want to wait for any others?
Sharpe> doesn't bother me but I don't know how much time you both have for this
Theseus> I am empowered... your call.
Nimitz> lets just say as with any thing lego we can do onthing official
Sharpe> yeah, if there is majority support for it by vote if necessary
Nimitz> its always up to the team
Theseus> Although didn't I read somewhere that vondrack has sometimes made his own calls?
Theseus> BTW, Cort Haus might be joining us.
Theseus> BRB.
Sharpe> Vondrack was president and vice president for a long time
Sharpe> the way Lego works is that the president and VP have the power to do what they want if there is no team consensus on an issue
Theseus> Ah, so this has happened... and there was dissent after?
Sharpe> no just no consensus whether we should talk with GS or not
Theseus> Not prying, just trying to understand. How does this relate (if it does) to the confidentiality of this chat?
Theseus> If you'd like to move on from this subject, that's OK.
Nimitz> oh we are just talking about some stuff in the back ground
Nimitz> like the election
Sharpe> yeah, this is the tightest election yet so far in Lego
Sharpe> even the 2nd election is currently tied
Nimitz> twice a tie so far
*** Cort_Haus has joined #LOL
Sharpe> Hi Cort_Haus!
Cort_Haus> right, am I here now?
Cort_Haus> 'Hi all
Theseus> Wow... if I tried to run an election in GS it would be a slam dunk. "Everyone who wants Theseus to do everything, raise your hand." /me raises hand. Election over.
Nimitz> hey
Theseus> Hi Cort.
Nimitz> it would of been for me 2 or 3 months ago
Cort_Haus> phew, made it - so have I missed much?
Sharpe> you aren't THAT short of members are you?
Sharpe> no just some small talk
Sharpe> admittedly we are down to about 9 active members
Theseus> Naw, just kidding around.
Cort_Haus> So, Interesting Times...
Nimitz> yes
Sharpe> yeah, concerning times too
Theseus> You mean like the Chinese curse?
Sharpe> curse?
Cort_Haus> Nothing like the prospect of a World War to focus the attention
Nimitz> yes
Theseus> "May you live in interesting times."
Nimitz> may you live in intresting times
Nimitz> lol
Sharpe> ah true I remember that famous quote now
Theseus> So... now we are talking.
Nimitz> yes I guess
Cort_Haus> we're on tenterhooks...
Theseus> I'm on the edge of my seat.
Sharpe> yeah, the war seems to have reached a touchy point
Theseus> Sidenote: It's amazing to me that team participation is down, just when things are as intense as they are.
Sharpe> To be honest Legoland is concerned about your invasion of GoW's territory
Cort_Haus> It's been a good war so far for Lego ... less so for the participants
Sharpe> home area taht is
Theseus> well, we weren't just going to slug it out in the south.
Sharpe> been rough on Lego too - though not in combat losses admittedly
Cort_Haus> well it's not surprising that we weant to take the fight to the enemy.
Theseus> Rough on Lego how?
Sharpe> Lots of arguments
Nimitz> yes true
Theseus> Ah.
Cort_Haus> ah (
Theseus> Thankfully, that has never really been the case in GS... we get along very well (but we were to an extent a pre-built team).
Nimitz> we get along farly well but things
Nimitz> that do not directly involve us can lead to arguement on what to do
Cort_Haus> We er, kind of noticed that Lego didn't want us hitting GoW. We got this ultimatum you see, so we launched our nukes at you. Sorry 'bout that. Should be there any moment!
Theseus> (I started with that quote CH!!)
Theseus> lol
Sharpe> K, to get to the point - Lego has a defensive alliance with GoW - regarding any invasion of their home territory - since neither you nor RP have attacked into their homeland until now - Legoland has remained uninvolved
Cort_Haus> ok, (ticks off joke on list)
Nimitz> lol
Sharpe> until now
Theseus> We are not in GoW's homeland.
Theseus> Although we are... close.
Sharpe> Err, what about that force of yours outside of Yellowknife?
Cort_Haus> yeah, we're just peering over the border
Sharpe> 12 knights 4 pikes ?
Theseus> Outside their territory.
Nimitz> that is not our it seems
Theseus> To be honest? We knew we needed to bring the situation on Bob to a head.
Nimitz> *how
Theseus> YK is still a level one city.
Sharpe> level one?
Nimitz> not expanded
Theseus> Cultural expansion.
Sharpe> oh yeah true
Sharpe> We are concerned about it because if you did attack GoW's cities there , the treaty with GoW would require us to help with their defense
Theseus> Here's a biggie: We do not want to attack GoW.
Theseus> But we had to get their, and your, attention.
Nimitz> so why the troops
Nimitz> ok
Nimitz> you have but in the wrong way most likely
Theseus> Before we go further, can we briefly discuss confidentiality?
Sharpe> sure
Theseus> I have not been in a diplo position before...
Nimitz> ok
Theseus> What is the commonly accepted set of mores in this regard?
Theseus> (Gee, talking like a diplo )
Sharpe> do you mean telling us something that you have discussed with another team or teams ?
Theseus> More, hmmm, what is the confidentiality of this chat?
Theseus> For the moment, it's confidential within Lego... what about later?
Sharpe> We can keep it just between Lego and GS if you wish it
Theseus> And what about in general? Is there an assumption that all such diplo chats are to be held in strictecst confidence?
Sharpe> depends on whether you ask it to be confidential or not
Theseus> Hmmm... what is your current realtionship with Vox and ND?
Nimitz> usually it stays between the teams
Sharpe> Vox is a friend - especially since we saved them from extinction
Sharpe> ND is ... a mystery at times
Sharpe> why do you ask?
Cort_Haus> You seem shocked that we'd show troops to GoW's homeland. You can't really blame us for wanting to threaten the enemy where it hurts though - otherwise we just hang around in Spain soaking up 3-mover attacks for ever.
Sharpe> No, we aren't shocked
Cort_Haus> So you've promised to help them defensively. Why?
Theseus> Hang on a sec CH... re confidentiality:
Nimitz> so you wouldn't destory them
Theseus> I would like us all to agree that this chat will be held confidential at least between our two teams. I leave it to you when to disclose within Lego. OK?
Nimitz> you are a powerful nation
Cort_Haus> So are you.
Sharpe> All right
Nimitz> ya but we are builders who don't like wars
Cort_Haus> so you threaten us with war...
Theseus> Nimitz? Confidentiality?
Nimitz> sharpe has answered
Theseus> OK, sorry, don't know the protocol.
Nimitz> its usual team agreement
Theseus> Bear with me for a sec while I lay out some key thoughts:
Sharpe> K
Theseus> * Look at the map of Bob; it's all about ND.
Theseus> * RP is basically done, 'cept we have them on life support.
Theseus> * We can face off against both ND and GoW in the south all day long. But 1) it's getting boring, and 2) it's non-productive.
Theseus> * I know that last point is not your concern, and is in a way to your benefit... but understand, we cannot allow the current state of affairs to continue.
Nimitz> so what you going to destroy some of there cities in the north and then get them to invade you
Theseus> * We are going to take out either ND or GoW...
Theseus> Do you think we mean to do this with just 12 Knights and 4 Pikes?
Sharpe> no we know you have additional forces
Theseus> Wait a sec please... I was building up to something.
Sharpe> k
Cort_Haus> [drum roll]
Theseus> * We see an opportunity, one that I had mentioned to vondrack.
Theseus> We want to HIRE GoW.
Theseus> BRB
Theseus> I have asked vondrack in the past if this would be OK... and he was fine with it.
Theseus> Soooooo... how does that match up to your desires / objectives for this chat?
Sharpe> Hire GoW to do what ? Attack ND?
Theseus> You betcha. And yes, we know that will require teh absence of RP from Bob.
Sharpe> yeah, they have said that they want that
Theseus> I think it is part of their contract with ND.
Sharpe> we aren't so sure about that "contract" part ....
Theseus> I think they actually want to do what they set out to do... be mercs.
Theseus> Which is pretty cool, IMO.
Sharpe> at first yes, but we haven't seen much sign of that - they do appear to be working together
Nimitz> I prefer building
Cort_Haus> what did you guys want to talk about, btw.We already knew you'd declare war on us if we attacked the GoW homeland..
Theseus> Tangent: BTW, when I am maximally paranoid, I assume that Lego's "building" is all a facade and you are about to descend on us, and also that Beta's new tagline is about the PTWDG and all of our chickens are about to die.
Sharpe> no, we really are builders
Nimitz> just wishing to maintain balance
Sharpe> doesn't mean we don't have a good military though
Cort_Haus> mais biensur!
Theseus> Yeah, we noticed the power cahrt!
Theseus> chart
Nimitz> we don't you destroyed any more then GoW
Sharpe> economically GS and Lego are fairly close
Sharpe> in terms of equality
Theseus> So, CH had a good question, what were your objectives for this chat?
Sharpe> We would like to avoid war with GS if possible - so to figure out if there is a way for our defensive pact with GoW NOT to be activated
Theseus> Ah, ok.
Nimitz> I almost never have goals for a chat but as this is sharpes I don't know
Cort_Haus> Heh, join us all in smaking ND!
Sharpe> some background - why do you think we are part of the alliance with GoW and ND
Cort_Haus> ahem, smacking
Theseus> Are you?
Cort_Haus> Yes, it looked like that with the Ultimatum
Theseus> But with ND too?
Sharpe> hard to say , we do have a NAP with them
Sharpe> not sure how much longer it has to go
Sharpe> a) we realized that RP was doomed no matter what
Theseus> Well, to answer, I'd say you want peace in general, a balance of power, and a build-off.
Sharpe> yes that too re peace and balance
Sharpe> and c) No one had a clue about what was going on in GoW and ND
Theseus> what happened to b)?
Sharpe> your answer was b)
Sharpe> you know the phrase "Keep your friends close and your rivals even closer?"
Theseus> Let me cut to the chase: How do you feel about GoW (and Vox? and Lego?) having a good chunk of Bob?
Theseus> Us too of course... and if we can, we would like to try to restore part of Spain.
Sharpe> Hmmm
Theseus> Yeah, that's a definite "Hmmm" moment.
Sharpe> you are proposing a gangup on ND then?
Nimitz> well umm I don't know what the team would say
Theseus> I guess I'm proposing a balance of power sans ND.
Sharpe> What does GoW say about this?
Theseus> If anything, and my teammates might kill me for this... I'd like to see GoW STRONGER.