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DIPLO: Legoland diplomatic contact LOG

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  • Part I

    Session Start: Sun Nov 09 19:33:58 2003
    Session Ident: #LOL
    * Logging #LOL to 'logs\Lego dissidents.GRNet.log'
    Theseus> Got it... cool.
    Sharpe> back
    Theseus> So, just wondering, sort of a scratch in the back of my brain, not to pry or anything, but, uh, what's up with this dissident stuff?
    Sharpe> dissident?
    Sharpe> you mean the "unofficialness" of this chat?
    Theseus> Private chat w/out vondrack... so we are calling you dissidents in our forum.
    Theseus> Yep.
    Nimitz> We aren't dissidents
    Sharpe> Well we really aren't dissidents
    Theseus> No offense.
    Nimitz> I'm Tied wirth Vondrack for the FAM
    Sharpe> and several members have wondered about chatting with you guys, but nothing came out of it officially
    Theseus> REALLY, no offense. In fact, blame me, I'm the one who started using that word, and will henceforh squash it.
    Sharpe> besides don't YOU guys have a city named Dissidentville?
    Nimitz> we don't mined but we just don't want you think we are going against the team
    Theseus> Got it.
    Theseus> We are not too familiar with the internal workings of Lego.
    Sharpe> So do we want to wait for any others?
    Sharpe> doesn't bother me but I don't know how much time you both have for this
    Theseus> I am empowered... your call.
    Nimitz> lets just say as with any thing lego we can do onthing official
    Sharpe> yeah, if there is majority support for it by vote if necessary
    Nimitz> its always up to the team
    Theseus> Although didn't I read somewhere that vondrack has sometimes made his own calls?
    Theseus> BTW, Cort Haus might be joining us.
    Theseus> BRB.
    Sharpe> Vondrack was president and vice president for a long time
    Sharpe> the way Lego works is that the president and VP have the power to do what they want if there is no team consensus on an issue
    Theseus> Ah, so this has happened... and there was dissent after?
    Sharpe> no just no consensus whether we should talk with GS or not
    Theseus> Not prying, just trying to understand. How does this relate (if it does) to the confidentiality of this chat?
    Theseus> If you'd like to move on from this subject, that's OK.
    Nimitz> oh we are just talking about some stuff in the back ground
    Nimitz> like the election
    Sharpe> yeah, this is the tightest election yet so far in Lego
    Sharpe> even the 2nd election is currently tied
    Nimitz> twice a tie so far
    *** Cort_Haus has joined #LOL
    Sharpe> Hi Cort_Haus!
    Cort_Haus> right, am I here now?
    Cort_Haus> 'Hi all
    Theseus> Wow... if I tried to run an election in GS it would be a slam dunk. "Everyone who wants Theseus to do everything, raise your hand." /me raises hand. Election over.
    Nimitz> hey
    Theseus> Hi Cort.
    Nimitz> it would of been for me 2 or 3 months ago
    Cort_Haus> phew, made it - so have I missed much?
    Sharpe> you aren't THAT short of members are you?
    Sharpe> no just some small talk
    Sharpe> admittedly we are down to about 9 active members
    Theseus> Naw, just kidding around.
    Cort_Haus> So, Interesting Times...
    Nimitz> yes
    Sharpe> yeah, concerning times too
    Theseus> You mean like the Chinese curse?
    Sharpe> curse?
    Cort_Haus> Nothing like the prospect of a World War to focus the attention
    Nimitz> yes
    Theseus> "May you live in interesting times."
    Nimitz> may you live in intresting times
    Nimitz> lol
    Sharpe> ah true I remember that famous quote now
    Theseus> So... now we are talking.
    Nimitz> yes I guess
    Cort_Haus> we're on tenterhooks...
    Theseus> I'm on the edge of my seat.
    Sharpe> yeah, the war seems to have reached a touchy point
    Theseus> Sidenote: It's amazing to me that team participation is down, just when things are as intense as they are.
    Sharpe> To be honest Legoland is concerned about your invasion of GoW's territory
    Cort_Haus> It's been a good war so far for Lego ... less so for the participants
    Sharpe> home area taht is
    Theseus> well, we weren't just going to slug it out in the south.
    Sharpe> been rough on Lego too - though not in combat losses admittedly
    Cort_Haus> well it's not surprising that we weant to take the fight to the enemy.
    Theseus> Rough on Lego how?
    Sharpe> Lots of arguments
    Nimitz> yes true
    Theseus> Ah.
    Cort_Haus> ah (
    Theseus> Thankfully, that has never really been the case in GS... we get along very well (but we were to an extent a pre-built team).
    Nimitz> we get along farly well but things
    Nimitz> that do not directly involve us can lead to arguement on what to do
    Cort_Haus> We er, kind of noticed that Lego didn't want us hitting GoW. We got this ultimatum you see, so we launched our nukes at you. Sorry 'bout that. Should be there any moment!
    Theseus> (I started with that quote CH!!)
    Theseus> lol
    Sharpe> K, to get to the point - Lego has a defensive alliance with GoW - regarding any invasion of their home territory - since neither you nor RP have attacked into their homeland until now - Legoland has remained uninvolved
    Cort_Haus> ok, (ticks off joke on list)
    Nimitz> lol
    Sharpe> until now
    Theseus> We are not in GoW's homeland.
    Theseus> Although we are... close.
    Sharpe> Err, what about that force of yours outside of Yellowknife?
    Cort_Haus> yeah, we're just peering over the border
    Sharpe> 12 knights 4 pikes ?
    Theseus> Outside their territory.
    Nimitz> that is not our it seems
    Theseus> To be honest? We knew we needed to bring the situation on Bob to a head.
    Nimitz> *how
    Theseus> YK is still a level one city.
    Sharpe> level one?
    Nimitz> not expanded
    Theseus> Cultural expansion.
    Sharpe> oh yeah true
    Sharpe> We are concerned about it because if you did attack GoW's cities there , the treaty with GoW would require us to help with their defense
    Theseus> Here's a biggie: We do not want to attack GoW.
    Theseus> But we had to get their, and your, attention.
    Nimitz> so why the troops
    Nimitz> ok
    Nimitz> you have but in the wrong way most likely
    Theseus> Before we go further, can we briefly discuss confidentiality?
    Sharpe> sure
    Theseus> I have not been in a diplo position before...
    Nimitz> ok
    Theseus> What is the commonly accepted set of mores in this regard?
    Theseus> (Gee, talking like a diplo )
    Sharpe> do you mean telling us something that you have discussed with another team or teams ?
    Theseus> More, hmmm, what is the confidentiality of this chat?
    Theseus> For the moment, it's confidential within Lego... what about later?
    Sharpe> We can keep it just between Lego and GS if you wish it
    Theseus> And what about in general? Is there an assumption that all such diplo chats are to be held in strictecst confidence?
    Sharpe> depends on whether you ask it to be confidential or not
    Theseus> Hmmm... what is your current realtionship with Vox and ND?
    Nimitz> usually it stays between the teams
    Sharpe> Vox is a friend - especially since we saved them from extinction
    Sharpe> ND is ... a mystery at times
    Sharpe> why do you ask?
    Cort_Haus> You seem shocked that we'd show troops to GoW's homeland. You can't really blame us for wanting to threaten the enemy where it hurts though - otherwise we just hang around in Spain soaking up 3-mover attacks for ever.
    Sharpe> No, we aren't shocked
    Cort_Haus> So you've promised to help them defensively. Why?
    Theseus> Hang on a sec CH... re confidentiality:
    Nimitz> so you wouldn't destory them
    Theseus> I would like us all to agree that this chat will be held confidential at least between our two teams. I leave it to you when to disclose within Lego. OK?
    Nimitz> you are a powerful nation
    Cort_Haus> So are you.
    Sharpe> All right
    Nimitz> ya but we are builders who don't like wars
    Cort_Haus> so you threaten us with war...
    Theseus> Nimitz? Confidentiality?
    Nimitz> sharpe has answered
    Theseus> OK, sorry, don't know the protocol.
    Nimitz> its usual team agreement
    Theseus> Bear with me for a sec while I lay out some key thoughts:
    Sharpe> K
    Theseus> * Look at the map of Bob; it's all about ND.
    Theseus> * RP is basically done, 'cept we have them on life support.
    Theseus> * We can face off against both ND and GoW in the south all day long. But 1) it's getting boring, and 2) it's non-productive.
    Theseus> * I know that last point is not your concern, and is in a way to your benefit... but understand, we cannot allow the current state of affairs to continue.
    Nimitz> so what you going to destroy some of there cities in the north and then get them to invade you
    Theseus> * We are going to take out either ND or GoW...
    Theseus> Do you think we mean to do this with just 12 Knights and 4 Pikes?
    Sharpe> no we know you have additional forces
    Theseus> Wait a sec please... I was building up to something.
    Sharpe> k
    Cort_Haus> [drum roll]
    Theseus> * We see an opportunity, one that I had mentioned to vondrack.
    Theseus> We want to HIRE GoW.
    Theseus> BRB
    Theseus> I have asked vondrack in the past if this would be OK... and he was fine with it.
    Theseus> Soooooo... how does that match up to your desires / objectives for this chat?
    Sharpe> Hire GoW to do what ? Attack ND?
    Theseus> You betcha. And yes, we know that will require teh absence of RP from Bob.
    Sharpe> yeah, they have said that they want that
    Theseus> I think it is part of their contract with ND.
    Sharpe> we aren't so sure about that "contract" part ....
    Theseus> I think they actually want to do what they set out to do... be mercs.
    Theseus> Which is pretty cool, IMO.
    Sharpe> at first yes, but we haven't seen much sign of that - they do appear to be working together
    Nimitz> I prefer building
    Cort_Haus> what did you guys want to talk about, btw.We already knew you'd declare war on us if we attacked the GoW homeland..
    Theseus> Tangent: BTW, when I am maximally paranoid, I assume that Lego's "building" is all a facade and you are about to descend on us, and also that Beta's new tagline is about the PTWDG and all of our chickens are about to die.
    Sharpe> no, we really are builders
    Nimitz> just wishing to maintain balance
    Sharpe> doesn't mean we don't have a good military though
    Cort_Haus> mais biensur!
    Theseus> Yeah, we noticed the power cahrt!
    Theseus> chart
    Nimitz> we don't you destroyed any more then GoW
    Sharpe> economically GS and Lego are fairly close
    Sharpe> in terms of equality
    Theseus> So, CH had a good question, what were your objectives for this chat?
    Sharpe> We would like to avoid war with GS if possible - so to figure out if there is a way for our defensive pact with GoW NOT to be activated
    Theseus> Ah, ok.
    Nimitz> I almost never have goals for a chat but as this is sharpes I don't know
    Cort_Haus> Heh, join us all in smaking ND!
    Sharpe> some background - why do you think we are part of the alliance with GoW and ND
    Cort_Haus> ahem, smacking
    Theseus> Are you?
    Cort_Haus> Yes, it looked like that with the Ultimatum
    Theseus> But with ND too?
    Sharpe> hard to say , we do have a NAP with them
    Sharpe> not sure how much longer it has to go
    Sharpe> a) we realized that RP was doomed no matter what
    Theseus> Well, to answer, I'd say you want peace in general, a balance of power, and a build-off.
    Sharpe> yes that too re peace and balance
    Sharpe> and c) No one had a clue about what was going on in GoW and ND
    Theseus> what happened to b)?
    Sharpe> your answer was b)
    Sharpe> you know the phrase "Keep your friends close and your rivals even closer?"
    Theseus> Let me cut to the chase: How do you feel about GoW (and Vox? and Lego?) having a good chunk of Bob?
    Theseus> Us too of course... and if we can, we would like to try to restore part of Spain.
    Sharpe> Hmmm
    Theseus> Yeah, that's a definite "Hmmm" moment.
    Sharpe> you are proposing a gangup on ND then?
    Nimitz> well umm I don't know what the team would say
    Theseus> I guess I'm proposing a balance of power sans ND.
    Sharpe> What does GoW say about this?
    Theseus> If anything, and my teammates might kill me for this... I'd like to see GoW STRONGER.
    Last edited by vulture; November 11, 2003, 05:29.
    The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

    Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


    • Part II

      Sharpe> If you don't mind me asking
      Nimitz> I don't think they would do this at all before any NAP with ND was ovver
      Sharpe> how long has this war been going on for anyway in turns?
      Theseus> @Nimitz: Yes, agreed, honor all deals.
      Theseus> @Sharpe: NO idea.
      Nimitz> that has been my policy
      Cort_Haus> But could you at least stay neutral?
      Nimitz> it would depend most likely
      Cort_Haus> depend?
      Nimitz> on what you came up with
      Cort_Haus> you've already been offered territory
      Nimitz> as in if GoW would agree
      Sharpe> no , we mean re diplomatic fallout
      Theseus> ??
      Cort_Haus> with who? GS, GoW, Vox?
      Nimitz> if both GoW and GS agree there would be none
      Sharpe> what Nimitz said , if we had proof that GoW was onboard with this, things would look a little different
      Theseus> I have floated this idea in front of MZ and Un0.
      Cort_Haus> if you help us dismantle ND, we'll hardly hold that against you
      Theseus> lol
      Nimitz> that I know
      Sharpe> question then : why has GoW asked us for help defending against your forces?
      Cort_Haus> to precipitate this conversation?
      Theseus> We needed both a carrot and a stick...
      Sharpe> I doubt it - GoW was quite firm in invoking the defense clause
      Nimitz> yes
      Cort_Haus> good they were nervous
      Theseus> If we can't make happen what we are discussing here, we needed to position ourselves for another course.
      Nimitz> you most likely will not get them to agree by invading
      Theseus> But we would MUCH rather do this.
      Theseus> We have not yet invaded.
      Cort_Haus> Brinkmanship
      Nimitz> it alienates
      Theseus> BTW, I do NOT mean to come off overly aggressive... we are in a tough sot and doing a best we can.
      Cort_Haus> GoW and GS have been forcing each others hand to make not striking a deal wit heach other unpalatable
      Sharpe> hmm, well if you don't invade, Lego won't be forced to join the war... which will please us
      Nimitz> true
      Cort_Haus> So you'd rather we did a deal with GoW?
      Sharpe> if possible
      Cort_Haus> cool
      Nimitz> I think everyone would
      Theseus> Can I digress for a moment?
      Sharpe> k
      Theseus> What's up with Vox? Is it just Beta? Are they just re-building?
      Sharpe> they have 9 cities on Legos Minor
      Nimitz> and have more then Beta
      Theseus> We can see that... we have been waaaay impressed by the re-building.
      Nimitz> we are happy for them
      Sharpe> they seem to be concentrating on working the land - terrain there is rough - which is why we never settled it - that and the hordes of barbs
      Nimitz> too true
      Sharpe> you think that they are building up a military again?
      Nimitz> barb barbs every where and not the time to spare
      Theseus> Barbs... they are weird in C3C.
      Theseus> @Sharpe: Only when I get really paranoid. Although they could be invited to take that isle from ND.
      Sharpe> Isle from ND?
      Sharpe> I don't think ND has an island
      Sharpe> GoW does though
      Theseus> Yeah, to the NW of Bob. Immortals don;t suck... we hae extra Iron.
      Sharpe> no that is GoW 's area
      Theseus> OH!! Sorry, you are right.
      Nimitz> old plans???
      Sharpe> besides, Vox's cities are still so small that their total production is less than even one of our major cities
      Theseus> Well, they would be welcome to participate anyway... I wouldn;t mind tehm grabbing a juicy lux city, to give them a stake in the end-game...
      Sharpe> what Lego is concerned about is what will do you if GoW says no , at least right now no to taking out ND?
      Sharpe> admittedly they have said even to us that things are "open" after RP is gone
      Theseus> Fair point.
      Cort_Haus> You want to know our plan B as well?
      Theseus> Throw bananas?
      Nimitz> Yes why not
      Sharpe> I thought chicken would be first food mentioned here
      Cort_Haus> Well, it looks grim. World War....
      Theseus> Chicken is NOT FOOD.
      Theseus> We'll fight.
      Nimitz> why not I like sweet and sour chicken
      Sharpe> what we hope is that Lego and GS could perhaps come to an agreement to avoid any defense treaty being triggered if possible
      Theseus> Heretic.
      Theseus> I hear ya, Sharpe.
      Nimitz> not in lego
      Theseus> Not sure what to do though...
      Sharpe> out of curiousity, do you find it curious that neither GoW or ND have tried to land on Stormia
      Theseus> They don;t have the troops.
      Cort_Haus> have you seen outr navy?
      Nimitz> you see if war happen in may trigger a bad serise of evennts for all
      Cort_Haus> yep
      Sharpe> you have 12 ships? , admittedly a lot , but about the same as GoW and ND combined
      Theseus> I hear ya, Nimitz.
      Sharpe> and they do have the troops btw
      Cort_Haus> So how come you made this serious comitment to defend GoW against GS? ...
      Theseus> I think we are all at our keyboards thinking "What the heck do I type next."
      Cort_Haus> ... a bit interventionist for builders isn't it - if you don't mind me saying.
      Sharpe> Because we don't want them to invade Stormia...
      Cort_Haus> really?
      Sharpe> yep, more balance thing
      Nimitz> yes
      Sharpe> that is why they haven't tried
      Nimitz> as I said balance
      Cort_Haus> YOu could have sent troops to defend Stormia if you didn't want GoW to invade us
      Sharpe> we would be willing , if we could reach Stormia easily
      Nimitz> but we don't want the opposite either
      Theseus> Cutting to the chase again: IF we can negotiate a deal with GoW, are you OK with a NEW balance: Lego, GS, and GoW, with Vox and RP as supporting players?
      Nimitz> GoW falling
      Nimitz> as I said that is not up to us its up to the team
      Nimitz> we can't make desisions like that
      Theseus> Fari enough... is it something to be considered, and what are yout thoughts on the team's likley thinking?
      Theseus> Fair
      Sharpe> Fair
      Nimitz> I'd say 1/3, 1/3, 1/3
      Sharpe> yeah, Nimitz is right
      Theseus> That's all?
      Nimitz> neutral for and against
      Theseus> Also, would you want to fight, and would you want a piece of Bob?
      Sharpe> the key would be the neutral people on Lego
      Sharpe> that would depend on whether GoW was fully on board with this
      Nimitz> if we agreed most likely
      Theseus> Assume that we can get GoW on board.
      Theseus> (Not that we REMOTELY have)
      Sharpe> it would be a fair agreement re balance
      Theseus> Please guide us as to the communications that would be necessary for the concurrence of the rest of Team Lego.
      Cort_Haus> so am I right that you called this chat to see if there was a way for us to avoid war?
      Sharpe> I think that GoW definitely wants resolution of the RP conflict before they will agree to anything
      Theseus> Not now, but however you feel appropriate .
      Sharpe> yes Cort_Haud
      Sharpe> Cort_Haus sorry
      Theseus> RP must leave Bob, that is clear.
      Cort_Haus> the RP conflict is resolvable, we think
      Sharpe> are you sure that GoW will accept RP only leaving Bob ?
      Nimitz> in other word for GoW it would mean they would get more land them all of our land on bob put together
      Theseus> ??
      Cort_Haus> it's not just about land for GoW, its about the war
      Nimitz> that would be there demand
      Cort_Haus> - ending it
      Sharpe> undoubtedly GoW would want a large chunk of Bob to agree to this
      Nimitz> yup
      Theseus> Yes, that is one of the key things that we can offer.
      Cort_Haus> with ND out of the way t hey can have a contigious chunk...
      Cort_Haus> .. that's better than a few buits the other side of ND
      Cort_Haus> bits
      Theseus> Yeah, I think none of us looks at GoW's territory and say "GREAT, just the empire I wanted to build!"
      Cort_Haus> - which they'll have to fight us interminably for under the staus quo.
      Theseus> BRB... 5 min.
      Sharpe> yeah, GoW is in a bad situation re future strategic resources
      Sharpe> oil rubber won't be likely showing up in their current territories
      Cort_Haus> so you can see we have something to offer them
      Sharpe> true
      Nimitz> ya but I still think they would demand the most land
      Cort_Haus> so there's hope for us all yet )
      Sharpe> as long as others have parts of Bob , even GoW controlling most of Bob would have defensive problems
      Nimitz> and you have to think about that
      Nimitz> the demand
      Cort_Haus> demand?
      Nimitz> of most the land
      Sharpe> what GoW would want in return for their support
      Sharpe> I think that is what Nimitz is saying
      Cort_Haus> OK...
      Nimitz> yup
      Cort_Haus> ... many turns ago, GoW/ND tried to take Spain ...
      Nimitz> and are doing so
      Cort_Haus> slowly
      Sharpe> I don't know about that - the crucial battle seems to be for Pamplona - if it falls RP is finished...
      Cort_Haus> if GoW have a contract to remove RP they've been held up by GS
      Cort_Haus> GS can deliver their contract
      Cort_Haus> RP in Spain would be finished. Not RP
      Sharpe> have you guys thought about a RPxodus?
      Cort_Haus> we musn't call it that...
      Sharpe> doesn't work as well as Voxodus...
      Sharpe> even at least temporarily?
      Cort_Haus> theseeus used to known as RPodus and he doesn't want it used in that way!
      Nimitz> so what you telling GoW right now???
      Cort_Haus> I think you heard most of it
      Sharpe> we have noticed that Theseus is in a room called #gow_cofa ...
      Cort_Haus> Talks proceed with them
      Cort_Haus> well how 'bout that
      Cort_Haus> Theseus has some rapport with some of their guys
      Nimitz> I have an electronic net
      Theseus> rpodos the IRC newbie did not know that you could tell who is in what room.
      Theseus> RPodus... absurd name.
      Nimitz> ah weaklings you don't know the power of the /command
      Sharpe> lol
      Cort_Haus> so, my friends - do you feel nearer to or further from war with GS?
      Sharpe> btw you guys aren't still insisting on "being caught up in tech" in your GoW discussions are you? they weren't too pleased with that
      Nimitz> you actually gave it away
      Nimitz> theseus
      Theseus> How?
      Nimitz> '/whois
      Nimitz> and you were more active you appeared
      Nimitz> easy
      Theseus> So (and this doesn't matter 'cause it is all gonna come out anyway), the room should have been made secret ASAP?
      Nimitz> as always
      Nimitz> I did so with this
      Theseus> Shades of RL.
      Cort_Haus> so where were we?
      Nimitz> what you telling GoW i bieve was last
      Theseus> May I suggest we've accomplished what we needed to here? You do not want to get drawn into a war on Bob, and would like to see "a" balance of power maintained. We are pursuing such a path. GoW is the next step. Yes?
      Cort_Haus> I dunno, I'm not in the room
      Sharpe> yeah
      Cort_Haus> ok, that's it then
      Sharpe> we should continue to talk - been too long between chats
      Sharpe> later I mean
      Sharpe> not have this long gap between chats
      Nimitz> we shall relay the chat to our team and see what they say
      Cort_Haus> how do you get the text out of this Java window?
      Nimitz> umm I don't know
      Sharpe> you have to save the chat don't you?
      Theseus> Agreed. More communication. Much more. I am going to try to make Monday evening my personal chat night. We will report back to you on our progress with GoW, and eagerly look forward to the results of Lego's internal discussions.
      Nimitz> ok
      Sharpe> ok
      Cort_Haus> OK, we'll it's been great talking with you, it's good to see we all agree that we don't want war )
      Nimitz> yes
      Theseus> I have kept a log of most of this chat, and can email it to you if you'd like.
      Sharpe> no we can save it
      Nimitz> I've kept a log of all of it
      Sharpe> thanks for the offer though
      Theseus> Uh, gotta go. Good talk, REALLY good talk. Next, we need to discuss techs.
      Theseus> See ya.
      Nimitz> if we don't end up at war yes
      Sharpe> Bye!
      Nimitz> cya
      Cort_Haus> bye
      Theseus> That's a form of "See ya" too.
      *** Retrieving #LOL info...
      Nimitz> I know
      Session Close: Sun Nov 09 21:32:06 2003
      Last edited by vulture; November 11, 2003, 05:34.
      The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

      Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


      • Sorry, I don't know how to put the names on logs (IRC newb).
        The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

        Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


        • Can you send me the text files please, or upload them and post a link? I would convert them in a readable form and edit them in your posts. The way it is, I don't understand much.


          • I've edited to bring the names out (note to Theseus - stuff in angled brackets, like the name are, doesn't get printed (it is interpreted as being an unknown HTML command and ignored). Removing the opening bracket makes the names visible).


            • Sent to Nimitz :

              Hi Nimitz,

              Do you guys want another chat? We've been working very hard to avoid that world war we agreed that none of us wanted, and would like to update you on our efforts.


              Cort Haus
              Gathering Storm


              • also to NM and Vondrack


                • Reply from NM:

                  I have just posted in the Legoland forum about it. I assume the answer will be yes however.


                  • Had a reply from vondrack - he's keen to chat too - watch this space.


                    • #LegoGSmeeting staropramen


                      • I'll put up the log.
                        The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                        Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                        • Session Start: Sat Nov 22 15:23:55 2003
                          Session Ident: #LegoGSmeeting
                          *** Now talking in #LegoGSmeeting
                          vondrack> the post was abolished
                          vondrack> hello, Theseus!
                          Theseus> Hi!
                          vondrack> glad to see you
                          Cort> hey, T!
                          vondrack> in a nutshell
                          vondrack> I was telling Cort Haus
                          vondrack> that the chat you had with Sharpe & Nimitz
                          vondrack> cause quite a debate in Lego
                          vondrack> *caused
                          vondrack> :sheesh:
                          Theseus> How so?
                          vondrack> primarily because they expressed
                          vondrack> their own opinions and stances a bit as if they were of Lego as a whole
                          vondrack> which they were not, or not completely
                          vondrack> they discussed things that were not discussed in our forum before
                          vondrack> and even things that were discussed and not really approved
                          vondrack> I feel very sorry for what happened
                          Cort> and I said that we guessed they might only been expressing their own opinions
                          vondrack> accept my deepest apologies
                          vondrack> now the tricky thing is
                          Theseus> I thought they were pretty clear that they were not speaking for Lego as a whole.
                          vondrack> ok, it was not as clear from the chatlog they posted in out forum
                          vondrack> ATM - I am "nobody"
                          vondrack> not holding any official position in Lego
                          vondrack> just being the primary player
                          Theseus> Who now leads?
                          vondrack> well, uhm...
                          vondrack> me
                          Theseus> And what is the tricky thing?
                          vondrack> but sort of informally
                          Theseus> Me too.
                          vondrack> the tricky thing is
                          vondrack> that Nimitz, who was present during that chat
                          vondrack> is now our FAM
                          vondrack> but he is not online and I cannot get him to attend to this chat
                          Theseus> Yeah, we've been trying to get into a chat with Nimitz.
                          vondrack> so you just have my word that what I tell you is the official stance of Legoland
                          Theseus> OK
                          vondrack> basically, there is very little I need to tell you
                          vondrack> but it is important
                          vondrack> the message we sent you (that "ultimatum")
                          vondrack> expressed our stance very precisely
                          vondrack> we would not be overly happy having to fight you
                          vondrack> but there are things forcing us to if you attack GoW
                          vondrack> there would be
                          vondrack> I mean
                          Theseus> We have not further entered GoW territory.
                          vondrack> understood
                          vondrack> so - if I may sum up what I needed to tell you
                          Theseus> In fact, we are pretty far along in negotiating a contract with them, as I had previously questioned you about.
                          vondrack> ok...
                          vondrack> I guess no need to sum anything up
                          Theseus> No... go ahead.
                          vondrack> I meant to say
                          vondrack> that I am glad to know you did not consider the chat "official"
                          vondrack> because that was a very important thing
                          Theseus> No problem... but we need to get official.
                          vondrack> the "official" stance was communicated through that message - that one was voted upon (unanimously, I may add)
                          Theseus> Give me a sec to lay out the situation, OK?
                          vondrack> ok
                          vondrack> go ahead
                          *** vondrack sets mode: +ooo Cort Kloreep Theseus
                          Theseus> We are negotiating with GoW for the removal of RP from Bob. This will satisfy their contract with ND.
                          Theseus> In the last turn, RP gifted us 3 out of 4 cities on Bob, leaving them only Pamplona.
                          Theseus> We are gifting them North Stormia for the time being.
                          Theseus> Next turn, we will either take Pamplona, or it will be abandoned.
                          Theseus> Once this is done, we will (hopefully) enter into a contract with GoW for the eradication of ND.
                          vondrack> has this been endorsed by GoW?
                          Theseus> We intend to split Bob with GoW, and then return RP to a limited portion of Bob.
                          Theseus> No, the contract is in draft, and certain key points are being negotiated. Primarily how the land gets split.
                          vondrack> I see
                          Theseus> Lego plays a role in this...
                          vondrack> ?
                          Theseus> We would like your approval of this plan, and commitment not to interfere.
                          Theseus> Further, we would like to invite you to participate.
                          Theseus> If you want.
                          Theseus> We have also discussed Lego settling a (small) piece of Bob as well.
                          Theseus> If you want.
                          vondrack> well, yes, this is where the issue gets complicated for me... or us
                          vondrack> give me a sec to express myself clearly
                          vondrack> an approval to the plan you are mentioning
                          Theseus> We are pursuing the idea of "balance" that your team members has discussed... just a balance of 3 primary teams ratehr than 4.
                          Theseus> Go ahead, sorry.
                          vondrack> would be subject to the approval of that plan by GoW in the first place
                          Cort> .. and if GoW's approvals depends on your approval?
                          Theseus> OF course.
                          vondrack> then perhaps we would have to consult with GoW first
                          vondrack> to be honest, we were briefly informed
                          vondrack> about the negotiations
                          vondrack> we know they took place, that is
                          Theseus> Good.
                          vondrack> what if GoW does not approve the plan?
                          Theseus> We have kept our troops in place for an... alternative resolution.
                          Theseus> We know your position in such case.
                          vondrack> yes
                          vondrack> so, if I read the situation correctly, it's GoW we are all waiting for
                          Theseus> Assuming your team members were not too far off in expressing your desires (i.e., Lego not fighting at the current time), this plan should meet with your approval.
                          Theseus> Hmmm... we are sort of waiting on GoW, but it's really a bit more complex.
                          vondrack> true
                          Theseus> If we can reach an agreement with GoW, will you approve of this plan?
                          vondrack> honestly, we have not even dicussed that possibility yet in our forum
                          vondrack> somehow...
                          vondrack> we believe that the bonds between GoW and ND may be more than just a "contract"
                          Theseus> The play well together.
                          Theseus> But I think GoW really do like being mercs.
                          vondrack> ok, let me state it this way:
                          vondrack> IF YOU GET GOW TO AGREE TO YOUR PLAN (the emphasis is on this part of the statement), Lego is open to all possible resolutions
                          Theseus> I understand the capitalized part, but not the second clause.
                          vondrack> but until we are officially informed by GoW, we are going to honour our current deals and bonds
                          vondrack> the second part says: there is nothing we would a priori mind about the plan you have drawn out
                          vondrack> though it was not really discussed yet
                          Theseus> OK, great... so I'll ask GoW to give you a ring?
                          vondrack> the capitalized part says we are less than sure you can get GoW to agree to it
                          Cort> we think we can
                          Cort> if you are ok with it
                          Theseus> We are "glass half full" types.
                          Theseus> vondrack, I'm going to draft my report to Aggie on this chat for your approval.
                          vondrack> not really necessary
                          Theseus> Just to make sure, OK?
                          vondrack> ok
                          Theseus> "We had a short chat with Lego. They are, of course, maintaining their current commitments, including their support of GoW in the event that we attack your homeland. They are aware of our current contract negotiations, and in the event that we enter into the contract against ND as described, they will not interfere."
                          Cort> how long would it take for approval to get from 'a priori' to definite?
                          Cort> (sorry)
                          vondrack> yes, I think this summary is correct
                          vondrack> just keep in mind (for yourself) I gave much emphasis on that "in the event"
                          Theseus> Understoood.
                          Theseus> OK, then, any techs or luxuries you want to give us?
                          vondrack> LoL
                          vondrack> the only luxury we have
                          vondrack> you alredy have
                          Theseus> At least it's not a friggin' C3C map!
                          vondrack> haven't had time to install my copy of C3C yet
                          vondrack> too much business last days and weeks
                          vondrack> (got C3C only few days ago)
                          Theseus> My first try at an epic game... Japan, no iron on the continent, and India next door!!
                          vondrack> LoL
                          vondrack> cool
                          Cort> India must be better now
                          Theseus> Same problem with time constraints, though.
                          Theseus> I think we are done... unless you want to discuss Lego's (and Vox'?) possible participation in the war on ND.
                          vondrack> that would be premature, I believe
                          vondrack> let's hear what GoW says first
                          vondrack> once we are past that
                          vondrack> we can discuss war on ND
                          Theseus> OK. I will send the above communication to Aggie.
                          vondrack> ok
                          Cort> thanks for the chat
                          Theseus> Oh... is there anything we should know about your gov't?
                          vondrack> gov't? what is that?
                          Theseus> Participation is down?
                          vondrack> all we still have is the FAM
                          vondrack> (NImitz)
                          vondrack> not really
                          vondrack> just that we ended up with very few formal positions
                          vondrack> oh, btw... I think you should know this
                          Theseus> Us too.
                          vondrack> Sharpe left Lego after the heated debate following the chat he and Nimitz had with you
                          Cort> wow!
                          Theseus> REALLY??!!
                          vondrack> yes
                          Cort> Funny, I was looking for him on the members list for the PM to call this
                          Theseus> I apologize if we in some way caused trouble.
                          vondrack> no, it was not your fault at all
                          vondrack> as far as I know, it was him asking your for the chat
                          Theseus> Being unauthorized?
                          vondrack> well, I mean - anything that was a consequence of that chat was a consequence of something HE asked for
                          vondrack> and of the reaction of the rest of the team to that
                          Theseus> DGs can be... intense.
                          vondrack> tell me...
                          Kloreep> Yes, this PTWDG has gotten far too intense at times...
                          vondrack> agreed
                          Kloreep> Hi there, popping back in to the chat
                          vondrack> but I learned more than one lesson here
                          Kloreep> Here's hoping for a carefree PTWDG II
                          Cort> and a bug free one
                          Theseus> BTW, I'd like to compliment you vondrack... you have had one of the cooler heads in the varios DG interactions I've seen.
                          Theseus> We are done here, yes? Back to GoW we go.
                          vondrack> ok, I do not see a reason to keep you any longer - I said what I was supposed to, making sure you do not misunderstand the previous chat, and now it is up to you to finish your talks with GoW
                          vondrack> yes
                          Theseus> See ya... thanks!!
                          vondrack> and... thanks, Theseus. I believe we belong to the same kind.
                          Cort> thanks, bye
                          vondrack> bye
                          *** Cort has left #LegoGSmeeting
                          Session Close: Sat Nov 22 16:07:50 2003
                          The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                          Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                          • to Nimitz:


                            Theseus and I had a chat with Vondrack the other day. We were discussing GS's intended contract with GoW to hit ND, and recieved assurance that as long as we get GoW to agree to the deal, Lego will not intervene against GoW and/or GS in their war against ND.

                            As Lego FAM, we thought we'd like to check with you to confirm that this is Lego's official position, as you see it, and if so, to enquire whether we might be able to move to a formal agreement on this matter.




                            • To Vondrack:


                              Thankyou for meeting with us the other day. It was good to talk with you.

                              Have you spoken with GoW yet about this matter? We are still in negotiations with them and obviously we hope to nail down the deal - and should we get to the point of signing with GoW, we were wondering whether we might be able to move to an agreement with yourselves to formalise Lego's assurance that they would not intervene against GoW/GS in the event of a joint GoW/GS attack on ND.


                              Cort Haus
                              Gathering Storm


                              • to Vondrack


                                As you may be aware by now, GoW are not going to take up the GS offer.

                                National Holiday family commitments in the USA have delayed our turn. There's no way we can proceed on this most critical of turns without a full team discussion. So, Lego and GS are still, thankfully, at peace but if a vote is taken to attack GoW regardless then according to your policy a state of war would, most regrettably, exist between our nations.

                                This begs the obvious question: What would be the conditions for ending such a war?

                                Please consider the following frank and open analysis of the geo-political realities of the world :

                                We compared the size of the continents in the world in terms of tile count as a rough guide to productive power. Here are the findings :

                                Stormia : ~ 200 tiles (including 40 on N. Stormia)

                                Bob : ~ 750 tiles

                                Lego : ~ 400 tiles (exluding approx 80 New Voxia)

                                A glance at this shows that GS's potential productive power is only half that of Lego, and only half that of each civ of a 2-civ Bob. Of the four powers in the world, Gathering Storm clearly has the least chance of winning the game. In fact, our only chance was to (a) try to establish a production centre on Bob and (b) to prevent a 2-civ Bob by defending Spain. With RP eliminated as a power, GS has been facing 2 civs, each with a far-superior Knight unit, and both in Golden Age. With stalemate in the South, our only chance was to strike the enemy at home, but when we tried that we discovered, to our astonishment, that Lego is also comitted to our defeat as well, and we stand on the brink of all powers being openly allied in war against us.

                                If we elect not to attack GoW, we may instead turn round and say to Lego : "OK guys, you win - you've opposed us, defeated us, and we're getting off Bob. ND and GoW between them will soon have 750 tiles; Lego have 400. GS has 160. What do you think about the balance of power now? Are you still against us?"

                                Having defeated RP and driven GS from Bob in the above scenario, GoW and ND would either continue their alliance against another target, or they'd split up with ND, taking the whole of Bob. The Bobian uber-power would then have to decide whether Lego or Stormia is next, and if I was them, the prospect of Lego - already overtaking GS economically, catching up (if not already at parity) militarily, miles ahead on tech, still with a GA to come and industrialising soon - would be more threatening than a technologically backward, diplomatically isolated and militarily defeated GS.

                                True, Lego's 400 tiles against Bob's 750 tiles is better odds than those GS are facing : 200 tiles against 900, but a more even balance of power would see GS's 200 tiles combined with Lego's 400.

                                If GS were to survive as a competing power to the end-game, as pragmatists we would happily play either a build-out or a duke-out. GoW have no intention of there being a build-out, and so far ND seem to prefer military solutions. You guys are the Builder team, albeit prepared to go to war if you deem it necessary, so you'd surely be hoping for build-out rather than ending the game on GoWs terms (btw - if it came to Lego v Bob with GS out of the game, I personally would be rooting for Lego!).

                                So, Legonians, I have laid out some reasons why our nations should not be enemies - on the contrary, perhaps we should now be looking at forging closer ties. What say you?



