Originally posted by Aeson
One of our Carriers (it's heading SW from WW) can bomb Candri before the Carrier moves S further. We have some BB that can bombard Luxilou and Candri as well. What that hopefully does is force ND to stick units on tiles they want to keep improved in the short term, and maybe give them the impression that most of our Navy is heading N. Make sure ND realizes that they won't have much left along the coastlines if they wait around and let us keep the initiative. Maybe also get them producing Jet Fighters instead of Tanks/MI.
One of our Carriers (it's heading SW from WW) can bomb Candri before the Carrier moves S further. We have some BB that can bombard Luxilou and Candri as well. What that hopefully does is force ND to stick units on tiles they want to keep improved in the short term, and maybe give them the impression that most of our Navy is heading N. Make sure ND realizes that they won't have much left along the coastlines if they wait around and let us keep the initiative. Maybe also get them producing Jet Fighters instead of Tanks/MI.
Would focusing on possible invasion positions (forks) be good for us, or bad?
Fighters would be good, and if we've got a carrier fleet with bombers, they must build them.
We have the one Transport up N, 4 of Monsoon. It will be loaded with 8 MI in case we can open up Luxilou or Candri (from behind) for them to be sailed into. It can threaten Luxilou and Candri obviously, or stay back a bit and only threaten them if ND sends out a ship or Fighter to check around.
I would keep them back, right at the edge of a fork on the cities if that is possible. They will probably try to scout, otherwise it becomes a too obvious distraction.