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Turn 256: 1330AD
EotS finishes Bomber.
Hurricane finishes Cruise Missile.
Cyclone finishes Worker.
Typhoon finishes Carrier.
Arashi finishes Marine.
WoC finishes Marine.
AA finishes Worker.
We have Uranium. A source popped up 88 of Arashi. It was GoW's source along their E coast.
Military Advisor:
ND forces:
31 Worker
1 Explorer
20 Marine
14 Cavalry
30 Infantry
103 Tank
44 Mech Infantry
1 Frigate
18 Transport
1 Submarine
9 Destroyer
1 Battleship
9 Nuclear Sub
18 Bomber
4 Ansar
GoW forces:
21 Worker
3 Explorer
31 Marine
10 Cavalry
58 Tank
71 Mech Infantry
54 Artillery
1 Cruise Missile
29 Transport
9 Carrier
2 Submarine
21 Destroyer
3 Battleship
4 Nuclear Sub
34 Bomber
6 Jet Fighter
2 Rider
Unloaded our 12 MI and 4 Tanks into Squall. Rounded up all our Workers and put them in Deluge.
From a naval perspective ND has 2 more DD in play. One off the coast of Lego, looks like it's headed to rounding the tip. Will set up a 3 DD greeting party for it if they continue 5 tiles along the way.
On land ND has a 3/5 Tank defending Cape, a 4/4 Infantry guarding Najran, with 4/4 MI guarding Damascus, Baghdad and Mecca. RP's screenshot shows a Transport just off of Mecca.
Bomber from Carrier 1111 of WW bombing ND 4/4 DD 6 of Luxilou. ND DD 3/4.
Bomber from Carrier 1111 of WW bombing ND 3/4 DD 6 of Luxilou. ND DD 2/4.
Bomber from Carrier 1111 of WW bombing ND 2/4 DD 6 of Luxilou. ND DD 1/4.
GS 4/4 Sub 9999 of Luxilou 112 and attacks ND 1/4 DD 6 of Luxilou. Sub 3/5.
Bomber from Carrier 1111 of WW bombing ND 4/4 DD 447 of Monsoon. ND DD 3/4.
GS 4/4 BB from Monsoon 447 and attacks ND 3/4 DD 447 of Monsoon. GS DD 4/4.
Fighter from OG bombards ND 4/4 Sub 7774 of OG. ND Sub 3/4.
Fighter from OG bombards ND 3/4 Sub 7774 of OG. ND Sub 3/4.
Bomber from OG bombards ND 4/4 DD 114 of OG. ND DD 3/4.
Bomber from OG bombards ND 3/4 DD 114 of OG. ND DD 2/4.
Bomber from OG bombards ND 4/4 Nuclear Sub 11444 of OG. ND Nuclear Sub 2/4.
Bomber from OG bombards ND 3/4 Sub 7774 of OG. ND Sub 1/4.
GS 4/4 Sub 996 of Candri move 36 and attacks ND 1/4 Sub 7774 of OG. GS Sub 3/4.
First intermission...
GS 4/4 BB 7 of OG moves 111 and attacks ND 2/4 DD 411 of OG. GS BB 5/5.
GS Bomber from CV 111 of Typhoon bombards ND 4/4 DD 444441 of Typhoon. ND DD 2/4.
GS Bomber from CV 111 of Typhoon bombards ND 3/4 DD 444441 of Typhoon. ND DD 1/4.
GS Bomber from CV 111 of Typhoon bombards ND 4/4 Frigate 444777 of Typhoon. ND Frigate 3/4.
GS 4/4 DD 44 of Bolderberg moves 111 and attacks ND 3/4 Frigate. GS DD 3/4.
GS 4/4 BB 11111117 of Bolderberg moves 77777 and attacks ND 4/4 Nuclear Sub 3333 of Pica. GS BB 3/4.
GS 4/4 DD 4411 of Typhoon moves 4447 and attacks ND 1/4 DD 444441 of Typhoon. GS DD 1/4.
GS 4/4 DD furthest W moves 47 and attacks ND 3/3 DD 22233 of Flateria. GS DD 1/4. (Close! That was our only fight without backup... that ND DD wasn't there last turn.)
GS 4/4 DD second furthest W moves 4777 and attacks ND 3/3 DD 6663333 of Flateria. GS DD 3/4.
That concludes the naval operation.
EDIT: Forgot about one ND Sub....
GS 4/4 BB 7 of OG moves 11144 and attacks ND 2/4 Nuclear Sub. GS BB 4/4.
Lego Invasion:
GS 4/4 MI attacks ND 3/5 Tank defending Cape of Bad Weather. GS MI 4/5. Cape of Bad Weather captured with 14g.
GS 4/4 MI attacks ND 4/4 Infantry defending Najran. ND Infantry 1/4.
GS 4/4 MI attacks ND 1/4 Infantry defending Najran. GS MI 4/4. Najran destroyed. Captured 14g.
GS 4/4 Tank attacks ND 4/4 MI defending Mecca. ND MI 3/5.
GS 4/4 Tank attacks ND 3/5 MI defending Mecca. ND MI 1/5.
GS 4/4 Tank attacks ND 4/4 Infantry defending Mecca. GS Tank 2/4.
GS 4/4 MI attacks ND 5/5 Tank defending Mecca. GS MI 2/5.
GS 4/4 MI attacks ND 4/4 Tank defending Mecca. GS MI 1/4.
GS 4/4 MI attacks ND 4/4 Tank defending Mecca. ND Tank 2/4.
GS 4/4 MI attacks ND 4/4 Tank defending Mecca. GS MI 1/4.
GS 4/4 MI attacks ND 4/4 Tank defending Mecca. ND Tank 4/5.
GS 4/4 MI attacks ND 4/4 Tank defending Mecca. ND Tank 4/4.
GS 4/4 MI attacks ND 4/4 Tank defending Mecca. GS MI 2/4.
GS 4/4 MI attacks ND 4/4 Tank defending Mecca. ND Tank 1/4.
GS 4/4 MI attacks ND 4/4 Tank defending Mecca. ND Tank 2/4.
GS 4/4 Tank attacks ND 4/5 Tank defending Mecca. ND Tank 3/5.
Well... that wasn't so hot. We can't draft from Deluge because of resistance. So ND has a 1/5 MI, 2 2/4 T, 3/5 T, 1/4 T left in Mecca. That's with at least 2 4/4 MI in the other surviving towns and a 4/4 T and 4/4 Infantry on the Uranium.
We have a 4/5, 4/4, 2/5, 2/4, 1/4, and 1/4 MI left on Lego, with a 2/4 T as well. All out in the open.
Better than I figured we'd do. Thought they'd have 20+ Tanks waiting for us to give them a reason or an excuse.
We are set to finish Miniaturization next turn and build the Internet too. All the cities have been updated to keep them productive at 0% Luxury (we can up the Lux rate next turn, but this turn we need every penny).
8 of the 10 Transports are loaded up. 3 Settlers, 5 Marines, 4 MI, and 52 Tanks. Finishing 3 More Marines next turn, 1 Settler, 1 Transport. Then up to 9 new Marines on the turn of the landing. That gives us 17 Marines total.
4 More Bombers finishing next turn. We have 12, so that will fill our our 4 CV's in play.
Condensed battle report:
GS Bomber bombs ND 4/4 DD. ND DD 3/4.
GS Bomber bombs ND 3/4 DD. ND DD 2/4.
GS Bomber bombs ND 2/4 DD. ND DD 1/4.
GS 4/4 Sub attacks ND 1/4 DD. Sub 3/5.
GS Bomber bombs ND 4/4 DD. ND DD 3/4.
GS 4/4 BB attacks ND 3/4 DD. GS DD 4/4.
GS Fighter bombs ND 4/4 Sub. ND Sub 3/4.
GS Fighter bombs ND 3/4 Sub. ND Sub 3/4.
GS Bomber bombs ND 4/4 DD. ND DD 3/4.
GS Bomber bombs ND 3/4 DD. ND DD 2/4.
GS Bomber bombs ND 4/4 Nuclear Sub. ND Nuclear Sub 2/4.
GS Bomber bombs ND 3/4 Sub. ND Sub 1/4.
GS 4/4 Sub attacks ND 1/4 Sub. GS Sub 3/4.
GS 4/4 BB attacks ND 2/4 DD. GS BB 5/5.
GS Bomber bombs ND 4/4 DD. ND DD 2/4.
GS Bomber bombs ND 3/4 DD. ND DD 1/4.
GS Bomber bombs ND 4/4 Frigate. ND Frigate 3/4.
GS 4/4 DD 44 attacks ND 3/4 Frigate. GS DD 3/4.
GS 4/4 BB attacks ND 4/4 Nuclear Sub. GS BB 3/4.
GS 4/4 DD attacks ND 1/4 DD. GS DD 1/4.
GS 4/4 DD attacks ND 3/3 DD. GS DD 1/4.
GS 4/4 DD attacks ND 3/3 DD. GS DD 3/4.
GS 4/4 BB attacks ND 2/4 Nuclear Sub. GS BB 4/4.
GS 4/4 MI attacks ND 3/5 Tank. GS MI 4/5. Cape of Bad Weather captured.
GS 4/4 MI attacks ND 4/4 Infantry. ND Infantry 1/4.
GS 4/4 MI attacks ND 1/4 Infantry. GS MI 4/4. Najran destroyed.
GS 4/4 Tank attacks ND 4/4 MI defending Mecca. ND MI 3/5.
GS 4/4 Tank attacks ND 3/5 MI defending Mecca. ND MI 1/5.
GS 4/4 Tank attacks ND 4/4 Infantry defending Mecca. GS Tank 2/4.
GS 4/4 MI attacks ND 5/5 Tank defending Mecca. GS MI 2/5.
GS 4/4 MI attacks ND 4/4 Tank defending Mecca. GS MI 1/4.
GS 4/4 MI attacks ND 4/4 Tank defending Mecca. ND Tank 2/4.
GS 4/4 MI attacks ND 4/4 Tank defending Mecca. GS MI 1/4.
GS 4/4 MI attacks ND 4/4 Tank defending Mecca. ND Tank 4/5.
GS 4/4 MI attacks ND 4/4 Tank defending Mecca. ND Tank 4/4.
GS 4/4 MI attacks ND 4/4 Tank defending Mecca. GS MI 2/4.
GS 4/4 MI attacks ND 4/4 Tank defending Mecca. ND Tank 1/4.
GS 4/4 MI attacks ND 4/4 Tank defending Mecca. ND Tank 2/4.
GS 4/4 Tank attacks ND 4/5 Tank defending Mecca. ND Tank 3/5.