Ok. Save's here. Opening it up.
No announcement yet.
Turn 247: 1285AD
GoW sends WM and Ft Spinebreaker un-accepted.
RP sends WM and 200g accepted.
EotS builds Bomber.
Elipolis builds Civil Defense.
Tempest builds Bomber.
Arashi builds Tank.
Sandstorm builds Settler.
Whirlwind builds MI.
WoC builds BB.
Santa Ana builds Airport.
Abilene builds Settler.
Military Advisor:
3 Settlers
31 Infantry
6 Tanks
10 Artillery
6 Ironclad
7 Transports
1 Carrier
4 Submarines
4 Destroyers
1 Battleship
1 Settler
15 Infantry
1 Tank
14 Artillery
4 Caravel
1 Ironclad
4 Destroyer
3 Battleship
3 Bomber
1 Immortal
Strong to GoW and ND.
First look around:
RP has landed their two Transports safely.
ND has a 4/4 DD 44 of Louisxveau.
Barb Camp spotted on Lego.
Lego 4/4 IR Blade 66 of DD near Blizzard.
Lego 1/4 IR Warhammer at it's last position still.
Explorer runs the Vox bottleneck circle spotting nothing.
Explorer views everything it can from coasts.
2 Captured Workers road the Rubber.
Move Settler to Rubber and build city. (Names?)
Capture Worker starts road 2 of Abilene.
I wonder if GoW is teleporting units from Ft Spinebreaker? There is at least 1 Infantry in it.
N Sub named Meatball on Rye.
S Sub named Honey Mustard Ham.
Sub HMH moves 68 and spots Vox 4/4 DD 89.
DD W of Blizzard moves 66 and attacks Lego IR Blade. DD 4/4
Same DD moves 8 and spots 1/4 Lego CV 99. Still has 2 movement remaining.
8 Tanks chained from Lego to Stormia with all the paths cleared by DD first.
4 Settlers and 4 Workers chain from Stormia to Lego along the same paths.
4/4 Tank takes out Barb Camp, 5/5.
Explorer on Lego looks around the Hammer and spots Vox 4/4 BB and 4/4 DD 6 of Lux Invicta blockading access to the inner sea.
BTW, I'm sure you have noticed already, but SA can get some shields from D-ville, so it can get to 80 spt, perfect for art or fighters.
7 More Infantry upgraded to MI at a cost of 280g.
Tempest: Mech Infantry, 118spt, 1t, 8 waste
WoC: Battleship, 105spt, 1t, 5 waste
EotS: Bomber, 102spt, 1t, 2 waste
Santa Ana: Something, 70spt, 2t (still trying to figure out how to get it to 80spt. Can only get it there with -4fpt and throwing off Inchoff and Blizzard's builds... 1 turn Knights if we want though...)
Hurricane: Destroyer, 68spt, 1t, 6 waste
Arashi: MI, 56spt, 2t, 2 waste
Typhoon: MI, 56spt, 1t, 2 waste
Bolderberg: MI, 54spt, 1t, 4 waste
Monsoon: Sub, 52spt, 1t, 4 waste
Tornado: Sub, 52spt, 1t, 4 waste
Dissidentville: Sub, 50spt, 1t, 4 waste
Blizzard: DD, 40spt, 2t, no waste
Elipolis: BB, 40spt, 5t, no waste
WW: Sub, 32spt, 4t, will swap tiles with OG for no waste.
Inchoff: DD, 24spt, 4t, no waste.
OG: Civil Defense, 20spt, 1t, no waste (short rushed to Tank)
SS: Settler, 8spt, 4t, 2 waste.
Cyclone: Settler, 7spt, 1t, 1 waste.
I went back and looked through the threads to find spy stuff. I didn't find when we tried planting a spy in GoW, but it had to have been on the "blitz" turn of 1270AD. That means it's been 3 turns.
Odds the flag is gone:
1275: 33%
1280: ~55%
1285: ~70%
1290: ~80%
1295: ~87%
1300: ~88%
Cost is 138g. I think we should plant the spy this turn. If we fail (50/50 roll if the flag is down) it will reset the flag and we'll be back to 70% by 1300AD to try again.
So planting spy with GoW. Success!
Go team. I mean Aeson!
But seriously, it looks good. Any idea where the Lego transports are?
I'm a lot happier the more tanks and MIs are back in Stormia. I have a feeling we may need them, soon.(\__/)
(")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.
Ah, another voice? It's my fault for the ungodly hours I keep I suppose...
No idea on where the Lego Transports are... all their ships in the area seem to be headed N, so I'd think either to the pole, to try and land on RP, or try and land on GoW. Likely just to hang out at the poles and hope to influence the game against GoW/GS at some point.
I went ahead and founded cities on Lego. I'm not entirely sure how MZ meant to divide things up, so things are still temperary, but we need to cut back on upkeep costs as much as possible right now. Our pocketbook is hurting. Each city founded relieves 1gpt upkeep, and gives us 1 commerce, plus population growth. Once things are finalized we can turn Marines into Settlers if any of the cities need to be moved. There is still plenty of room for barbs to pop up in.
I founded:
Rain Slicker Emporium on the Rubber.
Cloudburst 3 of the Coal near the Rubber.
Deluge 4 of the FP Wheat.
Squall 3 of the G Wheat near the Vox chokepoint.
Dust Devil 4 of the Desert Oil.
Windswept 9 of where Quanto was.
All names are up for debate, I just went with the first thing that popped into my head. (Well, that which was topical at least)
I'm going to send a short note to MZ explaining the cities.