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GoW - Diplomacy Comments #3

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  • #61
    It would be very good if we could get GoW to see that.
    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


    • #62
      At this moment, don't say anything to GoW. The first moment we can start to find out whether the Bob-MPP is still active is the moment we set foot on Bob. Before that, all it can do is to spoil the suprise, and hence the small chance we've got.



      • #63
        Originally posted by Cort Haus
        If we're fighting for pride and second place, and assuming that an attack on Bob would trigger the ND-GoW MPP, should we now tell GoW that should the war with ND be taken eventually to Bob, GS has no territorial aims there? (Though reinstalling RP in Spain would be a brilliant ending for us.)

        Put bluntly to GoW : "Join us against ND and you win."
        I think the turn of the invasion, when we have the turn, and have investigated our target(s), then will be the time to talk. If possible I'd like to get a chat with MZ going before playing out the turn if it looks like we will be able to land rolling on Bob. Might be some negotiating power at that point. (Especially if GoW/ND are being really friendly and aren't guarding border cities...)

        But not a word before then.


        • #64
          Also I wouldn't say we're fighting for pride and second place. That might very well ve all we're capable of at this point, but we're definitely still trying our best to finish as high as we can.


          • #65
            Yes we have not conceded at this point. We are trying to remove or reduce one obstacle. If they works, we can see where we stand and what can be done, if anything.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Aeson
              If possible I'd like to get a chat with MZ going before playing out the turn if it looks like we will be able to land rolling on Bob. Might be some negotiating power at that point. (Especially if GoW/ND are being really friendly and aren't guarding border cities...)
              We've got to be realistic. We are going to continue with the invasion if we get a chance, whether GoW likes it or not. Whether we wait until the first city falls or not is irrelevant... so let's wait until we capture a city and see a rolling invasion coming. If GoW would get involved, we would aim for different targets, obviously, but otherwise we don't want to risk any good relation we've got. If we fail to invade, we can still send them a message saying: "hey, we attacked ND, they were too strong. Basically all we can do now is to stay on our island and drop a nuke from time to time. Please send us some wine to lighten our last hours"



              • #67
                The old Bob for Bobians treaty is still in place - according to what MZ said some time ago -(

                If so we can expect to have two foes on Bob, perhaps with the UnO/H_E axis within GoW unlikely to favour GS.


                • #68
                  GoW is opportunistic. If they see that we've got a shot at taking out half of ND, I'm sure they will consider if they can somehow take the other half. Or at least think about giving us one more turn before attacking us, if we promise to leave Bob. I don't see them entering the war on our side if it is going to cost them a lot, but without cost and with big gains, I'm sure they will. Don't forget that if they want to fight us, their cost is a lot higher than when they just watch, and let ND be damaged.



                  • #69
                    Technically we might not be on Bob when GoW gets the save even if our invasion goes off perfectly.

                    The exchange of the AA city site (claim) for Dyes is fine with me. We'll send the 10gpt too.


                    • #70
                      Vox are surely gonna be keen on Miniaturisation - Offshore Platforms must be what they've been waiting for ever since they arrived on their mountain paradise.

                      There may even be time for them to become a power again - especially if someone gave them even more land on Lego, perhaps in return for assistance in a war.


                      • #71
                        good ideas Re: Vox. However... they won't be of any direct use in a war... their army is too small. And we're not exactly in a position to promise them land either


