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Turn 240: 1250 AD
Sorry for asking.
The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
Not at all
After a night sleep, I think we should definately go for the 2-1-(1) scenario. I should have thought of it before, though, as I then could have left 3 T at home.
What I have in mind:
241: We have 12 completing build (13, if we rush a DD in Blizzard). Right now, these are scheduled as M. Build 12 M. Upgrade as many I as possible.
Chain 12 M + 3 I + settler to the Northern fleet
N fleet consists of 52 M, 3 I, 36 T, 5 settlers, 1 empty TR.
242: We can't build 8 M without serious rushing, but we could build 5 (I think). If not enough, we need to divert more cash to rushes.
Chain 5 M + 3 MI to N fleet.
N fleet consists of 57 M, 3 I, 3 MI, 36 T, 5 settlers. No empties left.
243: D-day.
We have another 11 or 12 builds that finish this turn. 8 of those can be M, the rest I strongly suggest MI, or at least something defensive (T could also work).
I doubt our second leg in the chain will be in place, but you never know.
We invade Sando, and see how the attack goes. If we just can't break through and need a couple more M, we empty a T (I think we could e.g. put 8 T on land, no need for outright disbanding. But the troops will be useless that turn). We chain from Hurricane the final batch of troops... which could also consist of extra MI.
Possible N fleet can consist of 65 M, 3 I, 3 MI, 36 T, 5 settlers. 8 of those spots will land, but can't move anymore and are exposed.
I like this method... it holds the least risk, and compared to the 1-1-1 scenario it gives more M for certain, and more M in total. It could potentially be costly (losing movement on 8 T), but in case our 57 M can't break through, I think we will welcome a solution where we can ship a few M to us.
Vondrack, in the public forum:
Fourth, minor world power?? So the team with the biggest production, most powerful army and a considerable tech lead is tired of being the fourth world power? Sure ...
Being very restrained and not saying anything though.
I saw it too. Don't forget they are fishing as crazy here, they want us to respond. And their assessment is not that far off, I think the 4 of us are close together (GoW obviously on top, as they are in mob too).
I was tempted to post a screenshot of the F11 screen, we are 4th for about everythingWho cares, it's the military that counts for the moment.
I've overlooked something so far. Well... it was more a mistake because I miscounted Lego's casualties... there were 3 subs on our side, and we only sank 1 of them. The Northern one should be somewhere in the region of Hurricane (BTW, we spotted a DD near Panama Vox a few turns back). The Southern one should now be somewhere in the region of our South and Deep South fleet.
I'll go scouting next turn with our Southern sub, maybe we can spot it.
242: We can't build 8 M without serious rushing, but we could build 5 (I think). If not enough, we need to divert more cash to rushes.
Chain 5 M + 3 MI to N fleet.
N fleet consists of 57 M, 3 I, 3 MI, 36 T, 5 settlers. No empties left.
Would it be possible to include an Explorer instead of a Inf? We have a decent estimate of where the FP city is, but without the ability to confirm our guess we are taking a huge chance. I don't think Lego will keep inland fortressess manned, rather favoring coastal Cities and perhaps coastal Hill fortresses. So we should be able to uncover most of what we want to see with one Explorer.
Our Fighters can Recon too of course. If they get shot down on Air Superiority missions on t-1 though we'd be in the dark again.
We invade Sando, and see how the attack goes. If we just can't break through and need a couple more M, we empty a T (I think we could e.g. put 8 T on land, no need for outright disbanding. But the troops will be useless that turn). We chain from Hurricane the final batch of troops... which could also consist of extra MI.
Though it's not so much fun trying to change specific units around in a stack of Transports. We'd need to delete an Inf outright, but it would almost surely be "saving" 3 Tanks for our use, which is more valuable. Unless we could land them on the Hill we want to build our harbor city on, Lego would almost have to attack the stack of 8 exposed Tanks with their Cavalry. They won't get any better targets.
I don't think we need to spot Lego's Subs next turn. Either they will have sight of our fleet(s) already, or they won't sight our fleet(s) at all with them. Even their Subs can't keep up.
I think we should send our N Sub 222. Mid Sub 777 to join up with the fleet if Lego sends their BB's due S and we bombard them, or 77 otherwise. S Sub 888. Two of our Subs need healing badly, and cover until then. The 4/4 Sub can help us cover our chain after D-Day (if such a chain is possible). Other option with that Sub is to send it N to watch Vox.
Should we plant a spy with Vox? If we find they have no navy we don't have to worry about more Subs to watch them with. Probably worth the cost. Plus we should quickly see how they are going to respond to all this.
Originally posted by Aeson
We have a decent estimate of where the FP city is, but without the ability to confirm our guess we are taking a huge chance. So we should be able to uncover most of what we want to see with one Explorer.
Probably would want to drop out 2 Inf (or 1 Inf if we take an Explorer) and 5 Tanks if it comes to that. Gives those lame duck Tanks some cover at least, and keeps 3 more Tanks we can keep active.
Though it's not so much fun trying to change specific units around in a stack of Transports. We'd need to delete an Inf outright, but it would almost surely be "saving" 3 Tanks for our use, which is more valuable. Unless we could land them on the Hill we want to build our harbor city on, Lego would almost have to attack the stack of 8 exposed Tanks with their Cavalry. They won't get any better targets.The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
You need one empty space in the TR stack, as the boat that drops the extras, is not the same one as the one that will transport those freshly chained M to Sando. You need shuffling space. But let's worry about the technicallities of that the moment we see we need it... As long as in prinicple it's possible, it's fine.
Including an explorer should work... however... didn't I use the last one last turn to shortrush a M?
I just checked: sorry, no explorer ready. There are 3 in transport already. We could rush the one in Inchon, should be something like 16 gold or so.
How does an Explorer uncover the FP?
We can probably use our Fighters on Recon missions, but they could get shot down too. Given the importance of identifying the FP city I think we have to have an Explorer along. Sorry for not thinking of this before.
So lets rush the one in Inchon.
Oh, I never knew that... you have to be able to see a town/city on the map to be able to investigate it?The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
Erhm... Aeson, there is one already on board of our Northern fleet. You're talking about a second one, to be shipped next turn, right? I'm not sure if we discussed this beforehand, but it made sense to me to include one in the first wave...
And Theseus: yes indeed. You have to have the square itself uncovered before investigating. Also, fighters don't see very far, and as our carrier isn't going to be able to keep up with the TRs, it is likely it won't be with us anymore on D-day.
Diversion: what if we build a couple of bombers early, and pretend they are based on our carriers, instead of kept aside to be rebased on Legoland? Would that distract any BBs? I'm not sure how we can fit it in with the M builds, but a couple could work.
Originally posted by DeepO
Erhm... Aeson, there is one already on board of our Northern fleet. You're talking about a second one, to be shipped next turn, right? I'm not sure if we discussed this beforehand, but it made sense to me to include one in the first wave...
I thought we had gone without one for some reason.