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Backup player or replacement needed!

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  • #16
    Dom was on the team at one point as well. I have read that some players were upset about who ran the game.

    In any event it would be nice to see any or all of them stop by and make another contribution. What happen months ago is long gone now.

    I would expect that the number of months is the big issue and to put in the effort needed by CH and DeepO is so taxing. You just can't say enough about how they got the game rolling in such good shape. You need to look at the land we have and the lack of saltpetter to see what a job was done by them and Nathan.

    If they had had Legos land the game would have been over now.


    • #17
      Originally posted by vmxa1
      If they had had Legos land the game would have been over now.
      Darn tootin'!!

      And not just the latest rounds of MM... Nathan and Dominae and Arrian were tremendous builders in the early game. It was really a sight to behold; improved my early game quite a bit.

      Regarding the team's history and absences: I had a big hand in assembling our dream team, and is has saddened me a lot to see some of the contentiousness, both in- and out-of-team, result in some of best players (and people) peel away. But, as has been said, it's burn-out too. Hopefully people are still checking in once in a while, and rooting for us.

      Anyway, Krill, we've all said it before, and we'll say it again: don't worry about your age. What counts is skill, and working as a team to back each other up, dream up and implement excellent plans, and avoid mistakes.

      And to all you lurkers... Dominae, Nathan, nye, even you Vel, and any others... you are all WELCOME at the victory party!!
      The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

      Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


      • #18
        I wonder if this type of game could go faster with say 3 teams on small map. Maybe just a bit bigger than small.

        If they games could be done in 6-8 months players may not get burned out.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Theseus
          And to all you lurkers... Dominae, Nathan, nye, even you Vel, and any others... you are all WELCOME at the victory party!!
          I ain't goin' if the crusty Teuton don't go.
          (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


          • #20
            PS. I will play turns if I am needed and people want me to. After a bit of a break I almost feel recharged.
            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


            • #21
              Maybe time to put this a bit formally. In case you don't hear from me within ~20 hours of receiving the save, could you play it? Probably CH as first choice, Arrian next, and if that doesn't cover it, nye perhaps? Normally, I'll try to warn when I don't have the time to play the save, but you never know.

              Practically: do you guys have enough information in the last turn thread, and in the Smith's thread to play the turn? MMing is not that important, I try to include the critical parts in the build list (where it for instance says that a certain city needs a chop to be perfect on building something), all the rest is at your own discretion.


