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Turn 202: 870 AD

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  • Turn 202: 870 AD

    - ND sends an accepted offer for 100 gold. Accepted. that's 150 gold next turn

    - RP sends their WM. Accept. Send an accepted offer for our WM as well. Their map shows less FoW, especially the area North of Bob.

    - Cyclone builds worker, starts worker.

    - D-ville builds our first factory. needs 8 shields to end harbor in 2 turns... forest-chop perhaps?

    - Tempest builds factory, starts hospital. Needs a few RRs on hills for eta of 4 turns, absolute priority (it is going to be our best producer)

    - SS builds worker, starts worker

    - Inchon builds harbor, starts aquaduct

    - 1332 gold, 80%, 656 bpt, -72 gpt
    - 46workers

    In general, the specific worker moves are not covered anymore, it gets too tedious. Only important stuff is mentioned.

    - RR and mine on El Paso 6. Last flat RP land done.

    - RR on Tempest 1 (2 workers complete, + extra 2 workers) 77, 2. eta hospital -1 (to 4)

    - 5 workers forest, chop, and mine D-ville 7 and 3 (mine on 3 needs 2 more workers to complete). D-ville running a -2fpt, but can give one of its bonus grass to SA. food will be solved once harbor completes.

    - Galley2 moves 9966. All of Antarctica spotted, returns home.
    - our Southern most galley Moves 998, bothering Lego's pickets a bit, they maybe get used to seeing galleys sailing past.
    - our Northern most galleon moves 8778. Will return towards Stormia via the North.
    - Northern most galley moves 666
    - last Galleon (near RP) moves 3333.

    workforce shuffles
    - Cyclone set back to ideal pattern (needs this every turn).
    - D-ville gives unimproved bonus grass to SA. Takes coast instead.
    - SA takes grass instead of coast.
    - SS back to ideal pattern
    - Inchon and Elipolis switch hill and grass again. Inchon timed right so that aqua and growth coincide.

    - Sufa gives bonus grass to Tornado for 1 turn. Needs the shields for eta factory -1. Sufa takes Tornado coast instead.

    Current Builds

    Eli : harbor in 7
    Inchon : aqua in 20
    WoC : Iron Works in 5
    Inchoff : market in 14
    Diss : harbor in 2
    Santa Ana : factory in 13
    Blizzard : factory in 3
    Monsoon : factory in 15
    Arashi : factory in 4(one shield short on eta -1)
    WW : factory in 9
    Tempest : hospital in 4
    SS: worker in 2
    Hurricane : factory in 1
    OG : factory in 13
    EotS : Hoover Dam in 4
    BB : factory in 3
    Cyclone: worker in 1
    Tornado : factory in 1
    Typhoon : factory in 6
    Sufa : factory in 28


    - Lego doesn't have Sanitation yet. Vox neither.

    - Lego, GoW have Corp, ND hasn't

    - in F11, we're still #3 in production, even with 2 facories extra. With our updated map, we can count again on RRs in other teams, but not tonight, please, I've got a full agenda.

    - turn will be sent in 5 minute.

    - PM to GoW regarding tech choice will be sent right after that.

    Next Turn


  • #2
    The #3 in production is probably down to our FP being too far south.


    • #3
      ND has bought corporation from Lego... more and more, I'd like to invade them instead of Lego...



      • #4
        I feel that, DeepO. I really do.

        And I'd say go for it, but for my belief that it guarantees Lego's victory, and I'll not accept that. For two reasons: 1) I still hold out some hope, however small, for a GS victory, and thus taking down the #1 power is key; and 2) because, reason aside, I'd dearly love to pay Lego back for opposing us in the Bobian war. Even more than I'd like to pay ND back for tech whoring.

        grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

        The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


        • #5
          I too have had enough of ND. If we cannot get GoW to make a deal to go for Lego we should then try for a deal with ND.

          If we can't win, we at least need some satisfaction. Those guys are very arrogant and not too bright either. You almost have to wonder if they did not have a deal from day one with Lego.


          • #6
            Agree, vmxa1. If GoW doesn't cooperate to our wishes, we take it to Bob again. At least some fun should be had with this game



            • #7
              Out of curiosity, has anyone been keeping track of which tiles have been chopped already? It might be useful to keep track of, so we know which tiles we can use to plant forest, chop and rebuild irrigation / mines to get 10 shields (withouth losing the use of the tile). It'd be annoying to do that on a tile that's already been chopped. It'd make planning builds that can be hurried by chops a little easier (once all the ground work has been done). If we haven't done any replant-chops, then it's pretty straight forward - check which tiles were initially forested, and which no longer are.


              • #8
                vulture, I am keeping track of that, yes. There is a screenshot in de Smith thread, but it is not the latest, I've got another one on my pc (in .cpt form, which is easier for me then jpg)



                • #9
                  See the log for GoW message. Normally, I have some time tomorrow to chat with MZ, and will try to do so. CH, or anyone else: please join if you can. We need to discuss a few things with GoW, otherwise we're going to be the only ones to be ready for war.

                  Things I want to discuss with them:
                  - timing of invasion (~turn 240)
                  - 'payment' of them: we can supply them with 2 expensive techs, but will need something in return as well... one of those things can be gold for upgrades, another could be e.g. flight and the promise to not share any techs to ND (and Lego, obviously)
                  - ND's tech plans, and how they fit into the invasion
                  - our own tech plans, and how they are timed.



                  • #10
                    Sounds good to me :b

                    I echo the sentiment about a possible alliance between ND and Lego from the get go.

                    I also echo the sentiment that we need to hit Lego hard and fast and plan for the next war with ND after a war with Lego...or even...the possibility...of a war on two fronts...
                    "If you're not having fun, then you're losing the game."-Copyright Warrior Poet 11/18/2002 "No plan survives first contact with the enemy."-Tsun Tzu -Don't know when B.C.

