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The RR thread

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  • The RR thread

    Okay... some place to start discussing RR priorities. We had some discussion on this in one of the turn threads, and I think everybody agrees there (at least those that have commented). But after those first few cities, a lot is open. We can currently (710 AD) put 10 RR each turn, and this number will rise once Cyclone gets into 1-turn workerpump.

    So, please discuss the following:
    1. priority: Arashi. This is practically done, it only needs one RR in less then 10 turns to be able to get the ToE in 10 turns, the fastest we will need. Not really a concern anymore

    2. Cyclone. Not my personal favorite (I would have preferred EotS first instead), but close, and the practical situation more or less demands its full RRing in 720 AD. 1-turn pump is nice, nobody will argue there.

    3. EotS. partly in 720 AD, partly in 730 AD. Will finish completely in 740 AD for sure (that is not only the RR, but also the necessary extra mines). We need it to be sure of Hoover.

    4. a path to WoC. By building a path from the desert near SS, over some tiles near SA, to WoC, we should get free movement over most of our territory. Should be finished in 750 AD, maybe even in 740 AD.

    5. WoC. If we want to get something out of the IW, we need that city to grow. It will be at the expense of nearby cities, but we should max it out in both pop, and shields. As a rough guess, we can make 30 shields there, before waste. That should currently mean 20 shields after waste. Or 40 shields with the IW. It can become our first producer.

    I think it is worth it to boost its population: first improve everything WoC can use, then add as many workers to the city as happyness permits. (currently to size 11, once we build the aqua). This should happen in 760 or 770, depending on completion time of the aqua. some 15 turns later, the IW is ours.

    6. The previous cities were top priorities, but after that, a lot will depend on situations. Sometimes, +1spt can make a big difference in eta. I'm not perfectly sure yet, but in general, I'd like to RR those cities that are
    a. close to either EotS or Arashi
    b. not fully improved yet
    c. are low on land tiles.

    for me, Tempest is first, Hurricane comes second, and then D-ville, Tornado, Monsoon, BB, Blizzard, Typhoon, Sufa, OG, etc. Elipolis can come last, as it has little to gain, especially once WoC takes a lot of tiles from Inchon.

    I propose to allways go for one city, and not start with one worker crew for each city. It doesn't really matter in terms of shield output, but would make planning a lot easier. Of course, as much as possible, workers should not RR alone, but always in crews of 3, to be as efficient as possible.

    Oh, and if not really needing the tiles (like e.g. in WoC), hills and mountains come after all the rest is done. They take longer to complete for the gain: 2 irr plains or grass can become 1 RR irr + 1 mined RR plains in 9 worker turns, gaining 2 spt. 2 hills need 12 workerturns for the same effect. 2 mountains even need 18. exceptions on case by case basis, of course.

    Any comments on this?


  • #2
    The question that jumps out at me:

    How does the RR plan help us win?

    An uncertain subject, to be sure.

    My gut reaction is that you are right about concentrating Workers on our big producers first, sequentially, but then perhaps spreading them out to help all of the lesser cities/towns concurrently... more flexible?
    The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

    Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


    • #3
      The main help we are looking for is to speed up the key wonders.

      After those cities, I would think we should consider railing the perimeter. This will allow us to free up those blockers and allow us to mass defend any spot.

      I would then worry about what tiles should have priority. At least that is my normal approach.


      • #4
        Originally posted by vmxa1
        This will allow us to free up those blockers...
        How so?
        The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

        Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


        • #5
          It should no longer be required to have every tile covered by units, once rails are on coastal tiles. We should be able to free up those that cannot be reached in one turn.

          They can't send attacks to all tiles at once, so we should be able to send units to cover as we spot the ships. It won't free up all the units, but we should be able to spare quite a few.


          • #6
            True. Three naval pickets can then do the jobs of 9 or 12 land units in quiet sectors.

            Just be careful how it is done.
            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


            • #7
              Speaking of which, how many ships do we have left? We should probably think about getting them into position to act as pickets, and we need to decide whether or not we are going to build more ships. Ironclads? Or wait for Destroyers?

              grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

              The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


              • #8
                As long as nobody has marines, our best defenses remain to be our sea wall. I fully admit we have to start building our navy. We currently have 2 galleys, and 3 galleons IIRC, and that's it. I would wait for destroyers though, as it would coincide nicely with factories getting up everywhere. We don't need any navy now, but will need it in 30 turns time.



                • #9
                  Once we finish with our attempt at Hoover via ToE, I think it will be in our best interests to slow down the tech pace.

                  We will need time (and possibly money) to produce a modern navy. Our shield production, especially in many of our coastal cities, is quite low. We can tweak that with our workers and WF shuffling, but not by all that much.

                  What is it that allows destroyers, again? Refining? Anyway, not only do we need to build the ships, but we will also need to build additional pikemen and catapults (and get rid of the knights and WC's) for upgrade to infantry and artillery.

                  Pike -> Inf = 120 gold each
                  Cat -> Artillery = same, I think.

                  That be a whole lot of gold.

                  Therefore, I suggest that we should - nay, NEED, to take our foot off the gas after ToE. We will need a huge sum of money for upgrades, and our production-starved empire needs time to a) build factories*; b) build more units. Lots more.

                  * - yes, we need industrialization. My hope is that we can trade AT for Ind.

                  grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                  The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                  • #10
                    destroyers come with Combustion, Arrian. But you're very right that we would be best of to not race ahead in tech too much. The only real exception I see is Industrialisation: the faster we get that, the better. And if others are not going to research it in time, I would go full speed for it. There is no point in waiting for 20 turns before GoW finally researchs it, if we can get it in 4-5 turns. Especially not if we see Lego getting it, we can't let them get to Marines before we can.



                    • #11
                      Agreed there.

                      grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                      The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                      • #12
                        True we need industry quickly.


                        • #13
                          okay, let's get somewhat back to the original topic (please, keep discussing the other things, I don't want to threadjack a threadjacked thread ): plans for RRing in the coming turns.

                          We currently at the end of 720 AD. We've done Arashi (which might need one more hill RRed), Cyclone, and part of EotS. We've got 32 workers. So next turns:

                          730 AD
                          34 workers
                          - 5 mines at the 4 furs and EotS11. 15 WT (worker turns).
                          - 6 RRs at 4, 41, 1, 11, 3, 33. 18 WT.
                          That leaves EotS at 38 or 39 spt (before waste, so distract 2 shields), and either at no, or -1fpt. I don't understand, I was calculating with 33 spt, not 36 spt. Oh well, too bad We still can use the tiles, as our prebuilds will not end before acquiring ToE (I'm still counting on that)
                          - last worker starts on SS87

                          740 AD
                          35 workers
                          - 1 worker left from last turn. 1 more ends SS87.
                          - 12 workers for SA 21, 2, 7, 78
                          - 15 workers for WoC 23, 2, 1, 4, 21
                          - 6 workers mine WoC 2, 21.
                          - last worker starts on WoC 77.
                          Estimated eta for aqua: 760 AD (could be 770 AD, I'm not sure. If we can't gain enough shields to get 1 turn off, we should not mine, but only get the extra food instead)

                          750 AD
                          As WoC doesn't gain from extra shields, this turn (only next turn), focus on Tempest in this turn.
                          37 workers.
                          - 1 leftover on WoC 77, add 1 to complete.
                          - 21 workers for Tempest 6, 62, 63, 69, 32, 7, 74
                          - 3 workers to mine Tempest 23
                          - 9 workers for OG 36, 3, 8.
                          - 2 workers for BB 8 (am I correct in thinking one of them will use its movement next turn, the other finishes without ending its movement?)

                          760 AD
                          Either all workers (39) go to WoC if it has completed its aqua, to fully improve it and adding 5 of them to the city (it can support size 11 before a marketplace), or everybody goes to Bolderberg, Hurricane or Tornado to improve those cities, and return to WoC one turn later.

                          BTW: WoC should probably build its IW before starting on a market for maximum efficiency in terms of shields. Commerce is something else, of course. IW and then market will be build some 3 turns faster then market and then IW. And if all goes well, we should be able to build a factory before a market, to even further speed things up.



                          • #14
                            It is often wise to start the IW asap, that way if the iron was to deplete, we still can finish it. As long as the town is strong enough to do it in a reasonable time frame.
                            I won't do it with one of those 90 turn build towns.


                            • #15
                              I thought that if you ever were able to build the IW in a town, it won't disappear if either iron or coal moves? This might change things, we still need 4 or 5 turns on the aqua before we can start on IW. Currently, we can get to 18 spt before waste (with RR), meaning some ~12 spt after waste. At size 11, that is likely to rise to ~20 spt after waste.

                              we have 60 shields in our aqua.

                              So either we build IW now, and switch from the aqua, meaning we end in roughly 20 turns without aqua, or we wait 4 or 5 turns and end at size 11 in 20 turns. (it might be one turn off, this estimate). The difference is that we have to add 5 workers, but gain an aqua, and the commerce those 5 extra citizens provide.


