Okay... some place to start discussing RR priorities. We had some discussion on this in one of the turn threads, and I think everybody agrees there (at least those that have commented). But after those first few cities, a lot is open. We can currently (710 AD) put 10 RR each turn, and this number will rise once Cyclone gets into 1-turn workerpump.
So, please discuss the following:
1. priority: Arashi. This is practically done, it only needs one RR in less then 10 turns to be able to get the ToE in 10 turns, the fastest we will need. Not really a concern anymore
2. Cyclone. Not my personal favorite (I would have preferred EotS first instead), but close, and the practical situation more or less demands its full RRing in 720 AD. 1-turn pump is nice, nobody will argue there.
3. EotS. partly in 720 AD, partly in 730 AD. Will finish completely in 740 AD for sure (that is not only the RR, but also the necessary extra mines). We need it to be sure of Hoover.
4. a path to WoC. By building a path from the desert near SS, over some tiles near SA, to WoC, we should get free movement over most of our territory. Should be finished in 750 AD, maybe even in 740 AD.
5. WoC. If we want to get something out of the IW, we need that city to grow. It will be at the expense of nearby cities, but we should max it out in both pop, and shields. As a rough guess, we can make 30 shields there, before waste. That should currently mean 20 shields after waste. Or 40 shields with the IW. It can become our first producer.
I think it is worth it to boost its population: first improve everything WoC can use, then add as many workers to the city as happyness permits. (currently to size 11, once we build the aqua). This should happen in 760 or 770, depending on completion time of the aqua. some 15 turns later, the IW is ours.
6. The previous cities were top priorities, but after that, a lot will depend on situations. Sometimes, +1spt can make a big difference in eta. I'm not perfectly sure yet, but in general, I'd like to RR those cities that are
a. close to either EotS or Arashi
b. not fully improved yet
c. are low on land tiles.
for me, Tempest is first, Hurricane comes second, and then D-ville, Tornado, Monsoon, BB, Blizzard, Typhoon, Sufa, OG, etc. Elipolis can come last, as it has little to gain, especially once WoC takes a lot of tiles from Inchon.
I propose to allways go for one city, and not start with one worker crew for each city. It doesn't really matter in terms of shield output, but would make planning a lot easier. Of course, as much as possible, workers should not RR alone, but always in crews of 3, to be as efficient as possible.
Oh, and if not really needing the tiles (like e.g. in WoC), hills and mountains come after all the rest is done. They take longer to complete for the gain: 2 irr plains or grass can become 1 RR irr + 1 mined RR plains in 9 worker turns, gaining 2 spt. 2 hills need 12 workerturns for the same effect. 2 mountains even need 18. exceptions on case by case basis, of course.
Any comments on this?
So, please discuss the following:
1. priority: Arashi. This is practically done, it only needs one RR in less then 10 turns to be able to get the ToE in 10 turns, the fastest we will need. Not really a concern anymore
2. Cyclone. Not my personal favorite (I would have preferred EotS first instead), but close, and the practical situation more or less demands its full RRing in 720 AD. 1-turn pump is nice, nobody will argue there.
3. EotS. partly in 720 AD, partly in 730 AD. Will finish completely in 740 AD for sure (that is not only the RR, but also the necessary extra mines). We need it to be sure of Hoover.
4. a path to WoC. By building a path from the desert near SS, over some tiles near SA, to WoC, we should get free movement over most of our territory. Should be finished in 750 AD, maybe even in 740 AD.
5. WoC. If we want to get something out of the IW, we need that city to grow. It will be at the expense of nearby cities, but we should max it out in both pop, and shields. As a rough guess, we can make 30 shields there, before waste. That should currently mean 20 shields after waste. Or 40 shields with the IW. It can become our first producer.
I think it is worth it to boost its population: first improve everything WoC can use, then add as many workers to the city as happyness permits. (currently to size 11, once we build the aqua). This should happen in 760 or 770, depending on completion time of the aqua. some 15 turns later, the IW is ours.
6. The previous cities were top priorities, but after that, a lot will depend on situations. Sometimes, +1spt can make a big difference in eta. I'm not perfectly sure yet, but in general, I'd like to RR those cities that are
a. close to either EotS or Arashi
b. not fully improved yet
c. are low on land tiles.
for me, Tempest is first, Hurricane comes second, and then D-ville, Tornado, Monsoon, BB, Blizzard, Typhoon, Sufa, OG, etc. Elipolis can come last, as it has little to gain, especially once WoC takes a lot of tiles from Inchon.
I propose to allways go for one city, and not start with one worker crew for each city. It doesn't really matter in terms of shield output, but would make planning a lot easier. Of course, as much as possible, workers should not RR alone, but always in crews of 3, to be as efficient as possible.
Oh, and if not really needing the tiles (like e.g. in WoC), hills and mountains come after all the rest is done. They take longer to complete for the gain: 2 irr plains or grass can become 1 RR irr + 1 mined RR plains in 9 worker turns, gaining 2 spt. 2 hills need 12 workerturns for the same effect. 2 mountains even need 18. exceptions on case by case basis, of course.
Any comments on this?