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Turn 184: the real 690 AD

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Dominae
    Another point: we might to sell some of our Barracks. Many of them will only be sucking up gpt for quite a while.

    Ah, but we have Sun Tzu's!


    • #17
      Silly me.

      I assume we sold all our old Barracks already, then?
      And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


      • #18
        You know, I'm not sure we did. We only had a couple of barracks when we rushed Sun Tzu, but it's possible they could have been overlooked.

        Check EotS, Arashi, Hurricane... older core cities.

        grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

        The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


        • #19

          - Typhoon completes lib, starts worker
          - At this point, 'break' into the build queue, go to Blizzard, and change to worker. exit queue
          - Sufa builds worker. Starts worker
          - SS builds worker. Starts worker
          - Blizzard builds worker. Starts worker

          222g, steam in 2 turns @60%, 449 bpt, 43 gpt.
          Reason this is 20 gpt lower is that RP is not paying us gpt anymore, ambassadors please look into this!


          - 3 workers gather around SS. One starts to mine a plain. I can correct the mistake of last turn, but it is not so optimal... still worker in 2. Starting with WF distribution as Dom said.
          - Sufa worker moves close to Cyclone
          - WoC workers moves toward Arashi
          - 3 workers just done forting the hill near Monsoon move to M6. Forest.
          - 8 workers on A9 move to M6, forest, chop, and irrigate. Net effect: 10 shields to Monsoon, 1 turn of its uni.
          - all workers from A6 move to A7. 2 start to plant forest (I didn't dear to use 4, I remember to have read something that workers now finish their tasks at the start of the turn. That forest should not be planted before other workers can chop it in the same turn.)

          - all troops left over from the shuffling last turn fortify

          - Galley2 moves 2222, to go see if there's a little island down there (I doubt it, but you never know)
          - our Western most galleon moves 3222 to uncover some more fog.
          - our Southern most galley (off the coast of Panama Vox) moves 223 to uncover some more fog. Should have been 226 to spot Lego coast, but my hand slipped. Not important.
          - Northern most galley moves 888
          - last Galleon (Eastern most, quite close to our Western most on the other side of the dayline) starts near the same caravel, which seems to have stayed in the same spot. Moves 2222.

          workforce shuffles
          - D-ville uses 4 mountains, gives iron back to Monsoon.
          - Monsoon uses iron again, instead of other mountain
          - Inchoff moves one worker from a coast to a mountain. Harbor speeded up by one turn.
          - Inchon changes entertainer to tax collector (probably a mistake I made last turn... which has cost us 1g.)
          - SA moves one worker from a coast to mountain. Can switch to something more foody in 2 turns.
          - Hurricane changed to use the plains instead of coast (as it has to give one fur to SS). Doesn't effect our eta of steam. Has to change back next turn, or the one after that... not sure.
          - SS set to work 2 fp, 1 fur, 1 desert. Next turn mine will complete on one of the plains, so that the fur can be given back to Hurricane.
          - Sufa gives enough shielded grass to Tornado, and takes the wheat to get 5spt, 4 fpt.
          - Dom, Re: your super-micro move, I'm not sure... currently, I have the CH complete in 4, not in 5 (without shortrushing the settler), but I think I need the shields from the plain as I will lose them next turn to SS. I'm not sure, it could be that I missed it, it is quite complex. In case I see next turn I can give one of Hurricane's shields to Tornado, I will.

          Current Builds

          Eli : Aqua in 13
          Inchon : CH in 1
          WoC : Aqua in 9
          Inchoff : Harb in 5
          Diss : market in 5
          Santa Ana : Lib in 3
          Blizzard : worker in 1 (will start market after that)
          Monsoon : Uni in 15
          Arashi : ToE in 14 (13?) via Palace
          WW : aqua in 15
          Tempest : bank in 8
          SS: worker in 3 (will go down)
          Hurricane : CH in 4
          OG : Mkt in 9
          EotS : Hoover Dam (via Sistine)
          BB : lib in 6
          Cyclone: worker in 1
          Tornado : Uni in 16
          Typhoon : worker in 2
          Sufa : worker in 2


          - Lego has ToG
          - GoW has both ToG and Magnetism! Did they research Magnetism themselves? Or did we trade it to them previously?
          - sent Chemistry to RP, everybody else has it.
          - Does RP need another lux? they have a size 9 city now.
          - ND has a new city on 'our' coast, and has an extra silks to trade. We don't have an extra lux, though. What was the word on GoW's lux situation?

          - barracks have been sold already

          - turn will be sent asap.

          Next Turn



          • #20
            Originally posted by DeepO

            - Lego has ToG
            - GoW has both ToG and Magnetism! Did they research Magnetism themselves? Or did we trade it to them previously?
            - sent Chemistry to RP, everybody else has it.
            - Does RP need another lux? they have a size 9 city now.
            - ND has a new city on 'our' coast, and has an extra silks to trade. We don't have an extra lux, though. What was the word on GoW's lux situation?
            we sold magnetism to GoW

            I think chem is ok to give to RP now, I think the Gow nda has expired, but...


            • #21
              Um, I sure hope we didn't break a NDA with that Chemistry trade.

              grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

              The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


              • #22
                That is a good point. The game could use a means of tracking that so honest players don't mess up.


                • #23
                  Wow.. just checked the current trade thread. I'll send a message to RP that they don't accept Chemistry, we have to wait another 3 turns.

                  Totally forgot about it, I hope not more of these mistakes surface, I'm dead tired from my weekend.



                  • #24
                    It is a trivia matter really, that RP gets Chem 3 turns too soon.


                    • #25
                      Someone needs to explain to them that there's no silver medal here, and no glory in accepting second place when you have a legitimate chance at first.

                      Maybe this is exactly what they are after. Although IMO it goes against the spirit of the game, if this is what they have chosen, then there is little to be done about.
                      Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
                      Then why call him God? - Epicurus


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by DeepO
                        Dom, Re: your super-micro move, I'm not sure... currently, I have the CH complete in 4, not in 5 (without shortrushing the settler), but I think I need the shields from the plain as I will lose them next turn to SS. I'm not sure, it could be that I missed it, it is quite complex. In case I see next turn I can give one of Hurricane's shields to Tornado, I will.
                        I did not take into account Worker actions in my comments (I assumed they would all stand still for some reason), so it makes sense that our approaches differ here.

                        In short, what I'm trying to get going is a 2-turn Worker-pump in Sandstorm, and a 2-turn (later, 1-turn) pump in that southern city (I forget the name right now), at the expense of "efficiency" in other cities. Obviously I understand that ToE and Hoover are priorities, but apart from those cities our Worker-pumps top the list. I'm sort of consufed as to why Sandstorm is on 3-turn Workers when we could have 2-turn instead; will it drop from 3 to 1 through Worker actions?

                        And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


                        • #27
                          RP message: see log. Please give suggestions for another city here, and I'll transfer them to RP.

                          Dominae: a 2 turn pump in SS is my priority as well. If I didn't mess up the worker actions last turn, it would have shown 2 turns... now you see 3 turns, but it will go down and finish in time. Currently, we're at the 1st of 2 turns.

                          I fully agree that those pumps are top priority, and yesterday I was checking if we couldn't make SS into a 1-turn pump as well (it's close, but I think it stops at 9spt. It can reach 10fpt using 2 fps, 2 plains and the rest deserts). But as much as possible, I want to keep Hurricane at max commerce, as it uses its commerce most efficiently.

                          And Cyclone (the other pump): it will cut into the other cities efficiency, but not by much. Already I'm concentrating workers there to get it going once we have steam (and hopefully coal).

                          Oh, BTW: the reason we need those workers are of course RR at first, and adding them to cities later, but in the mean time I'd like to forest-deforest every possible tile to speed factories / hospitals. Once RP has been researched, we should get more then 1spt out of every worker, before hospitals (and after RR) that is the best we can get. We will probably keep those pumps going until our pop is fully maxed out.



                          • #28
                            On the ill-fated Physics trade with ND, a two-way negotiation was definitely expected. 600g was very cheap for Physics - less than 2 turns of output only. Bartering a price is not being 'greedy', and selling yourself short on hard-earned tech doesn't sound like a good policy.

                            However, if we had known that ND had no interest in locking Lego out, we'd have realised that the market price for Physics would tumble, as Lego would heavily discount to prevent the other teams making the smart move and isolating them.

                            ND created the impression of approving GAUL while intending no such thing. We were not being greedy, but negotiating in good faith while in return they refused to negotiate and instead turned round and drove a bus through GAUL.

                            I think vmxa1 is right in his card-analogy. For a decent game you expect and need all sides to play hard, rationally and competitively. If #2 refuses to work with #3 and #4, but instead helps #1 to victory, it just sucks.

                            ND can delude itself that it has the terrain to compete with Lego long-term, but GS and GoW have no such hope. Maybe ND think that if Lego are weakened, they themselves will become GS-GoW's next target.


                            • #29
                              as nye mentioned in the other thread: if ND doesn't help against Lego, they do become the next target.



                              • #30
                                I would say that is a just reward for their actions. If it gets to the point we are closed off from any chances to win, payback time.

                                No need to try for second or third. Just have some fun.

