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Turn 181 : 660AD

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  • #31
    CH, I don't care how how many ways there are to figure out a value. I mean it is useful, but in the end if you get nothing from a tech that should be worth something to others, you have over priced it.

    Physics cost X to reseach and is worth Y. If you get nothing for it that is what it is really worth. IOW it is worth what someone willing to pay for, not anything more.


    • #32
      Dominae, maybe you needed to have it said, but it was obvious from the beginning. Both you and Nathan are micromanagers, it was only normal that that would clash. I always found it a pity that you felt it necessary to go lurking, though.

      It is true, Nathan has a particular style of posts and play, and yes he took control. But we needed someone to guide, and he has done a very thorough job here. And, you have to admit that once everybody realized he was doing good for the team, there was little discussion. He took a lot of advice from everybody, and truely was the one who made the teams wishes into game moves. Sure, he took a lot of freedom, but always in the spirit of the team.

      But something else: You see we're struggling here to keep the team running. If nobody objects, I'll take the helm in turn 182, and will try to get us to ToE. After that, I hope Cort will continue... but we can use more players. If you want to get more involved, now is the time to speak up, you would be helping the team. There is no need to fear too many cooks, the kitchen seems desolated at times.



      • #33
        Originally posted by asleepathewheel
        Ah thanks for that DeepO. Its been so long, the memory is a bit fuzzy, you know. I wasn't all that active back in the beginning (the great players here were a bit intimidating) and couldn't remember how active he was.

        All of those players but Aeson still carry the GS shield, I wonder if they've lurked recently.
        Still crazy after all these years.

        To be honest, I am recuperating from dg/civ overload. I should be in shape if and when I am really needed, but in the mean time I felt that a strong hand at the tiller had done very well for us in the past and that CH has been doing a great job, so there was very little for me to say.

        Perhaps it is unfortunate, but ministries and delegation never really caught on with us. We seemed to naturally prefer whole group consensus with one or two leaders/players right from the beginning. That is great for most of the team, but to be honest it can be hard on the leader(s).

        I do regret that CH did not ask for or find more help before it became a burden for him. Maybe leaders need to ask more, and people need to be more ready to step up when asked.
        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


        • #34
          As far as I know (and hope), CH isn't out... we're just giving him a bit of well-deserved vacation



          • #35
            Yep, as the old REM song says "take a break, Driver 8, you can reach your destination".


            • #36
              Originally posted by Cort Haus
              Yep, as the old REM song says "take a break, Driver 8, you can reach your destination".
              (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

