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Turn 181 : 660AD

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  • Turn 181 : 660AD


    GoW are trading Mil Trad to Lego for ToG. I can't be bothered to get upset anymore, it's becoming satirical, and I'm thinking "ho hum, lets just watch Lego nick our Wonders and laugh". Another 3 turns till Lego have ToG, so there goes Medicine...

    Cyclone completes Worker
    Sandstorm completes Worker
    Monsoon completes Marketplace, starts University

  • #2
    I can understand GoW's logic on this one. They're not helping Lego, since lego have no use for MT now that we're not invading. And GoW get ToG earlier, and hence can start on medicine earlier, which helps us.

    The flipside is that Lego didn't know they didn't need MT, so they would have wasted 4 turns researching it. Don't think they really thought it through properly, if they are indeed trying to embargo Lego.

    Do we believe GoW saying that they are close to Copernicus?


    • #3
      At least we are getting under lego's skin vis a vis Sistine. check the agreement boys, its legit. I bet they are thinking any turn now we will complete it and they will have a 500 shield university.

      re: copernicus. we are closer to that than GoW. the question is, are we closer to newton as well. probably 3 turns til Lego gets ToG. Gow is probably what, 6 turns from completing cpernicus now...

      Letting GoW take copern would be dopey, lego would probably just build both newton and sistine in the meanwhile, us holding the proverbial bag.


      • #4

        Are you still enjoying this game?

        Is there anything I could personally do to take some of the load off you? This game is incredibly taxing and frustrating dealing with all these shifting alliances and such. We've already lost a who's who of civ3 players: barclay, dominae, aeson, notyoueither, sir ralph, shiber. I would hate to lose you to burn out as well.


        • #5
          The Turn


          Cyclone completes Worker
          Sandstorm completes Worker
          Monsoon completes Marketplace, starts University

          349g Steam Power in 5 turns @80%, 502bpt, -56gpt


          SS worker moves 444
          Cyclone worker moves 888
          1 workers add to fortress build at Hurrican-9 and completes
          6 workers fortress Sandstorm-6
          2 workers add to fortress at Blizz-32 and complete
          12 out of our 13 mountain coastal tiles are now fortressed, the last completes next turn
          There are 5 hills - 4 on the west coast and one on the north - to be done - (finish after after rails)
          3 workers from Arashi start Fortress WW-9

          Shortrush granary in Inchon (1s) for CH in 4 turns
          Mine WoC-1 for extra 1s - while aqua building.

          1 Galleon moves 6666 out of Hurricane, other moves 6222
          NE Galley moves 222
          N Galley moves 666
          W galley moves 222

          Warrior BB-3 moves toward OG for disband. Knights shuffle round.

          Change WW Hanging Gdns to Lib
          Change Hurricane to Copernicus
          Change Diss Oracle to CH

          Current Builds

          Eli : Aqua in 33
          Inchon : CH in 4
          WoC : Aqua in 14
          Inchoff : Harb in 6
          Diss : Courthouse in 1
          Santa Ana : Lib in 6
          Blizzard : Harb in 2
          Monsoon : Uni in 19
          Arashi : ToE in 17 via Palace
          WW : Lib in 1
          Tempest : Newton in 2 (shows Sistine)
          Hurricane : Copernicus in 1
          OG : Mkt in 17
          EotS : Hoover Dam (via Colosseum)
          BB : Bank in 1
          Tornado : CH in 1
          Typhoon : Lib in 5
          Sufa : Lib in 2


          Resent ToG accepted to GoW. It's worth trying to persuade them to reconsider.


          At turn end : 345g Steam Power in 5 turns @80%, 502bpt, -53gpt

          [b]Next Turn[b]

          Lots of build completions to look forward too.


          • #6
            Hurricane will build copernicus next turn
            Tempest will bulid newtons in two turns.

            Woot! FU lego/gw/nd

            What are the plans for those cities post wonders?


            • #7
              Originally posted by asleepathewheel

              Are you still enjoying this game?

              Is there anything I could personally do to take some of the load off you? This game is incredibly taxing and frustrating dealing with all these shifting alliances and such. We've already lost a who's who of civ3 players: barclay, dominae, aeson, notyoueither, sir ralph, shiber. I would hate to lose you to burn out as well.
              I agree with this, the game itself is very taxing. If only I knew I could handle it, I would do something more official...

              I have to correct one thing, though: Dominae never really was involved in the GS game, he decided in the first few weeks to become a lurker. He didn't burn out like the others have. It is the ISDG (and the AU) where he is most active, he never was here.



              • #8
                Sleepy - thankyou, yes please that would be great It's time for a change, and it's starting to show. I've been hanging on for these science wonders - that'll be a good place to draw breath. Just ... two ... more ... turns ...

                I have to rush now, but I won't send the saved turn for a few hours, so as to get a message out to GoW later. Lego don't have ToG for another 2 turns, I think. We need GoW researching medicine now, while we're steam-hammerin' through Steam Power. If they'd gone with it last turn when we send it, they'd have already got started on it.


                • #9
                  We're still not guaranteed to get those wonders though - it's not like SP where being 1 turn to go and no-one else having completed the wonder means you can't possibly lose it. We still can in principle.

                  Still, we can always build Sistine as a backup plan.

                  Our building is coming along quite nicely now. Good sftuff CH.


                  • #10
                    Further: GoW can't beat us if they think they can do it with their capital. Not even Newton's either. Lego can't take Newton... so that's also good news. And Lego trading ToG to GoW is also not exactly a problem from Lego's side. It is from GoW's side, though... if they gotten it from us, they could have gotten it already, and started on Medicine right now, instead of in 3 turns.

                    What we need is a agreement from GoW that they can trade Medicine to Lego, but we get a 1 or 2 turn advantage over them. We will need that for ToE... if Lego starts on SM before us, we're no certain of ToE.



                    • #11
                      Ah thanks for that DeepO. Its been so long, the memory is a bit fuzzy, you know. I wasn't all that active back in the beginning (the great players here were a bit intimidating) and couldn't remember how active he was.

                      All of those players but Aeson still carry the GS shield, I wonder if they've lurked recently.

                      Vulture: we created an embassy with GoW in 600ad, they were showing copernicus in 14 turns (but they could possibly do it in 13), so we are 6-7 turns ahead of them for copernicus and newton.

                      The question is, should we send a note to them before we send our turn saying we will complete copernicus next turn, and sorry, but we've been building it for quite a while, and assurances from one team out of 3 competing isn't good enough?

                      I would much rather have copernicus than sistine, which is essentially the trade, though sistine is obviously not a guarantee. We really don't need the happiness all that much, do we? even if we were in a state of war with other teams, and thus no luxs, would we need it? I don't think so. I think cathedrals/colleseums in the largest cities are sufficient. Not that many of our cities will actually go above size 12 in the game.


                      • #12
                        We want both Science wonders, no doubt. I told GoW in the chat we were very close to finishing both of them.


                        • #13
                          I wouldn't send to GoW that we will complete next turn, you never know if they somehow mess up our plans. However, we can say we'll be a lot faster then their capital can be, as they know we've established an embassy.

                          As to Sistine: Indeed, we won't really need it, we're already maxed out in most cities... also, and maybe they don't realize that, it's not because of cheap cathedrals we would gain future profit from that, our cathedrals are already built...



                          • #14
                            I have to wonder if GoW and ND still see us as a big threat. If so, throwing a monkey wrench in our attempts to get the science wonders makes sense.

                            I really suspect they want to hurt us a bit. That is smart from their point of view. They need to slow down us and Lego. They are probably figuring that letting out some air in our tires now cost them very little. They may even be able to fient complete innocence.

                            I can't believe they don't know what they are doing. They have had a war with us, not Lego. Human nature is to hold a grudge.
                            This can cloud judgement.


                            • #15
                              I am glad to see others are starting to get upset about the Sistine sham. Anyway we need those science wonders. I do not feel any obligation to tell GoW anything, they have not exactly been dealing wiht us on the best possible level.

                              Trading MT to Lego for a tech that they knew we would give them, is just unconscienceable.

                              What ND did is the same, but I had expected less from them.

