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Turn 175 : 600 AD

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  • Turn 175 : 600 AD

    The save is fixed! And we've learned something from the bug.

    For ages the F4 screen showed no contact between GoW and Lego. This was, I'm sure, connected to the RoP bug GoW were having. That bug was while Lego were trying to get into position to thwart our northern front against GoW.

    Now we hear that some golds payments weren't forthcoming and everyone holds their breath hoping it's not fatal but we're back - AND the F4 screen now shows contact between GoW and Lego.

    Conclusion? Lego were paying GoW for something. We know that Lego were on 90% cash two turns ago.

    The beaker-count this turn shows a 10% deval for Economics, and 30% deval for Metallurgy. Only us and GoW have Physics.

    So, I reckon GoW sold Metallurgy to Lego, who have just researched Economics.

  • #2
    After 1 turn of 80% (last turn), we can finish Magnetism at 70% (our break-even rate) this turn then take ToG in 4 turns at 70% to reach the IA on turn 180.

    MZ's response suggests IA tech trades are likely, with us being invited to a 3-way chat with ND about tech on thursday, or a on-to-one with him at any time.

    If a 3-way deal can be made, we may be looking at 19 turns from the IA to Sci Method (Medicine (trade) + Steam(6) + Electicity (7) + Sci Meth (6)). That's 24 turns from now. The Smiths thread has the wonder-planning on it - currently looking at Arashi's current bank being the ToE prebuild, and EotS building Hoover after it's cathedral. If we got Industrialisation in the mix, there may be other wonder configurations, which Arrian can ponder on


    • #3
      This is... troubling.

      Why would GoW be selling Metallurgy to Lego if they plan to invade? Why shorten Lego's timeline for entering the IA? They're the ones talking about the "small window" between MT and Steam. Why help Lego close it? Am I missing something?

      I'd be curious to see if they mention this suspected tech deal in the chat. Might be interesting to ask both of them if they have recently or plan to trade any tech to Lego and see what GoW says.
      They don't get no stranger.
      Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.
      "We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail." George W. Bush


      • #4
        The Metallurgy trade could have been pre-arranged back during the war, or they were desperate for the 500 they needed to pay us, or they're just slags. Both ND and GoW have been promiscuously trading with Lego for their short term gain, and long term detriment. Maybe they just don't think like us.


        • #5
          OK, I checked the last few turns, and I think Economics actually dropped 10% last turn (590), and Metallurgy had dropped 10% in 570, and by 30% in 580. So either GoW supplied Metallurgy to ND and Lego, or ND discovered it themselves the turn after.

          So Economics was discovered the turn after we investigated, which might explain the 10% Science on that turn, their last on Economics.


          • #6
            I'm suprised that lego would research both navigation and economics. Perhaps they were thinking that we would go all out for smiths and they wanted a backup GA trigger?


            • #7
              GoW is building copernicus in imperial city.

              They were not building it last turn

              however, I think the largest non gw they could build was a uni, so that would put them ~halfway ~200 shields from copern.

              Will we build copern before we get ToG? The dreaded wonder casacade!


              • #8
                Our Copernicus is ripe in 7 turns. Fancy an embassy with GoW anyone?

                I think Uni's and Banks are both 160s, aren't they? Maybe GoW do want Medicine after all.


                • #9
                  GoW's could be Magellan ....


                  • #10
                    ... if Imperial City is coastal


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Cort Haus
                      Our Copernicus is ripe in 7 turns. Fancy an embassy with GoW anyone?

                      I think Uni's and Banks are both 160s, aren't they? Maybe GoW do want Medicine after all.

                      I thought unis were 200. I don't know.,

                      how much would an embassy cost?

                      are there anyother cities on lego we would like to investigate? I know that we can't see some on the interior, but some on the coast might hold secrets. Jackson, being the one I have in mind as they built something there, pyramids, a long time ago, probably stillone of their most powerful cities.


                      • #12
                        Should we get in touch with ND / GoW about sharing the costs of investigating currently unseen Lego cities, and sharing maps, so that the entire of Lego's interior becomes known (without Lego knowing we know). Worth mentioning at the chat? If there is a genuine plan to invade Lego, that information would be very valuable (plus give us an idea of what their interior garrisons are like).


                        • #13
                          GoW should be getting at least 25 spt in Imperial, if they already have 200 shields there they could do it in 8, our prebuilds are what 7 and 8. I guess this is where going first comes in handy. Is it worth buying the embassy?

                          If GoW are building a wonder it could only realistically be smiths, newtons, copernicus, ToE, sistines or sufferage. I really hope they're going for either copern or newtons and that we can beat them to both

                          On the other hand perhaps they are going to go all out for espionage and it's a intel agency prebuild.
                          Are we having fun yet?


                          • #14
                            Lego have three or four big coastal cities. Magellan is probably coming via a Palace out there. They're all expensive to look in though (~175g). The cheapest is actually >40g, Toco-something, on the west coast, on a desert and size 2. We'd see some tiles though.

                            In fact, it would be possible to see maybe 60% or their map by investigating cities. It would cost nearly 600 to investigate 4 major cities for wonders.


                            • #15
                              89g for an Embassy with GoW. Would it be rude to that before the chat?

                              Yes, 200s for Uni, sorry.

