yeah, I'm not sure what we should do.
The main question is when will lego learn physics. If they gain it before Vox gets demo, then we could trade it. otherwise we would be giving lego a what, 20% discount on it?
I suppose we could be honest with them, that we would be willing to trade them physics once lego has it due to the tech depreciation.
Maybe something like: (my internal comments are in () not communicated to vox)
Dear Vox
We would love to make a deal with you, but unfortunately it seems that every tech we get either through our own research or through trade, you gain through your own means either the same turn or shortly thereafter. (subtly alluding to Lego's only giving them techs that we already have). And we are not sure that we could give you enough gold and fur to make a trade worthwhile to you. (trying to avoid saying we are running 100% science, I don't know how to tiptoe areound the subject better) We might be able to offer you a tech in a few turns depending on the geopolitical environment, but that is unclear at this point.
Alternatively, we could add: To put it bluntly, we feel we are in a tech race with Bob and Lego and fear that trading some techs that we will have in 8 turns will depreciate the costs significantly. Fortunately or unfortunately, the tech trailblazers have to bear a much higher cost when making scientific breakthroughs. But I don't need to tell you how this works, we are all pros here. (well, I'm an amateur but I'm told what to say
) So you see, we're in a bit of a dilemma.
alternatively, we could respond by saying that we will talk in a few turns (before the discovery) in the meanwhile seeing what lego/nd has discovered, then make an offer. Surely lego will have physics in 8 turns, they would fall far behind otherwise....
I just don't know what to do. I'm a big softie and feel bad telling these guys its straight off.
I know its probably not in our interests to make a deal.
The main question is when will lego learn physics. If they gain it before Vox gets demo, then we could trade it. otherwise we would be giving lego a what, 20% discount on it?
I suppose we could be honest with them, that we would be willing to trade them physics once lego has it due to the tech depreciation.
Maybe something like: (my internal comments are in () not communicated to vox)
Dear Vox
We would love to make a deal with you, but unfortunately it seems that every tech we get either through our own research or through trade, you gain through your own means either the same turn or shortly thereafter. (subtly alluding to Lego's only giving them techs that we already have). And we are not sure that we could give you enough gold and fur to make a trade worthwhile to you. (trying to avoid saying we are running 100% science, I don't know how to tiptoe areound the subject better) We might be able to offer you a tech in a few turns depending on the geopolitical environment, but that is unclear at this point.
Alternatively, we could add: To put it bluntly, we feel we are in a tech race with Bob and Lego and fear that trading some techs that we will have in 8 turns will depreciate the costs significantly. Fortunately or unfortunately, the tech trailblazers have to bear a much higher cost when making scientific breakthroughs. But I don't need to tell you how this works, we are all pros here. (well, I'm an amateur but I'm told what to say

alternatively, we could respond by saying that we will talk in a few turns (before the discovery) in the meanwhile seeing what lego/nd has discovered, then make an offer. Surely lego will have physics in 8 turns, they would fall far behind otherwise....
I just don't know what to do. I'm a big softie and feel bad telling these guys its straight off.
