Actually there's another possibility aswell, we get RP to agree to us selling cities to ND for peace between GS and ND and further agreements, kinda like (4) but with RP approval. We could even get RP to gift us the other non-pamp city they have to trade to ND aswell.
These cities are likely to be razed anyway so we might aswell get some use out of them. Some members of RP should see it that way....
I don't think we should be too pushy with regard to these cities and RP they are afterall RP's cities to do with what they like.
These cities are likely to be razed anyway so we might aswell get some use out of them. Some members of RP should see it that way....
I don't think we should be too pushy with regard to these cities and RP they are afterall RP's cities to do with what they like.