the control of the save will never fly publicly, some attempts at directly sharing saves was broached by Bigfree this summer and well, it wasn't pretty.
re: RP
I'm coming to your pov
If not for us they would have been eliminated quite a long time ago. we are the only ones who have stood by them. If they are so willing to throw that away, then so be it. Then they would be no better than their nemisis.
What do you propose we give them, the entire north stormia, save elipolis? We would maintain the watch until they were in position? Perhaps after we abandon for them the north, we could leave, say 3 knights in place to make sure there was nothing fishy going on. And have a huge garrrison force in elipolis itself, just incase?
(I think I know what Sir Ralph is going to say about these plans
re: RP
I'm coming to your pov

What do you propose we give them, the entire north stormia, save elipolis? We would maintain the watch until they were in position? Perhaps after we abandon for them the north, we could leave, say 3 knights in place to make sure there was nothing fishy going on. And have a huge garrrison force in elipolis itself, just incase?
(I think I know what Sir Ralph is going to say about these plans
